“Meng Ying, go and open the door, Master Xiangguo has arrived.”
Ying Changge gave an order.
Meng Ying nodded, then came to the door and pushed him away.
Accompanied by a slight sound.
Li Si’s figure appeared in front of Meng Ying.
“Master Xiangguo.”
Seeing Li Si’s figure, Meng Ying quickly lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and showed a respectful gesture.
Xiangguo Li Si’s status is even higher than that of his father Meng Tian!
Meng Ying, the son of Meng Tian, ​​didn’t have the guts to act presumptuously in front of Li Si.
“General Mengying? You don’t need to be so polite.”
Li Si waved his hand.
A moment of pleasantries.
Li Si leaped over Mengying, walked into the palace, and saw Ying Changge at first sight.
“Seventh Young Master, are you ready?”
“Wait, we’re about to set off for the Tooth-Eating Prison.”
Li Si asked.
“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Xiangguo.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Hearing this, Li Si breathed a sigh of relief.
He also thought that Ying Changge would be like those pampered princes, and treat the matter of eradicating the anti-Qin elements as an entertainment for sightseeing.
But seeing Ying Changge’s posture, Liston knew it immediately.
He was mistaken.
Although the seventh son Ying Changge is blind, he has never been pampered by those princes.
In Li Si’s view, this is a very rare quality.
“This is?”
Suddenly, Li Si saw Shao Si Ming next to him, his pupils shrank slightly, and he was a little surprised.
The elder Mu Chang of the Yin Yang family?
Li Si didn’t know much about Shao Si Ming, but he had heard a little bit about it.
Now when he saw that the elders of the Yin Yang family were actually accompanying the seventh son Ying Changge, this naturally caused Li Si to express his surprise.
When did the seventh son get involved with the Yin Yang family?
And it seems that the involvement is quite deep!
If not.
How could the Yin Yang family send a high-ranking and powerful elder to follow the seventh son?
It is enough to make the Yin Yang family send elders to follow around, which is enough to show that the seventh son is different!
“It looks like…”
“Even the Yinyang family was deeply shocked by the strong rise of the seventh son. Therefore, they did not hesitate to send an elder to follow the seventh sonside left and right. ”
“Is this to test the depths of the Seventh Young Master? Or is it used to make friends with the Seventh Young Master?”
Li Si was lost in thought.
quite a while.
He doesn’t dwell on these details.
all in all.
He only knows a little.
The current Seventh Young Master is already different from the past!
No matter in terms of status or strength, the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge is completely different from the weak and cowardly Seventh Young Master in the past!
This alone is enough to make Li Si pay the highest attention to Ying Changge.
“Seventh Young Master, shall we prepare to go?”
“Due to the long distance of the Tooth-Eating Prison, the time left for us may be relatively short. Therefore, there may not be too long a rest along the way.”
“Tell you in advance, I hope you are mentally prepared.”
Li Si calmed down a bit, and then slowly and truthfully told the plan of the trip.
time does not wait!
Li Si naturally wanted to reach the Tooth-Eating Prison as quickly as possible.
Then release the black swordsman Shengqi, so that Shengqi can pursue the sword saint Gai Nie, so as to greatly reduce Gai Nie’s threat to the empire.
In addition, this trip is not only to arrive at the Tooth-Eating Prison to release Shengqi, but also to contact the Quicksand Organization, and invite the contemporary leader of the public loser, Gong Shuren.
It can be said.
The actions and arrangements this time will be very confidential, so Li Si naturally cannot waste a quarter of an hour at will.
There is not much time to waste for him!
You must grasp any little bit of time!
With the fastest speed, eradicate Mohists and other anti-Qin elements!
This is what Li Sisi needs to consider most.
“Master Xiangguo, don’t worry, I’m not one of those pampered sons.”
“Don’t forget, my strength is not weak. Compared with me, Mr. Xiangguo, you should just consider yourself.”
Regarding Li Si’s concerns, Ying Changge smiled and gave the other party an affirmative answer, so that the other party could put down his nervous heart peacefully.
With Ying Changge’s current strength, naturally he won’t feel deeply tired from the long journey.
on the contrary.
A weak civil servant like Li Si should be more concerned about these matters.
“It’s rude to be humble, please don’t blame the seventh son.”
Li Si shook his head with a wry smile.
He always subconsciously forgets.
The fact that Ying Changge’s strength is terrifying.
“Since Mr. Xiangguo is ready, let’s go.”
“time does not wait.”
“Get rid of this group of anti-Qin elements earlier, and return to Xianyang City as soon as possible to report to the father.”
Ying Changge spoke bluntly.
“What the seventh son said is very true.”
“Then I’ll set off…”
“Xiaozhi has prepared the carriage and mobilized two thousand imperial elites to accompany the trip. It can be ensured that the trip will not be delayed due to the bandits on the road.”
“Seventh Young Master, please!”
Under the leadership of Li Si.
Ying Changge led Mengying and Shao Siming out of the palace.
In front of the gate of the palace, two gorgeous carriages had already stopped.
Ying Changge stepped into one of the carriages with Shao Siming, while Meng Ying jumped up, driving the war horse he had trained for many years.
At the same time, Li Si stepped into another carriage.
“Set off!”
At Li Si’s order.
The whole team started, heading for places outside the city gate of Xianyang.
The two carriages quickly followed the spacious streets of Xianyang City, jumped over the noisy crowd, and saw the majestic and towering city gate from a distance.
not for a while.
After the carriage passed through the city gate smoothly.
Only with Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and domineering aura can he see that the 2,000 elite imperial guards have been waiting outside the city gate for a long time.
In the huge carriage, Ying Changge could smell a little fragrance floating in the air.
no doubt……
This fragrance comes from Shao Siming!
From the beginning to the end, Ying Changge didn’t take the initiative to speak.
Expect the three-no girl, Shao Siming, to speak up and ignite the topic?
This is even more impossible!

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