Under Ying Changge’s order, they immediately set fire to the corpses.
To avoid the further spread of the plague, they gathered many corpses together and burned them to death.
The burning fire was extraordinarily violent, accompanied by scorched smoke, burning these corpses into ashes.
Day and night, the doctors are busy, with so many patients, how can they be so busy!
So no matter what, let more doctors come and gather them together.
As long as more doctors come to treat them, the plague will be resolved sooner or later.
The doctor knows how to detoxify, and Ying Changge knows how to suppress the spread of the poison in Goguryeo.
With their solidarity, the plague will be completely dispelled within a few days.
Waiting patiently, let the big guys come to save people and treat illnesses in a steady stream, he is very looking forward to it.
After sweeping away the plague and stabilizing the situation in Goguryeo, they will be able to continue to survive 0  …
Otherwise, once various people are poisoned to death, their injuries will be very serious.
Death is just a trivial matter. Ying Changge is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that innocent people will be involved and die directly.
He pulled out all his strength and continued to call, so that more doctors came to him.
Sending his own army, Ying Changge mightily sent a signal for help around.
With great fanfare and a large number of troops, many people went to the distance because of this, calling for more doctors to come.
Ying Changge knew very well that the current plague spread out and spread with lightning speed.
Many people died, and they all died of poison in a very embarrassing situation, without any meaning.
5.0 Knowing everything about the situation, Ying Changge understands that it is very difficult now, and it is not easy to expel the plague.
If the plague continues to spread, then the entire Goguryeo might fall!
This matter is no small matter, and Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed completely.
He removed hope, and only his blood and perseverance remained.
1283 Stabilize the Situation!
Having mobilized so many people, Ying Changge wanted them to dispatch the doctors around them.
With so many doctors, it is enough to suppress these appalling plagues in a short time.
The doctors who followed Ying Changge’s army came continuously, and they didn’t regret it.
Putting himself into this plague alone, the doctor does not wait for anything, and is devoted to treating the patients wholeheartedly.
When a commoner in Goguryeo gets sick, it will continue to infect and spread to other commoners.
Ying Changge personally interviewed so many doctors, and the number of people under his command has once again increased.
This is a good thing, Ying Changge is very grateful, there will be so many doctors defecting to him.
He continued to treat these patients. Those who were poisoned were all pale and embarrassed.
They were so weak that they fell on the ground, and they even vomited blood, and almost none of them had any medical treatment.
Despite taking many herbs under the watchful eye of the doctor, none of them got better.
Injured, injured, so many patients died in a very embarrassing situation, it was very miserable.
After figuring out the current situation, he was of course very disappointed. Ying Changge couldn’t control his illness.
Fortunately, many doctors came to my side, of course they are proficient in medical skills.
In the face of unconscious patients, doctors frequently extended their helping hands and rescued them.
One can be saved, and what Ying Changge hopes most now is to keep these common people in Goguryeo.
To stabilize the situation and avoid the plague, he certainly hoped that more Goguryeo people would survive.
Doctors have come up with all their own methods, they collect herbs, and continue to suffer into soup.
Ying Changge himself is also very busy, always feeding these patients soup and medicine.
as long as you can live, Ying Changge will give them a chance to survive.
Otherwise, it would be a great loss that so many people died at the hands of Prime Minister Park.
Many doctors treated together and brought these dying patients back to life.
His signal for help was very timely, and Ying Changge immediately gained more doctors.
So many doctors came all the way from afar to treat the patients here.
Ying Changge was very satisfied with the doctor’s shot, and the skillful hand rejuvenated, and continued to ask the army to ask for help.
As long as they can see a doctor and save lives, Ying Changge will get all these doctors together.
They are all warm-hearted guys, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and the doctors are all over the place.
They came here continuously and gathered in Goguryeo, and they started the rescue plan, which was long and cumbersome.
It is more important to save many people 413 so that they can all survive.
The doctor’s eyes are only on these injured people, and they hope that these people will survive unharmed.
Otherwise, the more people are killed or injured, the easier it is to lose control of the situation and make the people of Goguryeo panic.
Staying here in person, Ying Changge took the lead, constantly saving people, and constantly tormenting the medicinal soup.
With his unremitting efforts, there were finally a few who managed to barely survive.
Prime Minister Park is an evil guy. He fled to Japan, but he never spared his compatriots.
Many people in Goguryeo died, and Ying Changge gathered many doctors.
1284 For no reason!
Let the doctors perform their duties, and Ying Changge is also busy, continuing to fight the plague with them.
Each showed their own good side, and Ying Changge allowed these doctors to play freely.
As long as they know how to see a doctor, let them all go to treat these highly poisonous patients.
Unable to control the situation in Goguryeo, how about Ying Changge leading his own army here!
It was useless to fetch water from the bamboo basket, and it was useless for Ying Changge to deploy so many troops here.
He was very cautious and carefully dispatched many doctors here to heal the sick.
There are still so many poisoned patients, they are all lying here, and they don’t even have the strength to stand up and speak.
Ying Changge is very concerned about the situation in Goguryeo at this moment, and must rescue these people.
Otherwise, it would be very useless to let so many doctors go for nothing.
He doesn’t like to do useless work, Ying Changge just hopes to fight these damn guys with all his strength.
More and more people in Koguryo were poisoned, and many people died, all of whom died of poisoning.
If they had known that these people would be poisoned to death, the only thing they had to do was to isolate the poison.
The continuous poisonous poison came in one go, spreading around, getting thicker and thicker.
From poisoning to plague, the doctor was at a loss what to do about it, very panicked, and didn’t know what to do!
What can they do! The doctor racked his brains and used unscrupulous treatments to suppress the plague.
If we just sit back and watch the plague, so many people will die for no reason!
He ordered several doctors to treat them patiently, and Ying Changge also saved many patients himself!
They recovered from a serious illness, and many patients recovered their deep knowledge and spirit because of taking the decoction.
He ordered the soldiers in his army to continue dispatching doctors. He just hoped that these people could survive.
Waiting for so many doctors to come together, the number of people under Ying Changge’s command immediately increased.
More and more people are in this place, come into contact with such dangerous people, and get along with patients day and night.
After suffering a lot of decoction, Ying Changge took a lot of decoction to feed the patients, so that they could stabilize.
Although they didn’t recover, at the very least, Ying Changge relieved their condition.
Under my own treatment, some patients regained their senses, but they were still unable to continue walking.
Unable to get up, they can only continue to lie here. With so many people, it seems that they are all working very hard.
Even Ying Changge himself has limited energy and physical strength, and he has worked very hard.
The continuous treatment has stabilized the condition of so many people, and Ying Changge is relieved.
Many doctors still came from thousands of miles away, including doctors from Goguryeo and Daqin.
They don’t have any gaps now, no matter (how good it is) it is far and wide, they all gather here for healing.
Even if the patient is plagued by the plague, Ying Changge and the doctor have treated many people during this period of time.
With their unremitting efforts, not many people would die from poisoning like this.
There was no doubt that they would die from poisoning before, and they would definitely die here, directly becoming a cold corpse.
But it’s different now, because Ying Changge and so many doctors are working together to stand up to it.
1285 Come after hearing the news!
With them, they are like pillars standing upright at the same time, and there is nothing to be afraid of when the sky falls.
Many people stayed here patiently, and they put in a lot of effort to solve this plague.
It took a lot of effort and hard work, and for a while, Ying Changge was able to control the plague with ease.

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