“I guarantee with my life that I will definitely not disappoint His Majesty!”
Li Si hurriedly clasped his fists together, his tone respectful.
“it is good!”
“However, I still have one condition.”
Ying Zheng changed the subject and paused for a moment.
Li Si asked: “May I ask His Majesty?”
“In Aiqing’s execution of dealing with the anti-Qin elements, you must bring my son Changge with you.”
Ying Zheng solemnly ordered.
“Seventh son?”
Li Si was slightly taken aback.
He seemed caught off guard by Ying Zheng’s sudden order.
Take the Seventh Young Master together to deal with the anti-Qin elements?
Your Majesty, this is…
Do you want to cultivate the ability of Seventh Young Master to lead troops in battle?
Turning his head, Li Si looked at Ying Changge beside him, and probably guessed what Ying Zheng was thinking.
He didn’t dare to think about it any further.
The holy will cannot be fathomed!
This is going to kill your head!
“The minister obeys the order!”
Li Si could only agree.
In this matter, he did not have any room for bargaining.
In front of Ying Zheng, the only thing he can do is to obey orders.
But Li Si was still a little surprised.
He really didn’t expect it.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is so highly valued by His Majesty!
Li Si knew it well.
If not, of course His Majesty would not have taken the initiative to order him to personally lead the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge to carry out the task of eradicating the anti-Qin elements.
Among so many sons, only the seventh son has this kind of treatment!
It can be seen from this.
How important is this to receive such transcendent treatment?
“In the future, Mr. Xiangguo will take care of you.”
With a smile on his face, Ying Changge slowly cupped his fists at Li Si.
“The seventh son is serious. I must do my best to ensure your safety during this trip to eradicate the anti-Qin elements.”
Li Si quickly responded.
“In contrast, I personally think that Mr. Xiangguo should consider his own safety. My life is safe, so Mr. Xiangguo should not worry about it.”
“In the whole world, there are very few people who can threaten me.”
“If I want to leave, no one can stop me!”
Ying Changge was as confident as ever, with a strong sense of arrogance and domineering in his words.
Hearing this, Li Si couldn’t help recalling a piece of news from a few days ago.
Sword Saint Gai Nie was severely injured by the Seventh Prince…
Such a powerful force really needs his protection?
What a joke!
The other party came to protect himLife is almost in danger!
Even the sword sage Gai Nie was severely injured by the seventh son…
What kind of amazing and powerful strength is this?
Li Si couldn’t imagine.
Thinking of this, Li Si gave a wry smile: “Indeed, it’s my minister’s unnecessary actions.”
Ying Zheng then ordered Li Si to retreat: “Aiqing, let’s resign first, and prepare to deal with the anti-Qin elements.”
“Follow His Majesty’s orders.”
Li Si nodded and left quickly.
blink of an eye.
Once again, only Ying Changge and Ying Zheng remained in the huge palace.
“Changge, are you satisfied with my arrangement?”
Ying Zheng smiled.
“Father’s arrangement, I dare not complain.”
Ying Changge said.
“Then I look forward to the day when you and Li Si return home triumphant.”
“Your own life is the most important thing. Don’t cause your life to be threatened and traumatized by a momentary impulse.”
“In my eyes, it doesn’t matter even if this operation fails. All in all, nothing will happen to you!”
Ying Zheng asked solemnly, showing deep concern.
“Father, don’t worry, my son will never act recklessly.”
“If you can’t do anything, you will definitely give priority to saving your own life.”
Ying Changge nodded in agreement.
“That’s good.”
Ying Zheng smiled in relief.
After the two chatted for a while, Ying Changge also left the huge palace.
Watching the back of Ying Changge’s departure, Ying Zheng’s eyes were full of emotion and pride.
After leaving the palace…
Ying Changge took Mengying and Shao Siming back to Qingxia Palace by the same route.
Just arrived at Qingxia Palace.
Ying Changge then informed the two of his next itinerary and plans.
“You all prepare yourself.”
“Tomorrow, I’m about to set off with me, leaving Xianyang City, and going to Tooth Devouring Prison.”
After leaving this sentence, Ying Changge returned to the room directly.
“Leaving Xianyang City? Going to Tooth Devouring Prison?”
Mengying was confused, and seemed a little unexpected about this itinerary.
And Shao Si Ming, as always, kept a calm face.
From the beginning to the end of her stunningly beautiful face hidden under the veil, there seemed to be no emotional ups and downs.
Lianbu moved slightly, and she quickly returned to her room.
Chapter 101 You are the only one called Chen Sheng, right? Rich fusion! 【5/7 for customization】
the next day.
The scorching sun is rising slowly, hanging on the edge of the sky, scattering golden halos, illuminating the earth, nourishing all things, and glowing with vitality.
early morning.
The streets of Xianyang City are already full of people coming and going, very lively~.
The little cold moisture mist left in the air was gradually evaporated and dissipated by the scattered sunlight from the sky.
Early in the morning, Ying Changge, Meng Ying, and Shao Siming made preparations for a long journey.
This trip leaves Xianyang City, and the first stop is to go to Tooth Swallowing Prison!
Accompanied by Prime Minister Li Si!
In other words, Xiangguo Li Si is the leader.
And Ying Changge was the one who assisted Li Si.
Boom boom boom!
When the door of the palace knocked.
Ying Changge’s perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable can already see Li Si’s arrival outside the door.
He had a clear insight into Li Si’s figure and all the aura of the latter’s body…
Everything is impossible to hide under the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge!

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