As time passed, the vibration frequency of the walls on both sides became higher and higher.
at the same time.
There were bursts of sharp sounds of gears turning, and at the same time, there was no warning.
Chapter 103 Young master, do you have a way to solve this situation? 【7/7 for customization】
The organs of the entire Tooth Devouring Prison seemed to be touched accordingly.
On both sides of the spacious and empty passage, the smooth and hard walls trembled crazily, the gears inside were running crazily, and the mechanism that pulled here was triggered.
Even the floor tiles under his feet were beating wildly and trembling under the touch of the organ.
Stepping on the vibrating floor tiles, Ying Changge became the calmest person on the scene, bar none.
Even Shao Siming was momentarily stunned by the movement just now. Although she soon returned to her usual indifferent and calm posture, it didn’t mean that her heart was so peaceful.
“not good!”
Several guards who have been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for many years, when they noticed that the wall here was shaking wildly, their faces changed drastically, and their eyes were full of panic and despair.
They didn’t expect it.
The mechanism here was actually accidentally triggered!
“Seventh Young Master, Lord Xiangguo, hurry up!”
Several guards hurriedly looked at Ying Changge and Li Si, showing expressions full of despair and anxiety, and couldn’t help shouting loudly.
They were stunned.
It was the first time they had seen the Tooth-gnawing Prison for many years.
The scene where the organ in the Tooth-Eating Prison was accidentally touched and set off.
According to the news and experience they have learned from the mouths of the older generation of guards for many years.
They know.
Once you accidentally touch the mechanism in the Tooth-Eating Prison, causing the mechanism to activate, then the people who are trapped by the mechanism and the Qimen Dunjia technique will basically die from death!
Can break through the mechanism!
But is it possible?
Obviously impossible!
The guards never believed that anyone could crack such a terrifying and huge group of organizations in the Tooth-gnawing Prison.
When they saw the scene where the organ was touched, they immediately panicked.
It’s over!
The organ was hit by mistake!
The seventh son is over!
Master Xiangguo is also finished!
Everyone is fucked!
Several guards still gritted their teeth, shouting anxiously at Ying Changge and Li Si with faces full of horror.
It was the only response they could think of.
Although they also know that once the mechanism is activated, any escape will become meaningless.
But as subjects, they certainly didn’t want to see Ying Changge and Li Si trapped in it with all of them.
Even if there is only a slight chance of escaping now, they must let Ying Changge and Li Si escape unscathed.
“It’s useless.”
Facing the anxious shouts of several guards, Ying Changge shook his head very calmly, without any intention of moving his footsteps during the whole process.
next to you.
Li Si was already in a daze.
what’s going on?
The organ was touched by mistake?
So aren’t they already trapped in the organs of the Tooth-gnawing Prison?
How to do?
How to break the game?
Even Li Si, who was as witty as a monster, his head became a mess at the moment, and his head thinking no longer possessed the ability to think calmly.
He never expected.
Even though he was so careful, he was so unlucky that he accidentally bumped into the terrifying organ in the Tooth-Cheavy Prison.
“It’s over!”
Li Si’s eyes were full of panic and heart palpitations, his throat was dry and he was dying.
Feeling the violent vibrating sound from all directions,Li Si’s expression became more and more desperate.
He felt a deep sense of powerlessness!
All in all…
Unexpectedly, when entering the Tooth Devouring Prison, he stumbled into the terrifying mechanism here.
This result completely exceeded Li Si’s original expectations.
Facing the institutions in the tooth-gnawing prison, how can we deal with it?
Li Si couldn’t think of a strategy.
He never dreamed that one day he would fall into the mechanism formation of Tooth-gnawing Prison.
How terrifying is the mechanism of the Tooth Devouring Prison?
Li Si knew it well.
There are innumerable internal mechanisms, and there are countless exquisite and mysterious techniques of Dunjia, which are ever-changing, including millions or even tens of millions of different changes and algorithms.
Want to crack the mechanism here?
This is simply nonsense!
“My lord, my lord, you deserve to die for the crime of humble position!”
“A humble job is a sinner through the ages!”
Mengying’s face was pale, her lips were trembling, and her whole body was stiff.
The remorse and fear in his heart welled up in his heart, making him completely afraid to face Ying Changge in front of him.
If he hadn’t accidentally touched the organ here, this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened, and it wouldn’t have caused all of them to be trapped in the organ.
“It’s over, it’s over…”
“I have become the biggest sinner of the empire!”
“Why am I so restless!”
“I know that the mechanism here cannot be touched casually, but I still accidentally touched it!”
“I deserve death!”
Meng Ying felt deeply guilty.
He bowed his head with ashen face, and the uncontrollable sense of remorse almost filled his heart, making him want to find a place to commit suicide and apologize.
There were waves of vibrations from the walls on both sides of the passage again.
The floor tiles of the entire passage trembled slightly under the interference of this vibration.
The people in the passage felt as if the sky had collapsed.
That sense of oppression enveloped almost everyone’s heart.
The unprecedented sense of oppression made Li Sidu feel a towering mountain pressing down on his shoulders.
at the same time.
There is also the sharp sound of gears turning, spreading from different positions in all directions of the passage.
Once the gears turn…
That means.
The organs here have been fully touched!
The mechanisms in the Tooth Devouring Prison and the unique Dunjia technique inside are almost complementary to each other.
Once the mechanism is touched, the technique of Qimen Dunjia will also work naturally.
That is.

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