Even, it is still a terrifying existence enough to shake the entire net!
When he realized this, Zhao Gao was already powerless.
He could only watch helplessly.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is on the rise!
“Even with the strength of Seventh Young Master now…”
“It’s definitely not something I can easily deal with.”
“Is this a monstrosity? Terrible!”
Zhao Gao’s heart is heavy.

at the same time.
The eldest son Fusu, the eighteenth son Hu Hai, and the rest of the princes and princesses also learned of this earth-shattering news at the same time.
For this, Fusu was deeply pleased and exclaimed again and again: “Seventh brother, you really are a monster!”
On the other side, Hu Hai felt angry and jealous.
“Damn! How could this guy become so terrifying?”
“This must be false news from the Shadow Secret Guard!”
“I do not believe!”
“In just a few days, how could he be strong enough to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie?!”
“No matter how genius! No matter how evil! It’s not so scary, right?”
Recalling the scene of being pinched by Ying Changge’s neck with one hand that day, Hu Hai was suddenly terrified, with cold sweat on his forehead and shuddering.
at the same time.
The Ninth Emperor’s daughter Yin said with a look of admiration: “Brother is really amazing!”

When the seventh son won the name of Changge and shocked the entire city of Xianyang.
Not surprisingly.
The news disappeared, and it was successfully conveyed to the Yin Yang family!
After the arrival of this piece of news, the high-level members of the entire Yin-Yang family caused unprecedented turmoil in the Yin-Yang family! .
Chapter 79 Chaotic Astrology! Astrological backlash shocked the audience! invite! 【4/7 for customization】
Yin Yang Pavilion.
In the huge palace, only three people are located here.
One is a woman in a light blue dress.
She has long purple and soft hair hanging down the shawl, and a moon-shaped object is decorated on her back. She wears a translucent eye veil, covering her beautiful eyes, exuding a mysterious charm.
She is tall and slender, with dignified and elegant features, and impeccable exquisiteness.
The left guardian of the Yin Yang family, the moon god!
Standing next to him is the right protector, Xinghun.
Star Soul, who was dressed in dark blue mage attire, was as cold and unruly as ever, appearing full of arrogance.
On the steps in front of the two high-level guards of the Yin Yang family, there stood a tall figure wrapped in a black robe, which was the current leader of the Yin Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi.
Three people represent the current top decision makers of the Yin Yang family!
Except for the rebellious Concubine Dongjun Yan, the three of them are the highest rulers of the Yinyang family!
“Is the news true?”
Donghuang Taiyi spoke slowly.
The strange atmosphere of silence was subsequently broken.
“It always feels a little weird…”
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, and whispered out her inner guess.
“So do I.”
Star Soul nodded.After a pause, he continued: “How could a blind young man be the mysterious strongman who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie yesterday?”
“do not forget.”
“Yesterday’s mysterious strongman not only severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie, but also achieved the amazing feat of destroying the famous sword Yuanhong with his bare hands!”
“I do know something about that seventh son, Ying Changge. According to rumors, he was born blind, has no talent for martial arts, and has never been exposed to martial arts.”
“In this way, it is completely inconsistent with the mysterious strong man from yesterday.”
These remarks were made after Xinghun’s calm thinking.
When mentioning that mysterious strong man, Xinghun’s eyes flashed an unnatural sense of fear.
The finger prints left on the broken Yuanhong yesterday left an incomparably deep impression on him, making him still feel deeply afraid and terrified in his heart at this moment.
Luna nodded slightly.
What Xinghun said was exactly what she thought made the most sense.
“You all think it’s not the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge?”
“The mysterious strong man who severely injured Gai Nie is actually someone else?”
“Isn’t this Seventh Young Master the one who destroyed the famous sword Yuanhong with his bare hands?”
Donghuang Taiyi asked questions one after another.
“Probably so.”
Luna and Xinghun nodded at the same time.
“How much do you know about this Seventh Young Master?”
Dong Huangtai asked again and again.
“The seventh son, Ying Changge, has not yet reached the age of 20 in the annual examination, and is in a weak year. He was blind when he was born and could not see the world clearly.”
“Also, this person is weak and cowardly, and has a certain degree of inferiority.”
“Among the group of princes and daughters, the seventh son, Ying Changge, is the most inconspicuous one, and he is also the most vulnerable to being bullied by other princes and daughters.”
“His Majesty the First Emperor, he has shown special concern for the seventh son.”
“Perhaps because of his blindness, His Majesty the First Emperor treats the seventh son and the eldest son Fusu almost without much difference.”
“Seventh Young Master has rarely left his palace over the years. Therefore, even I rarely see that Seventh Young Master.”
“However, I have heard that the seventh son has never been exposed to martial arts, let alone the talent and aptitude of martial arts, just the blindness of both eyes is enough to prevent the seventh son from easily contacting martial arts and practicing.”
“Therefore, the mysterious man who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie yesterday is almost impossible to be the Seventh Young Master. The mysterious man’s strength is extremely terrifying, but the Seventh Young Master is a blind man with no strength to restrain a chicken.”
One after another, Luna truthfully told all the news she knew.
The atmosphere here fell into silence again.
“I have a hunch.”
“This mysterious strong man who severely injured Gai Nie may be closely related to this Seventh Young Master.”
“Otherwise, the Shadow Secret Guard would never spread such remarks privately.”
“If the seventh son is really so incompetent, then how to explain the notices that the Shadow Secret Guards are currently posting in the streets and alleys of Xianyang City?”
Donghuang Taiyi thought for a moment, and then spoke again.
Luna’s pink lips moved slightly, and she was speechless for a while.
She couldn’t explain it either.
If the mysterious strongman who severely injured Gai Nie was not the Seventh Young Master, why would the Shadow Secret Guard take the initiative to put the credit on the Seventh Young Master?
Why is it Seventh Young Master?
Instead of other princes?
Even if the Shadow Secret Guard wants to put the credit on a certain prince, then this person shouldn’t be the blind Seventh Prince Ying Changge!
Things became a little confusing, and Luna couldn’t figure it out.
“Moon God, use your astrology to check on this Seventh Young Master.”
“In this way, the truth will not be revealed naturally?”
Star Soul suddenly proposed.
Hearing this, Moon God Liu frowned, but did not refute.
After consent.
The moon god ordered a disciple of the Onmyo family to take the bronze mirror she used for astrology divination from the palace hall.

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