Ying Changge invited so many doctors to treat these people carefully.
The patients are all poisoned, they allIt was very embarrassing, sweating profusely, and panting.
These days are not easy, Ying Changge is surrounded by the screams and groans of these patients.
These people tortured by the poison are all very hard, they are dizzy and their bodies are in pain.
Because of their own pain, they were plagued by “April 13” suffering, and many people died of illness one after another.
It is precisely because of such things that they are taking the trouble to treat these patients.
There were many people who were poisoned, but fortunately, Ying Changge rescued many people in time, and they narrowly escaped death.
Doctors are very busy, they work day and night, they don’t stop at all, they just continue to detoxify.
But it would be a matter of boundless merit to save all these people from life! Ying Changge was very satisfied.
He already knew that these patients were very weak, and it was difficult to recover after being poisoned.
Thanks to the frequent shots of these doctors, many patients were saved one by one.
Many patients have been treated because of this, and they are very grateful to Ying Changge, and they are also busy helping.
Taking the lead and treating them heartily, the expressions of each patient gradually turned rosy.
There are a lot of herbal medicines, the doctors are continuous, and Ying Changge’s people are doing their best to treat her.
Finally, many patients were treated. Originally, Ying Changge thought that the situation must be under control.
But never expected that tonight, Ying Changge heard about many poisoned people again!
These poisoned patients were sent here again. Naturally, there were many, many of them.
With a surprised look on his face, Ying Changge could only sigh helplessly, and then continued to leave.
Thanks to the help of many doctors around Ying Changge, otherwise, it would only be more dangerous.
After the poisoning occurs, the poisoning is not easy to control, and if there is a slight mistake, it will be life-threatening, and you will die directly!
Such things are chilling, but fortunately, Ying Changge’s doctors are all focused and don’t dare to be distracted.
Many soldiers are under their own dispatch, guarding the left and right, just to prevent more people from being poisoned.  …
Here, he sent many doctors out together and stayed in all directions to treat people.
Many of the patients were poisoned because of this. They were seriously ill and looked sickly.
The situation in Goguryeo is of course very tense, full of dangers, and even more poisonous.
The doctors who stayed by Ying Changge’s side were all patients with so many wills to concentrate on.
It is a pity that no matter how hard the doctors try, they cannot continue to control all these situations.
More and more people die, and after they die, more people will be poisoned.
This is a cycle. Ying Changge noticed something was wrong, and the doctor also understood that it was very unfavorable.
“My lord, these 5.0 things are very wrong. The poison can no longer be easily cured!”
“Maybe, there is no countermeasure to prescribe medicine!” These doctors are proficient in medical skills.
In the face of these patients, even if the doctor tried his best, he could not treat the poisoned patients.
The doctor worked so hard to help, but the doctor was in Goguryeo, but he carried forward his spirit of saving lives and healing the wounded.
1278 Persevere!
In any case, the patients are innocent, and Ying Changge must save these poor people.
After working hard for most of the night, the doctor gained little, and they showed a very helpless look.
So, after discussing for a long time, they came in groups in twos and threes to report the matter.
“The toxins in the patient’s body should not be removed, and it is no longer as easy as before.”
“We used the previous herbal medicine, but we still couldn’t get rid of the toxins of these people!”
“Once so many patients gather together, maybe the toxicity will spread even more.”
After hearing what Doctor 05 said, Ying Changge understood the seriousness of this matter.
Letting these dying people die like this, of course Ying Changge’s conscience can’t bear it!
It is necessary to treat them all completely, to expel the poison in their bodies.
“No matter what, we need to be treated!” Ying Changge looked serious, “You all have excellent medical skills!”
“We must come up with a good way to save them all!” Ying Changge valued them very much.
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the doctor of course nodded frequently, “Yes!”
They who rescued the dying and healed the wounded used all their medical skills to treat these poisoned people.
Otherwise, letting so much toxicity spread out, wouldn’t it be to let other people continue to suffer!
Doctors are persistently asking questions in order to find answers from these patients.
These poisoned patients didn’t know how they were poisoned, so they died inexplicably.
Their deaths were unexpected, so many of the sick were sick and unable to get up.
Even with the dedicated care of a doctor, it may not be possible to take good care of these patients!
Many patients were lying here, they didn’t even have the strength to speak, and fell into a coma.
Ying Changge personally helped here, and many patients were talking nonsense and didn’t know what to say.
They died, they were injured, these people were all injured because of their own bodies.
All my life, I have been the common people living in Goguryeo, but I was very wronged and fell to the ground after being poisoned.
Faced with such a scene, Ying Changge was very anxious, and his whole body was very anxious.
In any case, these people must be rescued, so that Ying Changge can control the situation.
Once there is a change in the situation in Goguryeo, I am afraid that it will be Ying ChanggeI will also fall into this embarrassment.
He sincerely hopes that these people will live on, no matter who their subjects are, Ying Changge will treat them equally.
The people lying here, groaning in pain, are of course people from Goguryeo, and their life would be worse than death.
Fortunately, Ying Changge’s soldiers were strictly guarded against 413, so there was no big crisis.
Sitting here and worrying, Ying Changge’s medical skills are not as good as these doctors, of course it is with the help of them.
All the doctors are busy, they are sweating profusely, and they are suffering from hunger and cold.
In order to save the doctor, they tried their best, and they wasted a lot of herbs.
With so many herbs and endless chattering, the decoction was still unable to detoxify.
Many of the ice blades were infected with the poison, but they still drank the soup and died directly.
What is this? Is it just a dying struggle? Ying Changge understood this immediately! .
1279 Disregarding human life!
The cause was carefully deliberated, and afterward, Ying Changge thought of a good way.
“Quick! Disperse these patients to prevent their injuries from getting worse!”
Heeding Ying Changge’s words, the doctor acted immediately and dispersed them all.
Ying Changge is a good man. The people of Goguryeo knew about this and admired him very much.
Ever since, they began to carry, separating the dying patients one by one.
Gathering here will only make the poison come quickly, making it even more difficult for the big guys to guard against.
If it weren’t for the fact that Ying Changge and so many doctors were here for treatment, they would have died a long time ago.
The people of Goguryeo were grateful for this, and they were very moved, and they defected to Ying Changge’s sect.
Now the number of doctors is not enough, because there are too many people who are disturbed and poisoned! Countless.
You must know that these people are all weak in body, and if there is a slight disturbance, they may become poisoned because of it.
Ying Changge was overwhelmed by so many things, and he understood that at this moment, it must be settled.
If you don’t know this poison thoroughly, maybe it will spread to the whole Goguryeo!
With Ying Changge’s precautions and the doctor’s treatment, such a condition cannot be easily controlled.
However, if more and more people are poisoned, it may affect the north and south of the river, all corners of the country.
Such things are rare, but Ying Changge is still very calm after experiencing strong winds and waves.
“Quick! Order people to prepare herbs day and night to avoid unnecessary ambushes and setbacks!”
There are more and more patients, and the poison is becoming more and more domineering. Such things are really out of control.
Even if the doctors are treating them one after another, they still can’t save these patients.
Busy day and night, she was already ready to go, and Ying Changge was suffocating in his stomach.
You know, everyone is blamed for this, and they almost all die under the spread of this poison.
However, he still saw a lot of people being transported here one after another.
What does this mean? It shows that they are unable to control the poison and cannot avoid the toxin.
The ruthless Prime Minister Park wanted to kill everyone, no matter if they were from Qin or Goguryeo!
This is a matter between Ying Changge and Prime Minister Park, but Prime Minister Park, who is ruthless and ungrateful, disregards human life.
To poison so many people to death, Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy is more than half completed.
Prime Minister Park and their people are of the same species and have done many very excessive things.
If it weren’t for the rescue of Ying Changge and so many doctors, people in Goguryeo would have died more.

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