Only after the real test, can we determine the relationship between the Seventh Young Master and the terrifying existence that severely injured Gai Nie and destroyed the famous sword Yuanhong with his bare hands.
Seventh son, is he that terrifying mysterious strong man?
They all need to try it out in person before they can reveal the final and accurate answer.
Chapter 81 What did you say just now? Please repeat it again! 【6/7 for customization】
“Invite me to visit the Yin Yang family’s resident?”
“Is it the meaning of Lord Luna? Or the meaning of the entire Yin-Yang family?”
Facing the invitation from the Moon God, Ying Changge was not surprised at all.
Everything is within the expected range~.
Long before the arrival of the Moon God, with the help of the perfect-level knowledge-colored domineering, he had already seen a corner of the future for a short time.
Luna would take the initiative to come to the door to invite, which was naturally part of what Ying Changge had expected.
“It’s the meaning of the entire Yin Yang family!”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, telling the truth.
The order from Donghuang Taiyi also represents the entire Yin Yang family!
Donghuang Taiyi is the supreme leader of the Yin Yang family!
The order it issued represents the highest order of the Yin Yang family!
The meaning of Donghuang Taiyi can also be said to mean the meaning of the entire Yin Yang family.
“What does the whole Yin Yang family mean? That really flatters me.”
“How can I be able to make the Yin-Yang family be so serious?”
Ying Changge smiled.
“Seventh Young Master was joking. With such a prominent status as Seventh Young Master, it is a great blessing for the Yin Yang family to be able to go to the Yin Yang Pavilion in person.”
Luna continued on.
“In that case, I will accompany you for a walk.”
Ying Changge slowly stood up from the stone chair.
In this regard, he has long been mentally prepared.
At the same time, he also wanted to go to the Yinyang family for a long time, and meet the mysterious and unfathomable leader Donghuang Taiyi of the Yinyang family!
According to rumors.
The leader of the Yinyang family, Donghuang Taiyi, is an invincible top powerhouse in the world, even stronger than the world’s number one swordsman Gai Nie.
I just don’t know if these rumors are true.
In the whole world, it seems that there is only Guiguzi who can be compared with Donghuang Taiyi.
In addition, there is Bei Mingzi, the terrifying existence of Taoist Tianzong.
And Xunzi of Confucianism!
These four may be called the most powerful existence in the world!
As for which is stronger and which is weaker?
Then I don’t know.
“I really want to see the existence of the ceiling level of combat power in this world.”
“I don’t know. With my current strength, if I meet a strong man of this level, can I forcibly shake him?”
“I’m afraid the difficulty is still quite high.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Once he unlocks the third blind swordsman’s ability, and his cultivation level is not as good as that of the innate late stage, then everything will be completely different.
Ying Changge followed Moon God, and the two left the palace gradually.
Meng Ying followed Ying Changge closely.
A gorgeous carriage was summoned, and the three of them stepped into it smoothly.
All the way without words.
On the way, Luna has been observing Ying Changge’s every move.
She’s still thinking about it.
Is the seventh son Ying Changge the mysterious strong man who hit Gai Nie hard?
This matter deeply troubled Luna’s heart, making her puzzled.
The carriage walked for a while, then stopped slowly.
“Young master, you have arrived at the Yinyang Pavilion.”
Mengying reminded Ying Changge in a low voice.
“Then let’s go.”
After getting off the carriage, Ying Changge landed on both feet smoothly.
next second.
In a flash, an invisible wave of air erupted from Ying Changge’s body.
The domineering arrogance of the perfect level burst out at this moment!
Surrounding Ying Changge’s body with a radius of hundreds of meters, every move of all creatures and creatures in the world will not escape his insight.
No matter how subtle the movement is, it will be infinitely magnified and presented in Ying Changge’s mind.
This time when he came to the residence of the Yinyang family, Ying Changge naturally had to adjust his state to the best, so as not to be murdered in the Yinyang Pavilion.
Although, with the blood of the prince flowing through his body, it is basically impossible for him to encounter any accidents in the Yin Yang Pavilion. People from the Yin-Yang family absolutely did not have the guts to act rashly against him.
However, be wary of things that are just passing by.
After Ying Changge burst out with knowledgeable and domineering aura, he would see all the disturbances around him one by one, without any concealment.
Even the beating frequency of the hearts of Luna, Meng Ying and others standing around will be infinitely magnified, slowed down countless times, and presented in Ying Changge’s mind.
“Seventh Young Master, please.”
Beside Ying Changge, Luna was wearing a long light blue dress.
She has a tall and graceful figure, with long purple hair hanging down her shawl, revealing a delicate and pretty face, her beautiful eyes are half covered by a translucent eye veil.
This moment.
After arriving in front of the Yinyang Pavilion, she suppressed many thoughts in her heart and took the initiative to lead Ying Changge to the Yinyang Pavilion ahead.
“Master Luna will lead the way.”
“Yin Yang Pavilion, I have never been here before.”
“This time, I am fortunate enough to experience the yin and yang for myself.The environment in the cabinet. ”
The perfect level of arrogance is wrapped around her body, allowing Ying Changge to distinguish the location and detailed information of all the objects around her.
Ordinary knowledgeable domineering may only be able to discern the breath signs of living beings.
Ying Changge possesses a perfect level of knowledge and knowledge!
Even objects without any vital signs can also be fully understood at the perfect level of knowledge, and they clearly appear in Ying Changge’s mind.
In fact, the size and appearance of the huge Yinyang Pavilion has roughly presented a three-dimensional structural diagram, which appeared on Ying Changge’s forehead.
Let him clearly observe the scale and prosperity of this Yinyang Pavilion.
“This is the residence of the Yin Yang family? It’s really luxurious!”
“It’s even more luxurious than the palace I live in!”
“The Yin-Yang family is worthy of being the Yin-Yang family…”
Ying Changge seemed to have a feeling, thinking with a weird expression.
Under the leadership of the moon god.
Ying Changge took Meng Ying behind him, and the two followed in the footsteps of the Moon God, step by step towards the huge Yin-Yang Pavilion ahead.
“Seventh Young Master, be careful, there are steps ahead.”
Luna reminded him softly.
Meng Ying rolled her eyes, speechless.
My son still needs you to remind this little thing?
What a joke!
My son has mastered an ability that is more terrifying than the martial arts mind!

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