“Master Luna is bothering you.”
With a smile on his face, Ying Changge walked across the steps step by step and walked to the door of Yinyang Pavilion.
Seeing Ying Changge’s easy behavior, Moon God’s beautiful eyes flashed, and a strange look flashed across her pretty face, and she pondered for a moment in her heart.
not for a while.
Luna brought Ying Changge and Meng Ying into the Yinyang Pavilion smoothly.
Coming towards him, a disciple of the Yin Yang family greeted him respectfully, “Lord Moon God.”
As for Ying Changge and Meng Ying?
Since the faces of the two were unfamiliar, none of the Onmyoji disciples came to greet them.
It was only when they saw that the two were led by the Moon God himself that they attracted a disciple of the Yin Yang family, and they didn’t dare to show any contemptuous expressions at all.
It can let the right protector of the Yinyang family, Lord Luna, personally lead him into the Yinyang Pavilion.
This group of Yin Yang disciples didn’t need to use their brains to think, they could all think of the illustrious identities of these two visitors!
“grown ups.”
Immediately, a group of Yin Yang disciples bowed their heads and greeted respectfully.
Luna took Ying Changge and left.
A disciple of the Onmyo family who stayed in the same place began to talk with a suspicious expression and muttered to himself.
“The one led by Lord Luna just now…”
“It seems to be the seventh son, right?”
Some disciples obviously recognized it.
“Seventh son?”
“Is it the Seventh Young Master who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“The Seventh Young Master who was congenitally blind? Relying on his blindness, he severely injured the terrifying existence of Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“No way? I actually saw the Seventh Young Master himself?”
“Oh my God!”
“Seventh Young Master, you seem to be younger than I imagined!”
“At this age, is it really possible to seriously injure Sword Saint Gai Nie? It always feels a bit unbelievable!”
“And the most frightening thing is that the Seventh Young Master, relying on his blindness, forcibly injured the Sword Saint Gai Nie! This is simply shocking!”
“Not only is he blind in both eyes, but he is still in a weak crown…”
“Seventh Young Master is too scary!”
“This, perhaps, is the legendary peerless evildoer!”
The little sensation caused by the disciples of the Yin Yang family did not attract the attention of Ying Changge and others.
Under the leadership of the moon god.
Ying Changge and Meng Ying came to the palace hall of Yinyang Pavilion very smoothly.
“Seventh Young Master, please wait a moment.”
Luna summoned several disciples of the Yin Yang family to specially entertain Ying Changge and Meng Ying.
Then, she left alone.
In the huge living room, Ying Changge sat casually on a wooden chair. There was a faint scent of flowers in the air, and occasionally a simple and full of charm came from his ears.
“A mere Yin Yang family, you really know how to enjoy yourself!”
“It’s even more gorgeous than my prince’s palace!”
During the perfect domineering sweep of knowledge and knowledge, Ying Changge had a complete insight into the overall structure of the entire Yin-Yang Pavilion with ease.
If nothing else.
In order to build this Yin-Yang Pavilion, countless manpower, materials and resources of the empire must have been spent.
“Young master, tell me, what are the plans of the Yin Yang family?”
Meng Ying couldn’t help asking in a low voice.
“I don’t know, but if it comes, it will be safe.”
“In Xianyang City, they dare not act rashly.”
“When you come to the Yinyang Pavilion, then just enjoy the hospitality in the Yinyang Pavilion.”
“Instead of wasting time thinking about what’s there and what’s not, it’s better to experience the mystery of this Yinyang Pavilion.”
Ying Changge laughed, the expression on his face was always calm, without too much emotional ups and downs.
Not to mention his prominent status.
Just with his current strength alone, it is enough to make him fearless of any threats.
Even if the leader of the Yinyang family, Donghuangtai, made a move, Ying Changge was confident that he could easily protect himself and leave the Yinyang Pavilion.
Under the burst of his perfect knowledge-colored arrogance, he can perceive any threat in advance.
in this way.
Want to kill Ying Changge?
This is as difficult as heaven!
The difficulty of killing Ying Changge is probably hundreds of times that of killing a martial arts master!
“My lord is right.”
MongolianYing nodded, as if suddenly enlightened.
At this time.
After observing the structure of the huge Yin-Yang Pavilion, Ying Changge discovered some interesting things.
“That is……”
“Yin-yang formation?”
Ying Changge suddenly became interested.
In the entire Yin-Yang Pavilion, there are quite a few Yin-Yang formations.
These formations are linked together, forming a huge formation that connects the entire Yinyang Pavilion.
Once the formation is activated, it will be able to affect all places in the Yinyang Pavilion!
Every place will not be immune to being affected by this huge formation.
“To be able to create such a huge yin-yang formation, the background of the Yin-Yang family is really extraordinary.”
“It looks like…”
“If I want to deal with the Yin Yang family, I really need to make a good plan.”
“Don’t act rashly!”
“The Yin-Yang family, like Zhao Gao’s net, needs a long-term plan before making a move.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
Although these formations in the Yinyang Pavilion are hidden very subtly, they still cannot escape Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable and domineering insight.
These yin and yang formations contain surging energy fluctuations, and these surging energy fluctuations should not be too conspicuous under Ying Changge’s knowledge.
In addition to seeing the traces of these formations, Ying Changge can also rely on his perfect level of knowledge to gain insight into the core formations of these yin-yang formations.
As well as the weaknesses and loopholes of these formations and so on.
simply put.
Mastering the perfect level of domineering knowledge is equivalent to allowing Ying Changge to analyze the yin-yang formations and observe the structure of the formations from the inside of these formations.
In this way, it is not difficult for Ying Changge to discover the weaknesses of these formations.
“Yin-yang formation?”
“It’s full of loopholes!”
“If I didn’t observe carefully, I wouldn’t have noticed. There are so many loopholes and weaknesses in the Yin-Yang formations that surround the entire Yin-Yang Pavilion.”
“With ease, I can break through these so-called Yin-Yang formations!”
“Originally, I thought the background of the Yin Yang family was terrible, but unexpectedly, it was just a paper tiger with little value.”
Ying Changge let out a laugh.
If it weren’t for the perfect domineering level of knowledge, he certainly wouldn’t be able to notice that these Yin-Yang formations were full of loopholes.
It can be said.
These proud Yin-Yang formations arranged by the Yin-Yang family will become fragile garbage in the hands of Ying Changge!
after all.
Any powerful formation, in fact, is almost invulnerable from the outside.
However, once the internal structure of the formation is penetrated, the weakness of the formation will also surface.
For the vast majority of people, the yin-yang formation is an extremely terrifying killing formation.
Because they can often only see the surface of the formation, but cannot penetrate the essence of the formation.
And Ying Changge?
Relying on the perfect domineering level of knowledge, he can easily penetrate the inner core essence of the formation.
Finding the weaknesses and loopholes of the formation from the inside will become extraordinarily simple and easy.

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