Meng Ying being able to follow the seventh son Ying Changge, in Meng Tian’s view, has become Meng Ying’s great fortune!
Basically anyone can see it.
Seventh son, the future is boundless!
With today’s events, the name of the Seventh Young Master will obviously shake the entire city of Xianyang!
All civil and military officials, including those above the imperial court, will once again feel thunderous about the name of the seventh son, Ying Changge.
Manchu civil and military…
Will be deeply remembered!
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is an extremely powerful and terrifying existence!
from now on.
In the court, no one can underestimate the seventh son, Ying Changge.
No one dared to laugh at the fact that the Seventh Young Master was blind again.
This point, both Meng Tianyi and Meng Yi are well aware of it.
“Tell the news to Father!”
“This kind of earth-shattering news, my father will definitely be very interested!”
After having this idea.
In the Meng Mansion, there was another old man who was shocked.
Meng Wu, who heard the news, was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.
“The world’s number one sword master at the realm of a martial arts master…”
“He was defeated by the Seventh Young Master relying on his innate mid-stage cultivation base?!”
“Oh my God!”
“The old man must not have woken up yet! Let me calm down!”
“Crossed four or five realms and severely injured the Sword Master? What kind of monster behavior is this? I thought I overestimated the seventh son. But now, the old man suddenly realized.”
“What the old man saw in the past was just the tip of the iceberg that the seventh son showed!”

The moment you hear the news.
Wang Li and Wang Wu remained silent.
Silence for a while.
Wang Wu took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said slowly: “Brother, you should know now. Before, why did I let the Wang family side with the seventh son?”
Wang Li nodded: “I probably understand.”
He said again: “Because, the seventh son is a monster! An unfathomable monster!”
Hearing this, Wang Wu deeply agreed.
Seventh Young Master is indeed an out-and-out monster!
At such an age, he managed to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie!
What an amazing feat?
No one can imagine it!
“Brother, from now on, we have to reconsider the matter of cooperation with the eighteenth son.”
“The most important thing is…”
“No matter what, the Wang family absolutely must not provoke the seventh son!”
“Otherwise, catastrophe will be upon us!”
“The entire Wang family will be doomed because of this!”
“Seventh Young Master is really scary!”
Wang Wu said with a face full of palpitations.
“I know.”
“I’ll re-evaluate the pros and cons.”
“In the past few days, it’s time to change the cooperation with the Eighteenth Prince. I can try to get in touch with the Seventh Prince.”
“As you said. Even if you can’t attract the attention of the Seventh Young Master, you must definitely not provoke the Seventh Young Master in the future.”
Wang Li’s expression was serious and solemn.

at the same timebetween.
All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in Xianyang City also learned of this earth-shattering news.
Such as Xiangguo Li Si.
The moment he heard the news, Li Si felt something in his heart, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “The Seventh Young Master is favored by the heavens, this is the great blessing of the empire!”
“At such a young age of 160, he can forcefully injure Sword Saint Gai Nie. Even if you look at the world, it is definitely one of the few!”
“Seventh son, be a dragon and phoenix among men!”
“Peerless monster!”
Li Si had a premonition in his heart.
from today.
The eldest son Fu Su and the eighteenth son Hu Hai, the two of them might have rivals!
If it weren’t for what happened today, Li Si absolutely wouldn’t dare to imagine it.
The seventh son, who is blind in both eyes, can become the rival of the eldest son and the eighteenth son!
Everything is too unbelievable!
It’s like a dream!
It’s like dreaming!
The name of the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge, from today onwards, really impressed Li Si deeply, like a thunderbolt.
If nothing else.
Presumably, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty will be like Li Si.

this day.
The name of the seventh son Ying Changge shook the entire city of Xianyang!
Not only the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, but also the name of the Seventh Young Master was deeply impressed.
Even the millions of people in the city have a deep memory of Ying Changge’s prestige.
When this news is widely circulated, it is inevitable that the assassins in the net will learn about it, and thus convey the news to Zhao Gao’s ears intact.
The moment I first heard the news.
Zhao Gao’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t say a word.
he knows.
Things are getting more and more difficult!
Seventh son Ying Changge…
Unknowingly, it has become his biggest obstacle!
At the same time, it is also the terrifying enemy that gives him the greatest threat!
“Seventh son…”
“It’s amazing!”
“In just a few days, he has become a high-profile and prestigious son.”
Zhao Gao’s eyelids twitched, and his heart felt a little heavy.
“In just a few days, is it already strong enough to seriously injure Sword Saint Gaine?”
“It’s really scary!”
“Is this the Seventh Young Master who is known as the number one evildoer through the ages?”
“Today, I have learned a lot!”
“Seventh Young Master is simply a monster!”
“If it takes a while longer, I’m afraid he will become even more terrifying!”
Zhao Gao felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.
He never dreamed of it.
This strong sense of crisis was brought to him by Ying Changge alone.
Obviously in the past, he was just a young master who was blind and had no sense of existence. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it became Zhao Gao’s biggest obstacle!

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