The sick are weak and are easily contagious, but once it starts spreading, the plague will not stop.
Faced with such a dangerous situation, Ying Changge still didn’t know how to retreat, and continued to fight forward.
in spite ofNo matter how many patients there are, the ambitious Ying Changge must save them all.
If one can be saved, Ying Changge can save the second and third, which is the most important thing.
Otherwise, if all these 413 doctors come here, but none of them can be saved, it would be too embarrassing.
Ying Changge’s reputation spread far and wide, everyone knew that he was a genius in the world, and everyone admired him.
Since it was Ying Changge who spoke, everyone should help the doctor to participate in this plague relief activity.
Seeing the injustice, he roared, and many people came, and they all quickly approached to form a new doctor.
More and more doctors came here after hearing the news. They came here to jointly suppress the plague.
On this day, Ying Changge was busy playing just now, he worked so hard, and directly crossed his legs beside a (affa) to rest for a while.
At this moment, a soldier came out immediately, and stood beside Ying Changge, whispering in a low voice.
There was a doctor who wanted to see Ying Changge because he had a different opinion to tell Ying Changge.
After hearing about this, Ying Changge immediately greeted him, “Okay, let him come to see me!”
Ying Changge got up and moved his body. He had a sore back and a sore back, and he was very busy.
Soon, the doctor came in front of him. Ying Changge looked up and found that it was an old man.
According to the soldier’s introduction, the man’s name was Hua Tuo. After getting up, Ying Changge suddenly realized.
“So it’s Doctor Hua Tuo, please sit down!” Ying Changge immediately invited him to sit on his side.
Hua Tuo smiled gently, sat beside Ying Changge, and couldn’t help but praise, “Young master, you are young and promising!”
“I already understand the situation here. This is a plague directly brewed by poisonous herbs.”
“This kind of plague is not easy to control, so more precious herbs are needed!”
Hua Tuo looked serious, “As long as you work hard, you can directly solve this plague!”
After Hua Tuo’s words, Ying Changge showed a relieved expression on his face, “Really?”
“Do you have a way to solve such a difficult plague now! I believe in you very much!”
Staring at Hua Tuo intently, Ying Changge clenched his fists, “The situation is urgent!”
“No matter what, this plague must be lifted, no matter what herbal medicine is!”
Ying Changge was full of good intentions, but Hua Tuo also nodded seriously, “That would be the best!”
“Today’s plague cannot be cured so easily, but requires more precious herbs.”
“A precious herb, used to cure a thorny plague, and there is no other danger!”
“Good medicine tastes bitter, but persistent treatment is needed, so that the plague can be eliminated.”
After understanding what Hua Tuo said, Ying Changge nodded in admiration, “Okay! I understand!”.
1286 Difficult to Cure!
“I must do my best to cooperate with you! I will spend a lot of money to buy food and grass.”
As long as so much food and grass are purchased, or even picked, Ying Changge can break the plague.
Many doctors are patiently treating here, and they have already used all their skills.
We must wipe out the plague and let these patients recover completely, so that they can recover from serious illness.
Only by stabilizing the situation in Goguryeo and letting them heal to their heart’s content can Ying Changge break Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy.
After pouring some water for Hua Tuo, Ying Changge’s face was full of expectation, “I don’t know what I need!”
After pondering for a moment, Hua Tuo immediately raised his hand, and then recorded many herbs.
“This kind of plague is not very difficult to treat, it only becomes more serious because it has been delayed for a long time.”
What he said clearly and logically, Hua Tuo deserves to be very proficient in medical skills, full of extraordinary self-confidence and insight.
In front of Hua Tuo, Ying Changge understood his knowledgeable side, which was really shocking.
After talking about a lot of grassland truths, Hua Tuo easily explained the plague.
The plague is not difficult to cure, it’s just that the sick patients are not well healed.
Since it was Hua Tuo who appeared, Ying Changge was relieved, he trusted Hua Tuo’s medical skills very much.
He ordered a small group of soldiers to come, and Ying Changge even asked them to take good care of Hua Tuo.
Because there are not many doctors now, so many doctors are very precious, and we must protect their safety.
Hua Tuo, who came all the way here, is also considered, and Ying Changge wants to ensure that he will not be infected.
If even Hua Tuo was infected with the plague, no one would be able to treat the patient.
The patients are very pitiful, but Hua Tuo’s life is very precious, and he must protect Hua Tuo.
With Ying Changge’s order, the soldiers are of course conscientious and follow Hua Tuo’s side.
But whatever Hua Tuo needed for medical treatment, the soldiers would take care of it in person and replace it.
With Hua Tuo joining his ranks, Ying Changge was even more confident, like a tiger with wings added.
Soon, Ying Changge heard something, that is, Hua Tuo started the treatment, and it really came back to life.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
With his ability, he treated several people with ease and recovered their bodies.
It is really rare that the physical injuries are completely recovered, and the patients wake up gradually one by one.
Among the ranks of these patients, Hua Tuo, who has excellent medical skills, has shown a lot of medical skills!
He was able to treat patients with a single shot, and Hua Tuo’s medical skills were obvious to all.
…. . . .
Everyone is very admired, but not stingyHua Tuo even publicized his medical skills.
How to treat these patients! How to use medicine! A few herbs! Hua Tuo said everything clearly.
All the doctors can also hear clearly, they are very smart, and they can learn it as soon as they learn it.
Using such medical skills, they boiled many herbs into medicine, and they began to treat patients.
In just half a day, Ying Changge heard that many patients had improved and recovered again.
This is a good thing! A very tragic smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
As expected of Hua Tuo, with such a doctor here, Ying Changge believes that he can resolve his crisis and…
1287 The plague is rampant!
Now, the people of Goguryeo are caught in the plague, almost all of them are infected.
Fortunately, Hua Tuo took action. His medical skills were simple and direct, and he easily detoxified the patient’s toxins.
So many poisons have been suppressed, and Ying Changge can be regarded as protecting the safety of the people.
They thought they would be able to keep these people alive, but they discovered the cruelty of the plague.
The plague is really stubborn “four two seven” in the body, and it is impossible to get better immediately even after taking Hua Tuo’s herbal medicine.
What he hopes most now is to relieve the crisis of these people with his doctor.
Being poisoned and easily dying from the poison, such a thing is naturally difficult for him to support.
In order to protect the safety of these people, Ying Changge also fought side by side with Hua Tuo.
In this place where patients gather, they continuously torment herbs to suppress toxicity.
As long as the toxicity in their bodies is completely detoxified, there will be no danger.
Many patients are very weak, they lie here motionless, very weak.
If it weren’t for knowing Hua Tuo’s prescription, Ying Changge and his party would not be able to remove their poison at all.
The plague was rampant, and many people were infected, and the big guys were all oppressed by such a situation.
It is not easy to keep them alive, Ying Changge took great pains for these Goguryeo people.
Hua Tuo hovered among the patients, constantly healing them, and constantly treating them.
As long as all the toxins in their bodies can be eliminated, Hua Tuo will be able to save their lives.
This is a rare opportunity, and Ying Changge tried his best to meet all Hua Tuo’s requirements.
No matter what herbal medicine Hua Tuo wanted or what he needed, Ying Changge would give it to him.
Human life is at stake, the plague is rampant, in such an embarrassing situation, Ying Changge has no choice.
Thanks to the appearance of Hua Tuo, his medical skills are more superb than all the doctors present.
It is precisely because of the hard work of so many doctors that they suppressed the plague through hardships and obstacles.
The plague will not continue to spread the infection for the time being, and the number of current patients has not expanded.
This is a good thing for Ying Changge, he finally saw the results.
Under the treatment of Hua Tuo and many doctors, all the patients regained their senses and looked clear.  …
The pale-faced patients cried out in pain, almost all of them were tortured beyond recognition.
So now, Ying Changge is also very distressed for them, and he must save these people.
The common people of Goguryeo are all innocent, they were infected by Prime Minister Park’s poison, and they are almost in pain.
Fortunately, Ying Changge is very capable, and many doctors under his command have gathered together.
The doctors are all warm-hearted, and once they rescue him, they must have a clever strategy to rejuvenate.

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