“Is it related to the confidential information of the Mo family?”
“What will it be?”
Ying Zheng’s eyelids twitched, and he slowly unfolded the parchment in his hand.
Let the Mo family use such a mysterious and cumbersome mechanism lock as a precautionary measure to prevent outsiders from stealing the confidential information inside.
The content on the parchment must be very important!
not for a while.
The unfolded parchment, the contents inside were all clearly displayed under Ying Zheng’s eyes.
clear and distinct!
Ying Zheng witnessed the content clearly.
Ying Changge waited quietly, spreading the perfect domineering aura, but he could clearly perceive that Ying Zheng’s mood had undergone some subtle changes.
It must be because of the contents on the parchment!
as predicted!
Just when Ying Changge had this kind of conjecture in his heart.
“What a Mohist!”
Ying Zheng angrily threw the parchment on the table, his face was full of anger and killing intent, his eyes were full of fierce aura, and his heart was burning with anger.
“Father, can you tell Yu Erchen what’s on the parchment?”
Ying Changge asked.
“This is a confidential message used by the Mo family to inform the aristocrats and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu Party!”
“Let the Taoists and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State gather in the Mohist institution city on June 6th to discuss anti-Qin matters. It is bound to form an anti-Qin alliance to recruit capable people and strangers from all over the world.”
“Build a force group composed of heroes from all over the world to fight against Qin together!”
“These guys simply don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth!”
“His heart can be punished!”
Ying Zheng’s face was expressionless, and his eyes became especially cold.
“The same way…”
Ying Changge suddenly understood.
No wonder Ying Zheng’s mood changed so much after reading the contents of the parchment.
In order to summon the heroes of the world to gather in the organ city, the Mo family tried to form a powerful group of anti-Qin alliance.
Although Ying Zheng didn’t think that this so-called anti-Qin alliance could threaten the foundation of the Great Qin Empire. But when you see someone trying to rebel, you will naturally feel deeply upset and angry.
“It really is this matter!”
Ying Changge, who learned the truth, thought to himself.
It seemed that his guess was right.
The confidential information in the Mohist organ lock is used by the Mohist to inform the anti-Qin forces such as the aristocrats, the remnants of the Chu State, and other anti-Qin forces, all concentrated in the same place at an accurate time.
Thus, discuss anti-Qin matters!
The exact location is…
Mohism’s mechanism city!
This is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and its exact location is very secret.
Without the leadership of the Mohist disciples, it would be extremely difficult to break into the Mohist Trick City.
after all.
The Mohist Trick City was built by the great Mohists of all dynasties with countless painstaking efforts and energy. There are countless exquisite and mysterious organs inside, and the organs are interlocking, and there are many crises.
If there is no Mohist disciple to lead, rushing into the Mohism mechanism city, then it is bound to be attacked and killed by countless institutions in the mechanism city.
Even if there are tens of thousands of elite iron cavalry of the empire, if they dare to break into the Mohist mechanism city rashly, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses and end in failure.
If the Mohist mechanism city was really so easy to break through, it would have ceased to exist long ago.
It is undoubtedly very difficult to break through the organ city!
It can disintegrate the organs inside the Mohist organ city in advance.
But there are very few people in the world who can do this.
Ying Changge is exactly one of them!
“Father, please calm down.”
“It’s just a bunch of rabble, a bunch of clowns.”
“How can you make your father so angry?”
“If you hurt your body for this matter, then the loss outweighs the gain.”
Ying Changge spoke slowly.
“Well said!”
“A group of jumping clowns dare to try to oppose Qin?”
“I just don’t know what to say!”
Ying Zheng snorted again, and his anger eased a little.
Outside the Great Wall of Shangjun in the north of the empire, hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu were staring at each other, causing the empire’s troops to be deployed to guard against the Xiongnu’s attack.
At this moment, there are still so many chaotic things happening in the empire.
This naturally made Ying Zheng feel exhausted and helpless.
Internal and external troubles!
There are the Xiongnu outside, these so-called anti-Qin groups inside, and hundreds of schools of thought that are about to move.
“In recent days, there has been no news of Sword Saint Gai Nie in Xianyang City.”
“Report to the emperor, and my son guesses.”
“Gai Nie has most likely escaped from Xianyang City. Moreover, now, he may have cooperated with Mohists and other anti-Qin elements. ”
“If Ge Nie cooperates with Mohists and other anti-Qin elements, it will definitely pose a huge threat to the empire.”
“And I have the courage to beg my father’s permission to let my son pursue the sword saint Gai Nie, and kill all the anti-Qin elements such as the Mo family and the remnants of the Chu party!”
Ying Changge offered to propose.
This is a great time to improve template fusion!
How can I miss it?
For this reason, Ying Changge was naturally willing to take the initiative to apply for an attack to deal with these anti-Qin elements.
“My son has a heart.”
Ying Zheng eased his mood, and smiled with deep relief.
When the topic changed, he thought for a while, and then said, “However, to deal with these anti-Qin elements, there is no need for Changge to take action yourself.”
Ying Changge planned to continue talking.
Before he could open his mouth, Ying Zheng immediately gave orders to the servants outside the palace: “Call Prime Minister Li Si into the palace immediately!”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
The respectful voice of the servants outside the door resounded loudly.
“Father, this is, do you want Mr. Xiangguo to solve it in person?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
In this regard, he did not appear too surprised.
Everything is expected.
Of course he didn’t think so.
Ying Zhenghui was so reckless, so he just let him lead the army alone to pursue the anti-Qin elements.
after all.
He didn’t have any experience in leading troops in combat.
No matter how strong his own strength is, it doesn’t mean that he can lead troops to fight against those anti-Qin elements.
It is most suitable for the current situation to let Prime Minister Li Si intervene.
With the ability of Prime Minister Li Si, it is easy to deal with anti-Qin elements.
“Half guessed right.”
“I intend to let you assist Prime Minister Li Si to deal with these anti-Qin elements.”
“Changge, what do you think?”
Ying Zheng looked deeply at Ying Changge with a smile on his face.
It can be seen from here.
How much he valued Ying Changge!
He did not hesitate to let Li Si, the dignified prime minister, come forward in person, and lead Ying Changge to pursue the anti-Qin elements, so as to hone Ying Changge’s ability to lead troops in battle.

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