“How can this level of strength seriously injure Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“Later, you have to keep your eyes open and watch!”
“My son is ten thousand times stronger than you imagined!”
“What you see now is just the tip of my son’s iceberg. Next, if you treat my son seriously, you will really see it.”
“What is the number one evildoer in the ages!”
As a loyal supporter of Ying Changge, Meng Ying couldn’t help reminding the Luna and Xingsoul beside him, his expression was full of pride and pride.
“Isn’t it serious yet? What we have seen is just the tip of the iceberg of the Seventh Young Master?”
“That is to say…”
“Seventh son, can he be stronger and stronger?!”
Moon God and Star Soul looked at each other, and they could all capture the shock deep in their respective eyes.
It looks like…
The Seventh Young Master is not so scary!
It’s terrifying!
I turned my gaze.
Moon God and Xinghun concentrated their attention, staring at the figure of Ying Changge in front of them, their expressions were full of solemnity and seriousness, they were meticulous and did not dare to relax at all.
Even Shao Si Ming couldn’t help but look serious, watching the movement of the battlefield quietly with his beautiful eyes.
Visible to the naked eye.
Da Si Ming’s mentality collapsed.
Fully suppressed!
There is no way to fight back!
Obviously the same realm…
But Da Si Ming couldn’t even touch the corner of Ying Changge’s clothes during the whole process.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Not to mention hurting a hair of Ying Changge.
The continuation of this kind of war situation made Da Si Ming doubt his life.
Her mentality is already on the verge of total collapse.
“Seventh Young Master is a terrifying monster!”
“All my offensive intentions, all the yin and yang techniques I used, will be completely penetrated by the seventh son…”
“Facing this kind of enemy, how can I defeat him?”
“There is nothing we can do!”
“I have no choice but to meet the fate of defeat.”
“He’s too strong!”
“Seventh Young Master, this monster is too terrifying!”
Da Si Ming’s pink lips trembled slightly. Facing such a terrifying Ying Changge, her pretty and beautiful face became very pale, seemingly bloodless.
She was hit hard.
In the same realm, this is the first time she has suffered such a crushing end.
Even if you have gone all out and tried your best…
However, there is always nothing to do with Ying Changge.
This deep sense of powerlessness made Da Si Ming deeply desperate.
For the first time in her life, she felt despair!
This is still an enemy of the same realm, bringing a sense of powerlessness and despair.
Gritting his teeth, Da Si Ming suppressed the panic in his heart.
She fixed her eyes on Ying Changge’s calm and indifferent figure, clenched her fists tightly, and the crimson fists gradually began to gather surging innate qi again.
“The last resort…”
“Success or failure, all in one fell swoop!”
The commander-in-chief has made up his mind.
she is no longer extravagantHope to defeat Ying Changge.
She just begged that she wouldn’t lose too badly!
Losing to a total monster…
There’s no shame in that!
With this in mind, Da Si Ming displayed the strongest Yin-Yang technique she possessed.
a split second.
The surging and terrifying fluctuations of internal energy surged wildly, quickly gathering and condensing between the palms of Da Si Ming’s hands.
I see.
Her pair of bright red bewitching hands were placed at the front of the dantian on her abdomen, and her hands were constantly forming the imprint of Yin Yang, and the condensed innate qi became more and more frightening and surging.
Crazy hand prints!
There are many changes!
Ever changing!
The knot seal gesture is very mysterious and dazzling, as if forming a fist-cup gesture of Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams.
. . . . . . .
The surrounding space seems to be unable to withstand this terrifying force, and there are traces of twisting and wriggling.
It seems that the space is about to be forcibly bombarded and collapsed!
Waves of violent air rolled Da Si Ming’s clothes and hair, making her delicate facial features show a more heroic beauty.
The air waves blew in all directions, rolling the dust on the surface and then rising up.
“Yin Yang Ai Qi Mudra!”
Da Si Ming’s pink lips moved slightly, and the palm prints of his hands kept changing.
at the same time.
The terrifying innate qi that gathered gathered and hit the palms of her hands one after another, and then transformed into a dark red sphere similar to a round wave.
The dark red undulating sphere presents the picture of Taiji Liangyi, flashing a very bewitching red halo.
An extremely terrifying dark red handprint was born in the palm of Da Si Ming.
This move is the strongest attack that Da Si Ming can unleash!
It is also an unfathomable technique of killing Yin-Yang in the Yin-Yang family, its power is extremely terrifying, and it requires a lot of internal energy to perform it.
It is not a top-level Yin-Yang technique that ordinary Onmyoji disciples can use at will.
This move is extremely powerful!
Compared with the previous skeleton blood handprint, it is more than ten times stronger!
After running the Yin-Yang Aiki Mudra.
It can be clearly felt that there is a vacancy in the internal energy in Da Si Ming’s body, and the internal energy is greatly consumed, and the breath in her body has begun to become a little disordered.
Even if it is as strong as Da Si Ming, it will still have a lot of burden to perform this top-level yin and yang technique.
this moment.
Da Si Ming looked at Ying Changge, and the dark red round spheres in her hands were transformed into huge red marks by her.
The target was aimed at Ying Changge, and quickly, the yin and yang handprints aimed at Ying Changge and shot down fiercely.
A monstrous wave of terror swept down the sky and covered the earth.
A particularly terrifying aura of deterrence completely enveloped Ying Changge’s body.
The yin-yang amalgamation handprints carried extremely terrifying power and destructive power, and they were approaching Ying Changge’s position at a terrifying speed.
Where this trick went…
The space seems to be forcibly twisted and wriggled!
Just the burst of air flow is enough to forcibly smash the floor tiles in the air.
Accompanied by bursts of crisp and pleasant voices.
The floor tiles were broken and cracked, and tiny cracks spread into the distance.
at this time.
Faced with Da Si Ming’s yin and yang technique, Ying Changge remained motionless on the spot, as if he had no intention of avoiding it.
The distance is getting closer!

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