The moon god lotus moved slightly, stepped into the palace ahead, and came all the way to Ying Changge.
There was a slight breeze.
A faint scent of fragrance floated in Ying Changge’s sense of smell.
Hearing what Mengying said just now, Ying Changge immediately knew the identity of the visitor.
One of the right guardians of the Yin Yang family, Luna!
The status and status in the empire are all very detached national teachers.
It is even more valued by his father, the first emperor Yingzheng!
Although he has no real power, the status of the Moon God is far above that of most civil and military officials.
Ying Changge really didn’t expect it.
Today, the one who comes to visit in person will be this protector You, who has a good status even if he is placed in Yin Yang’s house!
“Master Luna is able to visit the door in person today, which is really unexpected.”
“If there is something far away, please don’t be offended, Lord Moon God.”
With a smile on his face, Ying Changge sat quietly on the stone chair, completely indifferent, and had no intention of standing, appearing very calm and composed.
“Seventh Young Master is serious.”
“This time I came in a hurry, but I took the liberty to disturb the purity of the seventh son.”
“Seventh Young Master, don’t be surprised.”
Luna spoke softly.
At this time.
Only then did she carefully start to look at Ying Changge in front of her.
Dressed in white clothes, he is full of elegance, and exudes a bookish air from top to bottom. He looks like a frail Confucian scholar, with sharp and angular features, at least six points similar to the first emperor Yingzheng.
From the aura emanating from Ying Changge, Luna felt an unfathomable feeling.
Even though she tried her best to investigate, she found nothing in the end.
Completely unobservable!
as if…
Blocked by a wall!
The moon god Liu Mei frowned, her beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent eyes were a bit dignified.
Seventh Young Master, it really is unfathomable!
It is completely different from the rumored weakness and cowardice!
Only by seeing it with one’s own eyes can Luna understand it.
The mystery and terror of this seventh son!
Even with her cultivation as a martial arts master, she couldn’t find out any details and depths of Ying Changge.
Usually this is the case.
Luna could only think of two possibilities.
The first type is that the seventh son Ying Changge in front of him is indeed an ordinary blind son.
And the second is…
The seventh son Ying Changge is too terrifying!
So much so that even she couldn’t see through it.
Of these two possibilities, Luna is more inclined to the latter.
“Could it really be you? Seventh Young Master.”
Luna thought silently in her heart.
Until now, she still couldn’t be absolutely sure.
Is the mysterious strong man who severely injured Gai Nie the seventh son Ying Changge in front of him?
On this point, Luna cannot give an accurate answer.
in particular……
After seeing Ying Changge’s immature face at such a young age, the answer that Yue Shen believed in in his heart was shaken again involuntarily.
too young!
With Seventh Young Master at such a young age, can he really have the strength to seriously injure Sword Saint Gai Nie?
Not to mention…
Destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with bare hands!
This is even more nonsense!
“Seventh Young Master at such a young age, can he really do such an amazing feat?”
“Not only did he severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie, but he also destroyed the famous sword Yuanhong with his bare hands!”
“Such an astonishing move is simply beyond what ordinary strong people can do.”
“Even a martial arts master can’t imitate at all!”
“Seventh son…”
“Is it you?”
Luna was lost in thought.
She still dare not imagine.
The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge, who is still in his weakest years, will be the mysterious strongman who will severely injure martial arts masters like Sword Saint Gai Nie!
Everything is simply unbelievable!
Subvert cognition!
What’s even more frightening is…
Luna couldn’t believe it even more.
The culprit who destroyed a magical weapon with his bare hands was a young man under the age of twenty!
This is really shocking!
With Luna’s rich experience, he dare not imagine such an astonishing phenomenon.
“If it’s really the Seventh Young Master…”
“That thing is too scary!”
“How should one describe a person who severely wounded Sword Saint Gai Nie before he was twenty years old?”
“Do not!”
“Genius beyond description.”
“More precisely.”
“It should be, monster!”
“A peerless evildoer!”
Moon God’s mind surged wildly, and the emotional waves set off waves of waves and ripples.
Although she looked calm and calm on the outside, in fact, her heart seemed to have set off waves like a storm, and the waves rolled wildly one after another.
Holding countless thoughts, Luna seemed a little silent.
The atmosphere here has become a little weird.
quite a while.
The atmosphere of silence was directly broken by Ying Changge: “Master Luna is here today, why is it? Why don’t you just explain the purpose of your visit so that I don’t have to guess too much.”
Hearing this, the Moon God came back to his senses.
She quickly suppressed the many chaotic thoughts in her head.
She took the initiative to express: “I came to visit alone today, just because I want to represent the Yinyang family, and sincerely invite you, Seventh Young Master, to visit the Yinyang Pavilion where the Yinyang family resides.”
“I just don’t know…”
“Seventh Young Master, what do you think?”
This is an invitation, but also a temptation!
It’s the yin and yang family’s temptation against the seventh son, Ying Changge!
Because so far.
Whether it is the Moon God, or the leader of the Yin Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, or the other Left Guardian Star Soul, they still cannot be 100% sure.
The mysterious strongman who hit Gai Nie hard is the matter of the seventh son Ying Changge!
While astrology has failed and suffered backlash, it can only show. Qi GongZiying Changge is by no means an ordinary person, but an extremely terrifying and unfathomable existence.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean…
The seventh son must be the terrifying strong man who severely injured Gai Nie!
Today, Luna came to visit in person, so he was going to invite Ying Changge to Yinyang Pavilion.
In this way, a series of follow-up explorations will be launched!

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