“I’m really looking forward to the moment when I meet people from the Yin Yang family.”
“It happens to be able to steal their hearts by relying on the domineering aura of the perfect level.The voice of the spirit…”
In this regard, Ying Changge expressed great expectations.
He can be sure.
With the cautious characters of the Yin Yang family, it is impossible for them to tolerate it. They don’t know anything about such a huge variable as themselves.
The yin and yang family will definitely do everything possible to find a way to find out their own details and depths!
Just like.
It was the same as the Zhao Gao before, who sent a snare assassin to test him out.
The yin and yang family will definitely choose to do the same.
“A variable?”
“Then let me become a huge variable for your entire Yin-Yang family!”
“The so-called elixir? The so-called elixir? Hehe…”
“Sooner or later, I will settle this account with you!”
Ying Changge sneered.
He remembered that the person who refined the elixir seemed to be one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu.
An unpardonable man!
Also want to frantically collect the so-called three thousand virgins in the empire, and finally travel eastward on a huge mirage to find overseas fairy islands?
Ying Changge had a plan in mind.
As long as he is here, Xu Fu will never think about going east!
Let Xu Fu take three thousand boys and girls to Fusang Island in the east?
Then, let them establish a country on Fusang Island?
One day with Ying Changge around, Xu Fu would stop dreaming!
The key is……
When Xu Fu took the mirage and chose to cross to the east, he not only brought three thousand boys and girls with him, but also countless humanistic knowledge materials of Daqin.
It is these humanistic knowledge materials that can finally make Fusang Island slowly take shape.
These days, knowledge is the most important thing.
It is also the most precious!
This guy Xu Fu actually took the precious knowledge of the Qin Empire, traveled east to Fusang Island, and finally made Fusang Island slowly start to learn the precious knowledge of the Qin Empire?
“With me here, Xu Fu, don’t think about these things.”
“It’s just that we don’t know yet whether this matter is related to the mysterious Lord Donghuang from the Yinyang family?”
“Xu Fu will choose to make so many full preparations, and finally cross to the east. I’m afraid there is also an order from His Excellency the Eastern Emperor?”
“From the very beginning, this was the conspiracy and plan of the Yin Yang family’s His Excellency the Eastern Emperor!”
“And Xu Fu is just a pawn of His Excellency the Eastern Emperor.”
“On the grounds of refining elixir and elixir, are you constantly using the resources of the empire to seek your own personal gain? After you are fully prepared, you will travel east to Fusang Island and establish your own Fusang Kingdom?”
“It’s so beautiful!”
I thought about it carefully.
Ying Changge suddenly thought of it.
He destroyed the plan and conspiracy of the Yinyang family, prevented Xu Fu from crossing the east, and shattered the plan for the future rise of Fusang Kingdom.
In this way, how high the degree of attribute fusion can I get?
It must be very high!
Just imagining it filled Ying Changge with anticipation.
Just as Ying Changge was thinking.
After half an hour.
Relying on the domineering aura of the perfect level of knowledge, he had an insight into the visitors outside the palace gate as expected.
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly.
As expected, the people sent by the Yin Yang family came!
Naturally, Ying Changge’s meticulous insight could not escape the area of ​​the huge palace with a radius of more than 100 meters.
at this time.
The visitor who is about to approach the gate of the palace, the vital signs emitted by his body, and all the information about his own strength, etc., will be fully revealed by him without being able to hide.
When checking out the visitor outside the door, Ying Changge let out a little surprise.
The strength of the comer is not weak…
On the contrary, it is very strong!
Very strong!
Even surpass Zhang Han by far!
This strong fluctuation of internal force is more than ten times higher than innate perfection!
Among the strong men Ying Changge has seen so far.
The aura exuded by this person is second only to the Sword Saint Gai Nie at his peak!
To know.
Who is Sword Saint Gai Nie?
That is the number one sword master in the world!
A formidable martial arts master!
And the aura exuded by this person can be compared with Sword Saint Gai Nie?
what does that mean?
“Martial arts master?”
(afej) “It’s really not easy!”
“Personally send a martial arts master to visit? The Yin Yang family is so bold!”
Ying Changge smiled.
He told Meng Ying beside him: “Go and open the door to welcome the distinguished guests.”
“Yes, my son.”
Following Ying Changge’s instructions, Meng Ying walked to the gate.
After slowly pushing the door open, Meng Ying saw the person outside the door.
This is a very tall woman with a rather outstanding appearance.
She was wearing a light blue long dress, her long purple hair shawl fell down her back, and she was wearing a translucent veil, showing a sense of mystery.
“You are……”
“Master Luna?”
Mengying’s pupils shrank, she quickly lowered her head, and greeted him proactively.
The right protector of the Yin Yang family, Luna, has a very prominent status in the empire.
Even though he is the son of Meng Tian, ​​when Meng Ying faced the moon god, he still didn’t dare to act presumptuously.
Luna is the national teacher of the empire!
Although he has no real power, his status is transcendent!
Even his father, Meng Tian, ​​had to salute and greet the Moon God.
This is the prominent position of the Moon God in the empire.
“General Mengying, is the seventh son in the mansion?”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, and her voice was clear and sweet.
Plain and unremarkable, as if without any slightest emotional ups and downs.
“Lord Moon God, the young master is in the hall, please come in.”
Meng Ying turned sideways quickly, and made way for the way to enter the palace from the gate.
For the visit of the moon god from the Yin Yang family, Meng Ying seemed very surprised and unexpected.

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