At such a close distance, Ying Changge’s hair and clothes were swept by the airflow from the Yin-Yang Aura handprint, and they were blown up in the air with the wind.
The coercive force of the air wave completely enveloped Ying Changge’s body, almost crushing him.
“It’s finally interesting.”
Facing the attack of the yin and yang aura handprints, Ying Changge suddenly laughed.
Slowly open your eyes.
A pair of gray-white pupils, with a strange aura that seems to see through everything in the world.
Within the scope of the perfect domineering level of knowledge, all the troubles, naturally cannot escape Ying Changge’s insight.
He understood it very clearly.
What terrifying energy and lethality is contained in this yin-yang technique that is about to approach!
“This trick is slightly qualified to make me take it seriously.”
“The warm-up is over…”
“I’m going to get serious!”
“Are you ready?”
Under the fluctuations of the dark red internal force coming from all directions, Ying Changge was affected by the terrifying power of the yin and yang combined handprints.
But at this moment, he suddenly revealed an understated smile strangely, which made him look extraordinarily eye-catching.
Shocking spells come to the mortal world…
The strong air waves erupted by the Yin-Yang technique continuously blow the dust in all directions, and it flies up wantonly with the air waves, dancing in mid-air.
for a moment.
The monstrous dark red internal force descended from the sky and suddenly landed on Ying Changge’s body.
But at this critical moment.
What no one can dream of is…
Facing such a horrible attack.
But can only see.
Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand and raised his index finger.
Gently tap the index finger, aiming at the terrifying bloody handprint in front of you… Fan.
Chapter 87 Shock the audience with one finger! My son is invincible! 【5/7 for customization】
this moment.
Ying Changge’s actions attracted the eyes and eyes of everyone in all directions.
Pairs of eyes full of shock, horror, and disbelief fixed on Ying Changge’s body.
Including Da Si Ming.
She was stunned at the moment.
“No, don’t dodge?!””Seventh Young Master, you don’t intend to dodge my blow?”
“Just relying on the same mid-innate cultivation realm, trying to block my full blow?”
“The yin and yang aura handprint I used is not so easy to block. However, the seventh son tried to block it head-on!”
“This this!”
Da Si Ming looked very sluggish and shocked.
Obviously, she was deeply uncomfortable with Ying Changge’s sudden bravery.
Just now, he kept dodging her attack the whole time, but now, for the first time, he actually tried to block her full-strength attack head-on?
This is her strongest under-the-box trick!
Can you stop it?
Seventh Young Master can really block her yin and yang aura handprints at the bottom of the box only with his innate mid-stage cultivation?
She was deeply suspicious.
after all.
She used to rely on this yin and yang aura handprint to forcibly kill the top powerhouse in the late innate stage!
One can imagine.
This yin and yang technique erupts with all its strength, just how terrifying is its power.
And in her eyes think.
The reason why Ying Changge in front of him can possess such a terrifying overall strength is purely because of that terrifying magical method that can penetrate everything.
In fact, she didn’t think that Ying Changge’s level of frontal combat could be so strong.
Now, the other party has abandoned the strongest fighting method and is ready to intercept her bottom-of-the-box secrets head-on. How can this not shock her?
The yin and yang aura handprints that can kill the late-stage Xiantian powerhouse head-on, can the Seventh Young Master block it with only his cultivation in the middle-stage Xiantian stage?
Da Si Ming stared blankly at Ying Changge with his beautiful eyes.
With this in mind.
The power of the move she broke out at this moment has not weakened in the slightest. As always, with the momentum of breaking through, she suddenly aimed at Ying Changge and shot down fiercely.
“Seventh Young Master, let me see you.”
“What about your positive strength?”
“Aside from that terrifying ability that can see everything, how much strength do you have left?”
Da Si Ming’s beautiful eyes stared at Ying Changge.
It was precisely because of that terrifying ability to see everything that made her feel powerless and hopeless.
“one seven seven”
She is curious.
If Ying Changge hadn’t used that trick, would she have been able to defeat the opponent?
“It works!”
“Certainly possible!”
“The main reason why the Seventh Young Master is so powerful and hopeless is ultimately based on the terrifying supernatural power he has mastered.”
“Once he abandons this ability, his combat power will inevitably be weakened countless times!”
“And the Seventh Young Master at that time is just an ordinary innate mid-term strongman.”
“Head to head, I will definitely not be inferior to the seventh son!”
“Yes! It must be so!”
Da Si Ming’s confidence suddenly increased, and he looked expectantly at the impending collision ahead.
She seemed to see the hope of victory!
“In the face of this trick I used to suppress the bottom of the box, the seventh son actually chose not to hide or evade, but wanted to fight me head-on.”
“Seventh Young Master, you will pay the price for your arrogance.”
“I can win this battle!”
Da Si Ming secretly rejoiced in his heart.
at the same time.
Luna, Xinghun, and Shao Siming also saw it.
The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in the battlefield ahead suddenly stopped his movements, ready to forcefully collide with Da Si Ming head-on.
Seeing this, both Luna and Star Soul were deeply surprised.
“Head to head?”
“Seventh Young Master, is this trying to block the yin-yang aura handprint from the front?”
“A head-to-head confrontation without evasion?”
“In this way, the greatest advantage of the Seventh Young Master will all disappear.”
“Can it work? The yin-yang amalgamation handprint is one of the most powerful yin-yang arts of our Yin-Yang family. Even if it is performed by a master who only has a mid-innate cultivation base, it has the terror of killing a late-stage innate Power.”
“Seventh Young Master can really block such terrible tricks just by relying on his innate mid-stage cultivation?”
Luna and Xinghun kept their eyes on the changes on the battlefield.
For Ying Changge’s actions, they expressed deep surprise and surprise.
Immediately afterwards.
What shocked them even more was…
They saw it clearly.
Facing the surging internal force of dark red, the seventh son Ying Changge on the opposite side slowly raised his right hand and raised an index finger.
What does it mean to raise your index finger in front of the Yin-Yang Aiki Mudra?
What does Seventh Son want to do?

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