Because of Ying Changge’s astonishing feat, Mo Lin, the master of mechanical arts, had his faith shaken strongly.
I have been immersed in mechanism skills for most of my life…
Lost to a young man who was weak!
This made Mo Lin feel so ashamed that he almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.
How embarrassing!
This moment.
Recalling his disapproving and sniffing behaviors before, he felt boundless embarrassment and shame.
Who is the frog in the well?
It’s clear at a glance!
It turns out that he is the frog in the well!
The ignorant clown!
“Seventh Young Master, how did he practice organ skills?”
“Why at such an age…”
“To master such a terrifying mechanism?”
“This is not in line with common sense!”
So far, Mo Lin still finds this matter very unbelievable.
Huge hall.
Ying Changge had a smile on his face, his gray and white eyes fixed on Zhao Gao’s direction, and he spoke in an intriguing tone.
“Master Zhao Gao, can you now prove that what I said before is not nonsense?”
“to be frank.”
“The so-called mechanism master you found is really not very good. Not only is the mechanism attainment poor, but even his eyesight needs to be improved.”
“A solemn warning.”
“Next time, before you want to judge a mechanism. Please ask this Master Mo Lin to clean his eyes and see clearly. Don’t make mistakes again.”
“Because, that’s going to lose your head.”
The voice fell.
Zhao Gao’s complexion wildly changed from cloudy to sunny, his heart was heavy, and the cold aura emanating from his body became more and more serious.
There seemed to be a gloom in the air around him.
It can be seen from this.
Zhao Gao’s mood was extremely bad.
this time.
Zhao Gao was once again strongly intimidated by Ying Changge!
Originally he thought so.
This is the moment when he showed his face before His Majesty the First Emperor.
In the end, it was the time when he lost all face.
It also made Zhao Gao, Ying Changge, who he had always hated, show him a hard face.
Zhao Gao suffered from Ying Changge one after another, making Zhao Gao very aggrieved, but he had nowhere to vent, so he could only hold back the aggrieved feeling and bury it in his heart.
“My humble servant, I would like to follow the instruction of the Seventh Young Master.”
Zhao Gao kept his head down all the time, almost gritted his teeth, and said these cold words.
Chapter 99: The Secret of the Parchment! The main show officially begins! 【3/7 for customization】
Huge palace.
After the Mo family’s mechanism lock was cracked by Ying Changge in just half an hour, the atmosphere here seemed particularly quiet.
Zhao Gao and Mo Lin, who were jumping up and down, kept their heads down and said nothing.
Zhao Gao felt aggrieved and helpless, his eyes were full of coldness.
Being slapped face to face by Ying Changge made Zhao Gao feel particularly sad and angry for a while.
But helpless.
This time, he really lost a mess!
The so-called mechanism art master that was found was useless at all.
He was even shown face to face by the Seventh Young Master.
This made Zhao Gao feel very complicated.
“Zhao Gao, I am very disappointed in your work this time!”
Ying Zheng was sitting on the steps, with piercing eyes and a strong sense of majesty between his brows, exuding the majesty and majesty of an emperor from his whole body.
“Your Majesty, the minister is guilty, please punish him!”
Zhao Gao knelt down in panic, trembling.
Even if he is a top martial arts master, he will still appear extremely fragile, small and insignificant in front of Ying Zheng.
Faced with Ying Zheng’s accusation, Zhao Gao would naturally feel deeply panicked.
“The grassroots are guilty, please be punished by Your Majesty!”
Mo Lin, including Zhao Gao’s leader, also knelt on the ground trembling.
“Forgive your good intentions this time, and I won’t punish you too much.”
“Next time, I will never forgive you lightly!”
“You know, you almost ruined my good deed this time!”
Ying Zheng snorted coldly, his voice flat but with a strong sense of oppression.
Dense cold sweat dripped down Zhao Gao’s forehead, and the cold sweat flowed again and again, revealing the tension and apprehension he was feeling at the moment, and the fear piercing through his heart.
“Your Majesty, I deserve death for my crimes!”
Zhao Gao could only keep begging for mercy.
“Forget it, back off.”
“The people who bring you back immediately!”
Ying Zheng’s extremely majestic eyes gathered on Zhao Gao’s body, looking down on Zhao Gao, like a god in charge of all living beings in the world.
The majesty is unbearable!
Zhao Gao was trembling all over, and immediately took Mo Lin, who was trembling beside him, the two of them didn’t dare to stay too much in the palace, so they fled.
This time, not only did they lose a complete defeat, it even aroused the dissatisfaction and anger of the First Emperor Yingzheng.
This made Zhao Gao full of remorse.
With remorse and fear in his heart, Zhao Gao took Mo Lin and the two to leave the huge palace completely.
blink of an eye.
In the entire palace, only Ying Zheng and Ying Changge were left.
“Father, if there is nothing important, this son-in-law is also going to leave here.”
Ying Changge was about to leave.
“No needIf you are in such a hurry, it will not be too late to leave after reading the contents of this parchment with me. ”
Ying Zheng smiled.
Emperor Shi Huang, who has always been majestic and majestic, only when he was with his close relatives did he not have a straight face, but a smile from the heart.
“My son leads the decree.”
Ying Changge nodded.
In fact.
He was also a little curious.
What kind of secrets are contained in this Mo family’s Jue Tian lock?
For the Mohists to spend such a huge price to create such a mechanism lock to block the confidential information inside, it is obvious that the secrets inside are by no means ordinary.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge was looking forward to it.
Ying Zheng slowly picked up the mechanism lock placed on the table.
The mechanism lock has been fully opened, and the items inside are clearly presented in Ying Zheng’s eyes.
It’s a parchment!
A relatively simple sheepskin scroll.
Without too much hesitation, Ying Zheng directly took the parchment scroll out of the mechanism lock.
Fist-sized mechanism lock, the sheepskin scroll inside is naturally folded, and a red rope is used to bind the sheepskin scroll.

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