Who is Li Si?
The dignified prime minister!
Under one person, above ten thousand people!
However, Li Si, who was so prominent and powerful, was sent by Ying Zheng to lead Ying Changge to use the anti-Qin elements as a stepping stone to temper his hands and feet.
have to say.
Ying Zheng’s emphasis on Ying Changge has reached a very high level!
If not, of course Ying Zheng would not let Xiangguo Li Si be the guide, and personally guide Ying Changge’s ability to lead the army in battle.
Of course, Ying Changge can deeply understand Ying Zheng’s kindness.
He couldn’t help cupping his hands: “‘ 〃 Thank you, father!”
This is a great time to hone yourself!
It is also an excellent opportunity to improve the fusion of templates!
Of course you can’t miss it!
As for leading the army?
He doesn’t really care about these things.
Ying Changge is more concerned about…
How to better improve your own strength!
How to better unlock the new abilities of the blind swordsman.
These are what he most urgently wants to think about and obtain.
the rest?
He didn’t take it very seriously.
Ying Changge always thought so.
As long as your own strength is strong enough!
Like a blind swordsman…
Move it and pull the meteorite down from the sky!
In this way.
Just ask!
In this case, who can become his opponent?
In the whole world, who can be his opponent?
In this case, how much do I still need to worry about?
Once the template fusion degree of the blind swordsman is raised to 100%.
Then there is no doubt that Ying Changge will be able to truly control the power of the living immortal Buddha!
This power is enough to easily overturn the whole world!
It’s easy to destroy the world!
This is Ying Changge’s ultimate pursuit!
For this pursuit…
Ying Changge naturally needs, (Zhao Zhao) to continue to work hard to improve the integration of templates.
“The ultimate strength of an individual is my ultimate goal!”
“I have increased the template fusion to 100%…”
“It will be omnipotent!”
“At that time, I will be the only living immortal Buddha in the world!”
“Mountains and seas are moved, heaven and earth are destroyed, meteorites fall from the sky…”
“I, will become a real god!”
“Become a true fairy overlooking life!”
Ying Changge thought with excitement.
Whenever he thought of this, he felt bursts of blood boiling all over his body.
If once fully controlled, all the power of the blind swordsman at his peak…
What kind of terrifying power can that erupt?
Simply unimaginable!
That scene was too thrilling!
At that time.
Ying Changge can definitely be said to be, possessing the terrifying power and power comparable to that of immortal Buddhas in the sky!
Even if it is a real immortal Buddha, its power may be no more than this!
Gently exhaling, Ying Changge forcibly suppressed the many distracting thoughts in his head.
He has already begun to think in his heart.
With the entry of Xiangguo Li Si into the palace this time, the action against the Mohist family has really begun!
An operation specifically aimed at the collapse of the Mohist organ city…
The curtain is about to kick off slowly!
Li Si personally appeared on the stage, targeting the Mohists and all their anti-Qin elements!
Quicksand Organization, Yin Yang School, Luo Wang, Taoism, Public Losers, Remnants of the Remnants of the Chu State… Published…
All these forces will, without exception, intervene in this huge chess game one after another.In the middle of a dispute!
“And I will be involved too!”
“Do not!”
“More precisely.”
“I took the initiative to enter the game!”
“It depends on who will be the first to be eliminated.”
Ying Changge’s face was full of anticipation.
He firmly believes.
I will definitely be able to get a very rich template integration from it! .
Chapter 100 Li Si Enters the Palace! Black Swordsman! Go to Tooth Devouring Prison! 【4/7 for customization】
Once he can improve the integration of more abundant templates, he will naturally unlock the third ability of the blind swordsman as he wishes.
Will it be the fruit of gravity?
Or fencing?
Or overlord color?
All this made Ying Changge look forward to it.
While Ying Changge was full of anticipation, he was quietly waiting in the palace.
In a quarter of an hour.
With a respectful voice from the palace outside the door, the quiet atmosphere here was broken.
“Report to Your Majesty, my minister Li Si begs to see you!”
Liz is here.
With a pair of deep and piercing eyes, Ying Zheng quietly stared outside the gate of the palace, and his voice was loud and full of majesty, spreading in all directions.
There was a slight sound.
The palace gate was pushed open.
I see.
Li Si, who was wearing an official robe, lowered his head and walked into the palace step by step, and came to the center of the palace. When he saw Ying Changge, he was obviously surprised.
Li Si was deeply surprised that Ying Changge would appear in the palace so late at night.
But soon, this ray of surprise was quickly restrained by him.
“Sir, see Your Majesty.”

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