More and more patients are being sent here, which makes Ying Changge even more strange, why is this so?
Obviously, a lot of toxicity has been suppressed, but there are still people who were poisoned and died.
Contaminated with the poison, you will feel weak all over, and even your legs and feet will be weak, and you will not be able to walk at all.
Ying Changge gathered a lot of doctors here, and they were all busy day and night to treat patients.
Beside Ying Changge, a doctor came up immediately, and they immediately reported the situation.
Hearing what the doctor said, Ying Changge had a strange look on his face, “What is it!”
“You said that the current herbal medicine is not easy to treat these patients?” Ying Changge looked puzzled.
It is obvious that the doctor has a lot of manpower, and he has brought a lot of herbs.
With so much material and manpower, it should be easy to treat all these poisoned patients.
Now the doctor in front of him said that the patient’s body is not so easy to heal now?
He didn’t understand why, so he had to ask carefully, “Why!”
The doctor looked embarrassed, but still asked in a low voice, “‘ 〃The condition is getting worse!”
“Because it has been delayed for a long time now, a more difficult condition will appear!”
With a few words and the doctor’s reminder, Ying Changge immediately understood what the problem was.
It is because of the delay for so long that the disease cannot be treated, so the toxicity will be more serious.
“Do everything possible, use whatever means, and we must treat these patients completely!”
Hearing Ying (Made Hao) Changge’s advice, the doctor of course nodded, “Yes! I’ll do it right away.”
It is their bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded, and they must do their utmost to protect these patients.
The toxins in the patient’s body are expelled, and when the time comes, they will be able to live.
Ying Changge asked earnestly, and the doctor tried his best to help and save these people.
Day and night, non-stop treatment, many patients’ injuries have been alleviated.
1275 Under Diffusion!
If the poisoned patients can delay the deadline, they will not continue to die like this, but have a glimmer of life.
They were able to survive, which meant that the doctor Ying Changge invited had already played a lot of roles.
Meditative care has easily cured half of these patients, but the remaining half has not been resolved.
Ying Changge ordered them that the doctors were working non-stop, forgetting to eat and sleep to treat these patients.
I don’t want these people to die. Doctors dream of saving people. They work very hard and tirelessly.
Soon, Ying Changge heard that there were more and more patients, and it was not enough.
It is so ugly that so many doctors are unable to control the situation in Goguryeo.
With a cold expression, Ying Changge dispatched all the doctors under 413’s command, in order to save lives and heal the wounded.
They saw a lot of patients, and many ice blades were lying there, motionless.
Because after being poisoned, the body is very weak, and many patients have lost their ability to take care of themselves.
They were all bedridden, their eyes were closed, they were unconscious, and they even vomited blood.
Thanks to so many people mobilized by Ying Changge, the doctor was able to bring them back to life.
But even so, there are many people who the doctor did not save, and they all died here like this.
(affa) Ying Changge could hear many corpses being carried away day and night.
How many human lives must this be! How many people must have died under the spread of the poison.
There is really nothing to do in my heart, Ying Changge doesn’t know anyWhat is good, he can only mourn in silence.
His heart was heavy, but he still went all out. What he had to do now was to ask the doctor to save them.
The poisoned person must be rescued. Many soldiers under Ying Changge’s command have died.
Having come to Goguryeo after so much hardship, Ying Changge didn’t want his troops to sacrifice like this.
His soldiers can only die in battle, but they absolutely cannot die from poisoning like this. This is very aggrieved.
The insidious and cunning Prime Minister Park left a lot of poison here, causing everyone to be poisoned to death.
Many people died, but Ying Changge will not be discouraged, he must continue to resist.
No matter how dangerous and poisonous it is, as long as Ying Changge is here, he will not admit defeat.
Taking the shot calmly, Ying Changge and many doctors were worried about being busy here to avoid spreading.
There are so many highly toxic substances lurking in the human body, if not treated, it will become more serious.
Many doctors are very hard, they racked their brains to treat these patients.
After being poisoned, they lay down and could no longer move. Their deaths were unexpected.
I thought that I could rescue Goguryeo’s crisis with so many doctors, but Ying Changge thought too much.
Many soldiers, in order to survive, went to great lengths to help the people of Goguryeo.
They have already saved many people, and Ying Changge showed mercy, which is still very kind.
Even if many people die of illness, Ying Changge will continue to treat them and resolve the crisis.
Under Ying Changge’s order, the doctors still fought in groups and fought side by side.
They stand on the front line, united confrontation, just to kill and dissolve these poisons.
The road to detoxification is not so smooth, and there are always different difficulties and changes.
1276 Blood detoxification!
Ying Changge has transferred so many doctors from Daqin, and they are all highly skilled in medicine.
In Goguryeo, the doctors are skilled in rejuvenation, bringing many patients back to life.
The people with shallow poisoning were treated directly, and they finally opened their eyes and survived.
And the remaining people who have been poisoned for a long time, and the toxins entangled their bodies, they will die directly.
No matter how hard the doctor worked on the treatment, there was no return, and their hope was very slim.
More and more people died, and the patients died with their eyes open under such severe poison.
There are quite a few people who died of poisoning, and they all died of injustice like this, which is really grievous.
If it had been Park Prime Minister, he would have already applauded and applauded, extraordinarily triumphant.
Prime Minister Park, who has no time to care about the success of the villain, is now wholeheartedly treating these patients.
The poisoned patients have been relieved for a short period of time, and it is usually a few days after the poisoning that they will have obvious symptoms.
Either die or be saved, the doctor sent by Ying Changge is not an ordinary person.
So many people are being treated quickly, and a pair of hands that save the people have worked hard beyond words.
Ying Changge is not good at saving people, but he fought side by side with the doctor and continued to fight on the front line.
If there is anything that can help, he must help, especially helping people to detoxify blood.
The doctor boiled a lot of herbal medicine here, and Ying Changge helped the patient take it.
After these patients were poisoned, each of them was helpless, and it was very troublesome to even sit up.
The very patient Ying Changge took care of these patients quietly and drank the medicine for them himself.
The medicinal soup is very bitter, but good medicine is bitter and good for the disease, Ying Changge always repeats it.
After drinking the herbal medicine for this patient, Ying Changge will go to the next place to continue feeding the medicine.
All of a sudden, he was too busy to take medicines for these patients.
“Drink these medicinal soups, and you will get better!” Ying Changge comforted them, reassuring the patients.
The patients were all very moved, and they fell into Ying Changge’s arms with tears in their eyes, showing excitement.
These poisons were caused by Prime Minister Park, but now it is Daqin’s Ying Changge and soldiers who are saving people.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
What a ridiculous thing this is! Therefore, the people of Goguryeo were very moved and shed tears.
It is not easy for them to survive under the protection of Ying Changge.
“Thank you very much!” The people of Goguryeo nodded frequently, they were very excited.
With the doctor and the medicine, now Ying Changge has stabilized the situation in Goguryeo.
…. . . .
For a while, there were no difficulties and obstacles, and in Ying Changge’s hands, some people survived.
Ying Changge saved many Goguryeo people, and they finally survived on the verge of being poisoned.
Dizzy from busy work, and very tired, Ying Changge was so busy that his mouth was dry.
Because of this, Ying Changge felt hopeful that he would be able to resolve the crisis in Goguryeo.
Under the command of Ying Changge, the doctors devoted themselves to treating patients and saved many lives.
Those who recovered and those who had just recovered from a serious illness were taken away directly, and those who stayed here were still poisoned.
I am afraid that it is not so easy to recover from poisoning.
1277 Situation Control!

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