not for a while.
A golden bronze mirror is placed in the center of the hall.
“let’s start!”
Xinghun looked excitedly, looking expectantly at Moon God.
He is also very curious.
Who is this Seventh Young Master?
Is it really the mysterious strong man who severely injured Gai Nie?
Although he rejected this possibility from the bottom of his heart, Xinghun also went to investigate the truth with a somewhat curious attitude.
“During astrology, don’t be disturbed.”
“If someone’s voice is disturbing, it may disturb the changes in the astrology.”
“Then, naturally, it is impossible to predict any and all events.”
Luna seemed to be warning, and reminded the star soul beside him.
“Don’t worry, I also want to know if the seventh son is the mysterious strong man. You can rest assured to use your astrology, I will never interfere with you.”
Xinghun waved his hand with an innocent expression on his face.
Under Donghuang Taiyi’s majestic gaze.
Luna started astrology.
Slightly closing his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes slightly closed, Luna gently adjusted his own breathing rhythm, slowed down his breathing rhythm, calmed down, and let his mind become clear.
In an instant, Luna entered the state!
It is not a simple matter to perform astrology.
Even though she has already mastered astrology, every time Luna uses astrology, she will be very careful, not daring to be slack and careless at all, appearing very serious and solemn.
“Seventh son Ying Changge…~‖…”
The corner of Luna’s mouth muttered something.
She started to run the surge of inner force in her bodyverb: move……
The terrifying breath of internal energy slowly flowed out from her body.
A sense of vast and surging power wrapped around Luna’s body, gradually enveloping her tall and graceful figure.
The light blue inner force wraps around the whole body, making Luna’s figure appear more detached and eye-catching.
I see.
She seemed to slowly raise her slender right arm, put her index finger and middle finger together, and placed them silently by her mouth, still muttering in a low voice.
Wisps of light blue internal force began to float and linger around her fingertips quickly.
This moment.
Luna appears very strange and mysterious.
Even Xinghun calmed down, his eyes became extraordinarily serious, watching every move of Moon God.
The vast and incomparable aura emanating from the Moon Goddess was as unfathomable as a starry sky.
As the internal force fluctuations entwined on the surface of Luna’s body became more and more intense, she seemed to become a flying fairy, becoming more and more illusory.
The whole body seems to escape into the void and blend into the space.
“Astrology, appear!”
In vain, Luna opened his eyes.
The light blue halo hovering around her fingertips, under her control, gently tapped on the surface of the huge bronze mirror in front of her.
Astrology, can communicate astrology.
It is used to predict the future and predict the future!
Make a prophecy about the future!
This is the horror of astrology mastered by the Moon God!
This kind of astrology, even a powerhouse of Donghuang Taiyi’s level, has never mastered it.
And as the first genius of the Yin Yang family for three hundred years, Xing Hun is completely unable to get started with astrology.
This kind of astrology is very suitable for Luna, and it has been cultivated to the peak by her.
at this time.
As Luna’s index finger lightly touched the surface of the bronze mirror, a light blue halo escaped from her index finger into the bronze mirror in an instant.
Wisps of light blue internal energy emanated from Luna’s body, entangled her body, and swept in all directions. The entire hall of the palace was completely enveloped by her aura.
After Luna’s index finger tapped on the bronze mirror, the light blue halo turned into colorful rays of light, quickly evolving everything in the world within the bronze mirror.
The picture on the bronze mirror was originally silent.
It can only reflect the delicate face of the moon god.
After that ray of light blue halo escaped into the bronze mirror just now, the picture in the bronze mirror immediately changed drastically, and it was no longer just a mirror.
“Astrology, come out…”
The beautiful eyes of the Moon God flickered, and she concentrated on looking at the stars in the bronze mirror.
In the bronze mirror.
Like chess pieces on a chessboard, there are countless.
Light blue spots of light spread almost all over the surface of the copper mirror, flashing a rather dazzling halo.
“The second step!”
Luna’s index finger lightly swipe across the bronze mirror.
Immediately afterwards.
The star images on the bronze mirror changed rapidly.
like a shooting star…
Gone in a flash!
It is a series of light blue light spots, forming a vast sea of ​​stars, and they are constantly shifting with the control of the moon god, and their positions are changing with each other.
Take a closer look.
The dense dots of light on the bronze mirror add up to almost tens of thousands, making people dazzled and appearing extraordinarily cumbersome and complicated.
From the beginning to the end, Luna didn’t have much emotional change, and was very calm and calm, constantly communicating about changes in image and shifting positions.
Even seeing the dense, scalp-numbing dots of light, Luna was still very calm, and accurately evolved each dot of light into a sky full of stars.
One after another light spots flickered past, alternating their positions like meteors.
Luna’s index finger crazily wandered around the surface of the bronze mirror, constantly manipulating the positions of these light spots.
And when he saw this, Xing Hun’s scalp felt a little numb.
Astrology is not something he can practice.
It’s too cumbersome and complicated.
Without enough patience, of course it is impossible to practice astrology successfully.
This is a very weird yin and yang technique!
that’s it.
About half an hour passed.
The movement in Luna’s hands paused for a moment, and then came to an abrupt stop.
Star Soul couldn’t help asking.
Luna didn’t answer, and concentrated as always, staring at the sky full of stars on the bronze mirror, and staring at the galaxies with bright spots.
In her eyes.
This small bronze mirror is loaded with a vast starry sky!
The dots of light inside symbolize the astrology in the sea of ​​stars!
Luna nodded slightly.
Next, she waved her hand at the bronze mirror.
A light blue halo wrapped around her body, and then, a vast and mysterious force instantly poured into the bronze mirror from her right hand.
Just for a split second.
The sky full of stars in the bronze mirror has undergone another huge change.
The stars are shifting crazily, as if they are evolving into some extremely terrifying picture.

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