This is indifferent and calm from the heart!
No pretense!
It’s not about pretending to be calm.
In this regard, Shao Siming can be absolutely sure.
The peace that came from Ying Changge infected Shao Siming’s mood.
Facing the current predicament, Shao Siming’s mood was slightly rippling.
However, after seeing Ying Changge’s very calm and calm face, Shao Siming’s slightly rippling mood gradually calmed down very strangely.
this moment.
Suddenly, Shao Siming became very curious about Ying Changge in his heart.
Could it be that……
Seventh Young Master already has a plan in mind?
The predicament that made Master Xiangguo Li Si feel hopeless and powerless…
Can the seventh son crack it?
Thinking of this, Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes flickered.
Her pink lips moved slightly, her tone was very ethereal and light, crisp and sweet like a yellow warbler, like a beautiful note in the world.
“Young master, do you have a way to break this situation?”.
Chapter 104 The Qimen Dunjia Technique? But that’s all! 【1/7 for customization】
In a quiet environment.
An air of despair circulated everywhere.
Facing the mechanism and the strange art of dunjia in the Tooth-Chewing Prison, including Li Si and the two guards who have been guarding the Tooth-Chewing Prison for many years, they all fell into deep despair.
All of this was shattered by Shao Si Ming’s words.
Shao Siming quietly looked at Ying Changge with a pair of beautiful eyes, maybe she didn’t even realize that there was a strange light and look in her eyes.
this moment.
Accompanied by Shao Si Ming’s words, it attracted the vision and attention of everyone else.
The originally hopeless atmosphere seemed to be broken.
Li Si, Meng Ying and others all focused their attention on Ying Changge, and the two guards who had been guarding the Tooth Prison for many years were no exception.
They all looked at Ying Changge one after another, with deep shock and hope buried under their eyelids.
But they changed their minds.
When I think of it, this place is a tooth-eating prison!
famousTooth-gnawing prison!
It was built by Jiang Taigong back then, and it took millions of variations of Qimen Dunjia, and combined with countless outstanding mechanism masters, the prison was finally built!
Can it really be cracked?
is it possible?
Tooth-gnawing Prison has been gone all these years, can anyone escape?
Even the famous black swordsman Sheng Qi was imprisoned in the Tooth-Eating Prison, didn’t he also be unable to overcome any turmoil?
Thinking of this, the mood of Li Si and others became more and more heavy.
They’ve been trapped to death in this place!
You can only wait for three days and three nights, waiting for the mechanism of Tooth-gnawing Prison to reset!
Only in this way can we escape from birth!
“Young master, do you really have a plan to break the situation?”
Mengying looked at Ying Changge, and finally couldn’t help asking.
Even if it’s just a glimmer of hope, it’s better than waiting here in despair.
But Li Si and others did not hold any hope.
They understand more clearly than Meng Ying how delicate and mysterious the mechanism inside the Tooth Eater Prison is, and they are also deeply aware of it.
How terrifying is the Qimen Dunjia technique in the Tooth Devouring Prison!
It is knowing all of this that they dare not have any hope at all.
In full view.
Ying Changge remained calm as always, and said slowly: “Is it really difficult to crack the mechanism here and the unique art of dunjia?”
The words fell.
Li Si smiled wryly: “It’s not just difficult, it’s very difficult, as difficult as reaching the sky!”
As the guards guarding the Tooth-Chewing Prison, they also nodded and said with lingering fear: “Since the establishment of the Tooth-Chewing Prison, I have never heard of anyone being able to forcibly crack it!”
A short introduction is enough to show how terrible the Tooth-Eating Prison is.
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes flickered, he kept looking at Ying Changge, didn’t say much, but stood quietly and listened.
“But in my opinion…”
“The so-called mechanism and the art of dunjia are nothing more than that!”
Ying Changge suddenly laughed.
In this desperate occasion.
The smile he showed made Li Si and several guards express their astonishment.
Seventh Young Master really has the confidence to crack it?
This is the Tooth Devouring Prison!
No one in the world can decipher the mechanisms in the Tooth-Chewing Prison.
This point is not only the consensus of Li Si, or the consensus of all people in the world.
The more you know about the Tooth-devouring Prison, the deeper you understand it, the more you will be able to appreciate the horror of the Tooth-devouring Prison.
“No, but that’s it?”
The corners of Li Si and the others’ mouths twitched.
They stared at Ying Changge blankly.
Hearing it for the first time.
Some people dare to say that the organs and the strange art of dunjia in the Tooth Swallowing Prison are nothing more than that!
The truth of these words overturned the cognition of Li Si and others.
“Seventh son…”
“It’s too arrogant!”
The two guards who had been guarding the Tooth-Eating Prison for decades had such strange thoughts in their hearts.
They have guarded here for decades, and they naturally understand it more deeply than most people.
Once the mechanism of Tooth Devouring Prison is touched, how terrifying it will be!
When they heard Ying Changge’s disapproving words, they couldn’t help feeling absurd in their hearts.
Who else dares not to pay attention to the mechanism of Tooth Devouring Prison?
I have learned a lot!
Pairs of astonished and dull eyes fixed on Ying Changge’s body.
“It’s useless to talk too much~‖.”
“Let me first take a closer look at the main structure of the organs in the Tooth-devouring Prison. And what is the subtlety and mystery of the Qimen Dunjia technique in the Tooth-devouring Prison.”
Ying Changge didn’t explain too much.
In the eyes of everyone.
He thought about it…
An invisible wave of air spread in all directions with an incomparably surging speed.
The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge exploded in an all-round way!
In just a split second, Ying Changge exploded this terrifying domineering arrogance until it swept across an area with a diameter of 2,000 meters.
With Ying Changge’s body as the center point, the perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge has already completely covered the area with a diameter of two kilometers.
One can imagine.
This time, Ying Changge really did it for real!
after all.

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