The two maintained a certain degree of tacit understanding, and neither opened their mouths to break the peaceful atmosphere here.
The entire team was nearly 2,000 people, all of whom were the most elite cavalry in the empire, and they left Xianyang City far away in a mighty manner.
In less than a moment.
The huge Xianyang City has already been reduced to a tiny black spot.
The carriage headed by Ying Changge and Li Si was surrounded by 2,000 elite cavalry in a safe area in the middle, and they rushed all the way to the Fangfang Prison.
If nothing else.
According to Li Si’s judgment, it would take a full three days to travel from Xianyang City to Tooth-Chewing Prison.
Moreover, this is still on the condition that the journey is smooth and there are no accidents.
If there is an accident on the road, then this time will naturally be extended a lot.
The two carriages escorted by a full 2,000 elite cavalry rushed to the Tooth-Eating Prison, so naturally they would not cause a sudden attack by those rogues on the way.
Any rogue with a little vision and a little brain would definitely not dare to attack a large cavalry group of two thousand people.
They want to kill themselves!
The empire’s elite iron cavalry group consisting of 2,000 people, each of whom is a well-trained elite of the empire, even if they are only traveling in groups, they can still show a monstrous morale pressure.
Under the pressure of this terrifying morale, any rogue who approached would be shivering with fright, let alone let alone attack the entire team rashly.
This is obviously impossible!
The journey of this road is very smooth, the whole journeyThere are basically no obstacles.
Occasional rest on the road, will also stop at some passing cities to adjust the state.
that’s it.
blink of an eye.
Sunset and Xishan.
Time flies, and it’s almost night time.
“My lord, Lord Xiangguo suggested that we go to a city in front to rest for one night, and then set off for the Tooth-Eating Prison tomorrow.”
Meng Ying steered the horse and stood side by side with the window of the carriage, and whispered to Ying Changge.
“Tell Mr. Xiangguo that everything can be arranged by Mr. Xiangguo alone. I don’t have any opinions.”
Ying Changge nodded.
“Yes, my son.”
After Mengying nodded, he drove the horse and left.
At this time.
Ying Changge suddenly opened a pair of gray-white pupils, with an expression of interest on his face, and suddenly looked in the direction of Shao Siming.
“If I’m not wrong…”
“Just now, did you look at me?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile.
Da Si Ming was silent.
“Hahaha, just kidding.”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Facing the three-no girl Shao Siming, Ying Changge made fun of her face.
Time flies.
In a blink of an eye.
Three days passed in a flash.
this day.
Ying Changge and others finally arrived at their destination!
Under Li Si’s leadership, there were no obstacles or troubles along the way, and it was very smooth and unimpeded. It took three days to finally reach the destination.
During the process, no unsightly bandits dared to act hastily.
All of them were overwhelmed by the terrifying morale exuded by the two thousand elite imperial cavalry.
And this is the main reason why the trip only took three days, and there was a lot of time for rest in the middle, but they were still able to reach the destination.
Without the troubles of rogues, the team moved very fast.
Just like Li Si’s original prediction.
Three days is indeed enough to reach the destination!
And these three days, in Ying Changge’s view, just passed in the blink of an eye.
“My lord, I have arrived at the Tooth-Eating Prison.”
Mengying’s voice sounded from outside the carriage.
“Let’s go.”
Ying Changge nodded, and then mentioned something to Shao Siming.
Shao Si Ming nodded his chin lightly.
Following in Ying Changge’s footsteps, the two got off the carriage smoothly.
As soon as he stepped out of the carriage, he could feel a cool sea breeze blowing towards his face.
“Is the Tooth-Eating Prison built on the bottom of the sea?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
That is indeed the case in my impression!
The melodious sound of waves beating and beating can be heard in my ears, as if forming a section of wonderful musical notes, which makes people feel refreshed.
. . . . . . .
With the blowing of the sea breeze, waves of waves rippling and rolling, crashing to the edge of the coast.
Ying Changge could feel that the humidity in the air had increased a lot.
“Seventh son, this is the prison where the most criminals are held in the empire…”
“Tooth Devouring Prison!”
“No one has ever escaped from the Tooth-Eating Prison!”
“Even if it is the goal of our trip, the black swordsman Shengqi will be no exception!”
“After he was captured by Gai Nie and imprisoned in the Tooth-Eating Prison, he could no longer escape from it for many years, and could only be honestly imprisoned in the Tooth-Eating Prison.”
Li Si came to Ying Changge’s side and slowly explained.
He looked forward.
A sea of ​​blue…
The waves are rolling and flowing.
Who would have thought.
Tooth-gnawing Prison is a place built under the edge of the coast.
“The black swordsman wins seven?”
“Your real name is Chen Sheng, right?”
“One of the leaders of the Daze township uprising?”
“This is a model of the largest peasant uprising in history!”
“I really look forward to meeting him!”
A meaningful smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
This is an important key figure!
If you kill Sheng Qi…
I will definitely get a very rich template fusion!
There is no doubt about this.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge treats Shengqi as if he treats a baby with experience and a sweet pastry.
If there is really an impulse in my heart at this moment, I want to kill Shengqi on the spot, so as to obtain a higher degree of template fusion, and unlock the third ability of the blind swordsman by the way.
“Seventh Young Master, we need to wait here for a while before we can enter the Tooth-eating Prison.”
“The entrance to Tooth Devouring Prison needs a special time to open.”
“And now, there is still about an hour before the opening of the tooth-eating prison entrance.”
Lee said.
“It’s okay, just wait a moment.”
Ying Changge expressed his understanding.
“Handed down.”

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