To crack this game, not only need to crack the mechanism here, but also need to crack the unique art of armor here.
How difficult is it?
it goes without saying!
do not forget.
The Qimen Dunjia technique here contains a total of millions of changes!
In other words.
The Qimen Dunjia technique will change almost every ten breaths, thereby changing the original overall structure and layout of the mechanism.
Want to crack the mechanism here?
Then you must firmly control the time of these dozen breaths!
Once a dozen or so breaths have passed, and the Qimen Dunjia Technique changes, the mechanism here will become another one again.
But if you want to crack the mechanism here in a short time of a dozen breaths?
This is simply nonsense!
And this is also the main reason why the guards guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison showed such desperate expressions when they learned that they had touched the mechanism here.
It is because they understand it more clearly than anyone else.
How difficult and terrifying are the traps in the Tooth-Eating Prison!
“It’s over!”
“We’re all going to be trapped here!”
“Seventh Young Master, Lord Xiangguo, and the subordinates are helpless!”
Several guards leading the way knelt on the ground in fear, trembling all over.
They have lost faith.
from their perspective.
At this moment, there is no possibility for them to escape from the scene.
The mechanism here is officially touched, and no one can escape from it!
“Is there really no other way?”
Li Si took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the panic and fear in his heart, and couldn’t help asking.
Blaming others now is nothing but foolishness.
It’s just a waste of time.
Only finding a way to crack the mechanism here is the most important thing!
“Think about it carefully.”
“No matter how ingenious and mysterious the mechanisms in the Tooth-Chewing Prison are, it is impossible that there are no countermeasures. There must be some loopholes that allow us to crack them.”
Li Si forcibly calmed down his flustered mood, and then continued to try to comfort himself.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Xiangguo.”
“There is nothing we can do!”
“I’ll wait, helpless!”
“Once the mechanism here is touched, the mechanism will only reset in place after waiting for three days and three nights. Therefore, we who are trapped in the mechanism can be discovered by outsiders.”
“The agency’s reset time is three days and three nights. In other words, we must stay here for three days and three nights. Otherwise, there is no way to leave this place!”
“I can only wait passively, and the organs of the Tooth Devouring Prison will retreat automatically.”
“And we have almost no way!”
The few guards who had been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for decades showed bitter expressions of helplessness and despair, sighed and shook their heads to themselves.
“Do not!”
“Will not!”
“There must be a chance!”
Li Si shook his head.
He always believed.
There must be a solution!
Holding hope in his heart, Li Si began to observe the surrounding environment.After the operation of the mechanism on both sides of the wall just now, the area of ​​the passage seems to have become narrower. It could originally accommodate five people walking side by side at the same time.
Now, it seems to have shrunk to the width that can only accommodate four people walking side by side.
“It’s not an illusion!”
“The mechanism has indeed been touched!”
Li Si’s face turned pale, and he felt extremely stressed. Cold sweat poured out of his forehead, and flowed down from both sides of the two houses along the trajectory, and then fell from his chin.
Exhaling heavily, Li Si asked: “If we continue to walk down the passage ahead, what will happen? Will we be attacked by the agencies here?”
Hearing this, several guards answered truthfully: “Master Xiangguo. In fact, you may not know. We are now in a predicament.”
“simply put.”
“The mechanism and the technique of dunjia here are not for killing the enemy, but for trapping people.”
“Therefore, we who are in the predicament here have no way to get out of the passage. No matter how we go, we will eventually return to the original place.”
“This is the horror of the Qimen Dunjia technique in the Tooth Devouring Prison!”
“No matter how fast we go, we walk all the way around the passage. In the end, we will return to the original point. If we go back and forth like this, we will always be stuck in the same place and unable to move forward.”
“This is the mystery of the mechanisms in the Tooth-Bite Prison and the technique of the Qimen Dunjia.”
After getting the explanation, Li Si suddenly realized.
His heart sank slightly.
Not good!
Things are getting worse!
Doesn’t that mean.
They must be trapped here for three days and three nights?
Who can support this!
The unprecedented sense of oppression made Li Si’s face more and more ugly and depressed.
Could it be…
Can you really just wait here to die?
Nothing to do?
Damn it!
This sense of powerlessness made Li Si feel deeply hopeless and helpless.
Of course, he is well aware of the prestige of Tooth Devouring Prison.
But even so, when he was really in the trap of the Tooth Eating Prison, he still felt deeply unwilling, and wanted to crack the trap here so as to escape.
But the sliver of reason left in his head reminded Li Si all the time.
remind him…
All of this is impossible!
He was just delusional.
This sane thought completely shattered the traces of luck and hope remaining in Li Si’s head.
Li Si was also a little desperate.
“It’s over!”
Li Si’s face was pale and ashen.
Among all the people present, only Ying Changge could maintain a calm posture.
Shao Si Ming’s calmness is purely facial paralysis, not the calmness in which everything is under control.
Li Si felt unprecedented powerlessness and despair.
There are also a few guards who have guarded the Tooth-Eating Prison for decades, and they can only be paralyzed on the ground with their eyes lost, as if they have lost their souls, their eyes are gray and black, without any vitality.
Meng Ying knelt on the ground full of remorse, with a sad and guilty expression on her face.
Just when they were desperate.
At this time.
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes fixed quietly on Ying Changge’s body, the eyes flickered with waves, the eyes that were originally without ripples, rippling waves.
she found out.
Since the mechanism was triggered by mistake.
The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him did not show any expression of despair from beginning to end, nor did he feel any panic or apprehension.
On the contrary, it always seems very calm and natural.

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