Let the people of Goguryeo die, and then Ying Changge occupies this place, and it is easy to expand the country.
For those who march and fight, this is of course unscrupulous, and it is even more desirable.
But Ying Changge is unusual, he is a good man with a warm heart, and his purpose is to save the common people.
Many people in Goguryeo died like this, it just made Ying Changge even more headache and sad.
Treating them equally, at this critical moment, Ying Changge regarded the Goguryeo people as his compatriots.
An order was issued, and at Ying Changge’s request, no matter what, the doctor must go to treat these people.
The number of patients continues to increase, but very few people are treated by doctors. They are very hard.
1280 Do your best!
After working for several days, I worked so hard to save a few people, but all the other patients died.
Their death made Ying Changge feel very regretful, and he realized that this matter must be undecided.
The spread of the poison spread around, and a lot of the poison penetrated into the bodies of the common people.
The doctors are all working hard to treat the patients. Their projects are huge, and they are quick to treat the patients.
The spreading poison has not been cured, but the number of patients is increasing day by day.
There are more and more patients lying here, and so many people can’t get treatment and die of poison.
When Ying Changge heard about this, he was naturally very disappointed, the poison was out of control.
Even so many doctors can’t concentrate on resuscitating these poisoned patients!
More and more people died, and the poisoned people were densely piled up in this place.
If so many people died, it would be a large number! Ying Changge was very distressed.
Regardless of whether they are the people of Goguryeo or not, Ying Changge will save them,Must go all out!
“Do your best!” Ying Changge exhorted in a deep voice, naturally with extra care!
Prime Minister Park fled after being poisoned, and disappeared without a trace.
He handed over this mess to Ying Changge, but Ying Changge would not stop there.
Since he invaded Goguryeo, Ying Changge must regard these common people as his own.
No matter what, let them live, not let them be wronged and poisoned to death.
The more people died, the more chaotic the situation in Goguryeo would be, chilling everyone around.
The people were very terrified, they were afraid that if they were not careful, they would die from the poison directly.
Except for Ying Changge, no one would care about such a tragic poison.
In other words, the death of the Goguryeo people is that no one cares about it, and death is useless.
Only the warm-hearted Ying Changge led so many doctors to treat these patients.
“Do everything possible to save them all.” Ying Changge told the doctor earnestly.
Taking orders from Ying Changge, the doctor is of course very serious (affa), and dare not ignore this task.
These patients have already been treated, and a lot of grassland has been used to treat them.
But unfortunately, the doctor still has nothing to do, Prime Minister Park is really a bastard!
He planted such a poison, causing many people to fall into the poison and unable to survive.
They were infected with the poison, they had no choice but to die, unable to survive.
The people of Goguryeo still want to live by idling, they don’t want to die in the poison like this!
In any case, the people of Goguryeo must be guaranteed, and Ying Changge asked the doctor to help him wholeheartedly.
Rescuing one is one, otherwise Ying Changge invited so many doctors, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort.
A lot of herbal medicines were used, and many patients were taken together, trying to save them.
However, it’s a pity that Ying Changge didn’t hear about any progress, and didn’t have any protection.
There are still many people in Goguryeo who died of poisoning in this way, and their deaths are very miserable.
Especially those who died due to poisoning. These people almost didn’t have a chance to struggle and resist, so they just died like this.
Knowing that this kind of poison is not easy to control, Ying Changge should send more doctors here.
1281 Spread the world!
Now, the doctor came to Ying Changge, and he told a very helpless thing.
“Toxic meng lang continues to attack, and now it has become a plague, which cannot be controlled any longer.”
After hearing what the doctor said, Ying Changge was very helpless, he was at a loss what to do.
“Then what should I do!” Now that a plague has formed, it means that the disease is even more difficult to control.
If it weren’t for the fact that Ying Changge still had a few doctors in his hands, the patients would have already died.
Faced with this situation, it really is out of control! He was already – disappointed.
Ordinary and highly poisonous, suddenly became a plague. Such a violent plague is hard to guard against.
Therefore, Ying Changge asked the doctor to see how to suppress this plague.
Soon, the doctor gave Ying Changge a message, “We can only invite more doctors to come for treatment!”
“As long as a large number of doctors are employed to suppress the plague, there must be a good chance to disintegrate.”
After sweeping away the plague, there will be no other dangers, but it will be safer and more peaceful.
“Okay! That’s the only way to go!” Ying Changge nodded, “Quickly, go and entertain all the doctors around you.”
With so many patients and the rampant plague, Ying Changge’s doctors could hardly stand it anymore.
It is impossible for Ying Changge to sit idly by letting so many Goguryeo people die of illness in front of him.
He immediately acted, spread the word to the world, let everyone know the situation here, and went to treat the people.
The patient cannot just die of illness like this, he must save the lives of these Goguryeo people no matter what.
Unable to provoke the poison, Ying Changge could only choose more doctors to help him.
Using more doctors to treat more patients is the only thing Ying Changge can do.
It takes work to gather manpower in a short period of time, and so many doctors cannot be gathered casually.
His patient waiting allowed the doctors to concentrate on treating the remaining patients.
Now, Ying Changge’s army is standing here, but they have used all their skills to fight against the enemy!
The enemy Ying Changge faced was invisible and intangible, and it was a plague that existed in midair.
If the poison becomes a plague, more innocent people will be involved, and they will surely die.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
The kind-hearted Ying Changge would not just give up like this, he took out all his staff and summoned the doctors.
With Ying Changge’s reputation here, everyone knows that Ying Changge is a hero with both loyalty and integrity.
Since Ying Changge needed a doctor, all the doctors in the world rushed to face the plague after hearing the news.
A mere poison has turned into a plague, and many people are afraid to avoid it, for fear of being infected by the plague.
…. . . .
The kind-hearted Ying Changge just stayed here, advancing and retreating with so many doctors.
If you take continuous shots and persist in rescuing them, they will be able to survive.
The patients were all poisoned, and they were comatose here, with their eyes closed all day long, unable to wake up.
Such a thing is really chilling, Ying Changge has known their fate for a long time.
It seems that the doctor in his hands is not enough, the only thing he has to do is to continue to treat.
How many patients are injured, how many doctors will he use to treat these innocent and poor people!
After hearing Ying Changge’s summons, doctors from all directions knew about his anxiety and…
1282 The doctor is busy!
In order to heal these people, the only thing Ying Changge has to do is to join forces with doctors from other places to fight side by side.
Fight against the plague together, when the time comes, they will be able to survive! Goguryeo was also able to defuse the crisis.
After patiently persisting, the doctors came after hearing the news, and many of them had already defected to Ying Changge’s sect.
In this plague-infected place, they prepared a lot of herbs and medicinal soups, and tried their best to treat the patients.
“April 13” Ying Changge naturally had no choice, the only thing he had to do was to suppress these patients.
The plague that continued to spread spread all over the world, and the Goguryeo people were injured and died.
Thanks to the doctor Ying Changge, they went all out to treat them in order to prevent the spread of the plague.
So many plagues continued to spread, and the number of patients was even greater, causing heavy casualties.
Such a thing is really regrettable, Ying Changge still can’t save so many patients.
The toxins in the patient’s body are not eliminated, and the toxins are also deposited in the body of the dead.
Even the doctor had tormented so many medicinal soups, but he still couldn’t save so many people.
There were quite a few dead people, and of course Ying Changge had no way to deal with these corpses.
A corpse is a corpse, Ying Changge can’t keep these corpses, just think about it!

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