He thought to himself.
If this time, the opponent can still avoid it in advance.
That means…
His previous guess was absolutely correct!
The monster in front of him actually controls a door that can penetrate all his offensive intentions.
As for what kind of terrifying ability this is?
Shengqi couldn’t think of it.
He only knows a little.
This ability is unprecedented!
Never have!
A word burst out from his throat, and Sheng Qi’s brows were oppressed with a fierce aura, holding a giant que, and his movements were very crisp and quick, without any sloppiness.
The shock generated by the giant que’s slash caused the space around the blade to twist and tremble.
The terrifying innate qi entwined around the blade, causing the blade to make a buzzing sound.
The space seemed to be squeezed and twisted and trembled.
And Ying Changge’s body once again experienced the feeling of being locked in space.
Ying Changge’s body movements and speed were weakened a little due to the squeeze of air in the space.
Although it was only a slight weakening, it was enough to affect his overall offense.
“A sense of oppression…”
“The oppressive airflow produced by the epee squeezing the space!”
Ying Changge frowned, and slowly opened a pair of gray eyes.
Faced with this pair of eyes and pupils without emotion and color, Shengqi felt a little hairy all over, and a chill came from the soles of his feet to the sky.
Obviously blind in both eyes…
But it has a terrifying insight far beyond ordinary people!
Could it be…
“Martial arts mind?!”
This astonishing guess shocked Sheng Qi.
real or fake?
An example of mastering the mind of martial arts before the age of twenty?
No way?
Is there really such a terrifying genius?
The heart of martial arts, this is the realm that all martial arts practitioners dream of pursuing!
Even if he wins seven, it will not be an exception.
But even he has never mastered the mind of martial arts!
How can he accept it.
In front of him, Ying Changge, who is only in his weaker years, has managed to master the amazing fact of martial arts!
Out of a million martial arts talents, only one masters the mind of martial arts!
This example, could it really be the Seventh Young Master in front of him?
Isn’t it the magical means that can only be mastered after reaching a certain age, having rich life experience, and experiencing countless life twists and turns?
But what kind of monster is this Seventh Young Master in front of him?
To be able to do it, to master the mind of martial arts at such a young age?
“No way?”
Shengqi still expressed some disbelief.
The giant gate in his hand had already been severed.
But at the critical moment.
Ying Changge dodged again.
There was no hesitation in the whole process…
It looks effortless.
“Dodged again?!”
Sheng Qi’s pupils shrank, and his face changed slightly.
It’s the third time!
This seventh son, Ying Changge, has already dodged his own attack for the third time!
Is it true that martial arts is not enough?
Do not!
Even the mind of martial arts is far from being able to see through his own offensive intentions, right?
What kind of strange ability trick is this?
Sheng Qi’s throat was dry, and he quickly evacuated to the rear.
he thinks.
The Seventh Young Master in front of him looked more and more terrifying and weird.
Although only the mid-innate cultivation base and realm…
However, the overall strength is terrifying to the point of heinousness!
“Even if it’s not martial arts…”
“It must also be an ability that is not inferior to the martial arts mind!”
“Seventh Young Master, you are truly a terrifying monster!”
Sheng Qi thought with lingering fear.
Facing Ying Changge’s sudden attack, he began to panic a little bit, and quickly retracted the severed giant gate with his right hand, while waving the iron chain on the hilt of his sword.
The right hand holding the iron chain pulled hard, and quickly pulled the giant que to the sky, and then used the iron chain to dance the giant que around the body in a rotating manner.
A defensive method formed by the giant epee sword was perfectly displayed in the hands of Sheng Qi.
Holding the iron chain and waving the giant que, the space around Sheng Qisi formed a very dangerous area. Once he got involved in it rashly, he would immediately bear the painful attack from the giant que.
Without any precise target…
This move is a large-scale melee method!
Win seven could never have imagined.
He actually used this large-scale melee attack to defend.
And it’s just defending against one person’s attack!
It can be seen from this.
What a strong threat Ying Changge’s sudden attack posed to Sheng Qi.
Ying Changge’s attack had to stop abruptly again, and he could perceive the scene of Sheng Qi holding the iron chain on the hilt of the sword with his right hand and constantly waving the scene of the huge epee.
It is extremely difficult to get close!
(afej) Even if one has a perfect domineering level of knowledge, one can perceive the scene of Juque revolving around Shengqi’s body in mid-air all the time.
But Ying Changge’s body speed couldn’t keep up with Ju Que’s attack speed.
“Speed, after all, is my weakness.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
Shengqi’s defensive method is indeed a bit difficult.
Ying Changge forcibly blocked Sheng Qi’s giant gate.
Otherwise, as long as Sheng Qi uses this move, he will be able to defend against Ying Changge’s attack almost without any dead ends.
Sheng Qi, holding the giant que, kept waving the iron chain in his hand, using the giant que as a meteor hammer, rotating around himself 360 degrees without dead ends.
An air current of strong tearing force was generated accordingly.
The dust on the ground was rolled up, curled up, and fluttered in all directions.
A terrifying shock wave shook Ying Changge’s hair and clothes.
He can feel it.
If he rushed into Shengqi’s revolving giant que field rashly, he would definitely suffer a very painful blow.

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