“Only the seventh son is an exception!”
Star Soul has never encountered such a huge spiritual impact.
But today, since seeing Ying Changge, Xinghun’s world view has been constantly refreshed.
So is Luna.
Even the always expressionless Minister Mu, young and old, showed rare emotional waves one after another, waves of ripples rippling on her beautiful face hidden under the veil.
“Do you still think that you are the first genius in Jianghu for three hundred years?”
Moon God looked at Xinghun and asked with a strange expression.
“Seventh Young Master is of course a different matter, he can’t be compared.”
“He’s a monster!”
Star Soul shook his head.
For Ying Changge, he felt deeply ashamed.
Even a proud son like Xing Hun who has always been proud of the sky, but when faced with Ying Changge’s ability, he has to give up three points, and he dare not compare with him at all.
“It’s rare!”
“A genius like you actually has times when he will take the initiative to admit defeat.”
Luna looked surprised.
It can make Xinghun, who has always been arrogant, take the initiative to admit defeat, and it can also be seen from the side how terrifying that Seventh Young Master Ying Changge is!
“can only say.”
“Seventh Young Master, this monster is beyond common sense!”
“It is an example of being able to severely injure a martial arts master from the front with a mid-innate cultivation level. Thinking about it, this is the only case in history!”
“Even if it was me back then, it was absolutely impossible to do it.”
“Seventh Young Master is too scary!”
“For thousands of years, only the Seventh Young Master has been able to cross four or five realms, and he can still do it. He can severely injure a martial arts master!”
“The martial arts master who was severely injured is the number one sword master in the world today!”
Star Soul also expressed his conviction.
Seeing this, Luna did not appear too surprised.
She thought so too.
The seventh son is the most unique example!
A peerless evildoer who is the only one in a thousand years!
Since ancient times, only such a person has appeared!
A terrifying monster that can span four or five realms, but still be able to severely injure a martial arts master!
This kind of person can no longer be described as a genius.
He has completely exceeded the scope of genius.
Peerless genius!
Even Luna has to admit it.
Among so many geniuses she has seen in her life, even including Xinghun, the first genius of the Yinyang family in three hundred years, they are far inferior to the seventh son Ying Changge in front of her.
The Seventh Young Master is the true arrogance of the world!
“Empire, a very terrifying existence has been born!”
“A peerless evildoer!”
“I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse…”
“Seventh son, this is the biggest change in the empire!”
Luna took a deep look at Ying Changge, and her shocking mood seemed very complicated.
Facing such an unreasonable monster, she didn’t know how the Onmyo family should face it.
What His Excellency Donghuang said is right.
Seventh son…
Unfathomable indeed!
Terrible beyond imagination!
“Let the chief commander come back.”
“It’s my turn to fight this Seventh Young Master one or two.”
“I want to experience it for myself.”
“Seeing through the future, what kind of terrifying ability is this!”
Star Soul offered to propose.
Luna nodded thoughtfully: “Indeed, now the bigSi Ming continued to fight against the seventh son, purely looking for abuse. The two are not a level of comparison at all. ”
“In front of the Seventh Young Master, Da Si Ming was crushed almost the whole time!”
“No way to fight back!”
“Even though the Seventh Young Master has not made a move yet, Da Si Ming has been retreating steadily.”
“The longer you fight against the Seventh Young Master, Da Si Ming may face the fate of a complete mental collapse. It is also possible that it will cause her to doubt her life from now on.”
Da Si Ming’s state is very poor, which naturally cannot escape the awareness of Luna and Xinghun.
Facing such a terrifying monster as the Seventh Young Master, it is reasonable for Da Si Ming to have a mental breakdown.
“The same realm…”
“No one can be the opponent of the seventh son!”
“Even if I am, I am not absolutely sure that I can win the Seventh Young Master.”
Star Soul commented like this.
Invincible at the same level!
This is Ying Changge in Xinghun’s eyes.
A true peerless monster!
In the same realm, no one can be the opponent of the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him.
Star Soul can be absolutely sure about this.
Even he is no exception.
In the same realm, the seventh son can be called invincible in the world!
“In the whole world, there is no other example of someone who can be as monster as the seventh son.”
Luna was deeply moved.
Just when Star Soul was about to intervene in the battlefield ahead.
Suddenly, Moon God called to stop the other party: “Wait a moment first.”
Star Soul’s footsteps paused for a moment.
Looking back, his expression was full of doubts.
“Seventh Young Master seems to be starting to get serious!”
“Continue to observe.”
“Avoid later, you will end up being hanged and beaten by the Seventh Young Master.”
“Let’s take a closer look at Seventh Young Master’s ability, it will do you no harm at all.”
Luna’s calm analysis and proposal.
Xinghun nodded, but did not refute.
If he had been arrogant in the past, facing Luna’s contempt, he would definitely retort angrily in a bad tone.
But now.
Xinghun rarely refuted Luna’s proposal, which is very rare.
Everything, just because…
For the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him, Xinghun really felt a lot of pressure from the bottom of his heart.
This is his life.
For the first time, I experienced such a strong and powerful sense of oppression from a person who only had a mid-innate cultivation level!
“You two protectors, my young master hasn’t really taken it seriously yet.”
“Otherwise, do you really think that my young master only has this ability?”
“No way, no way? You don’t think my young master’s strength is at this level, do you?”

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