…. . . .
He hoped that these people are safe and sound, instead of being innocently involved in this series of poisons.
If you are poisoned, you will die. Ying Changge asked the soldiers in the army to heal them quickly.
They must be kept alive. Ying Changge cannot let Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy directly affect Goguryeo.
Stabilize the situation in Goguryeo so that these peaceful people will never suffer again.
Ever since, Ying Changge spent a lot of medicine to treat these poisoned people.
Not only Ying Changge’s soldiers were poisoned, but also innocent people would be put in crisis.
One by one the guys died because of this, they were so poisoned that they had no power to recover.
1272 Using Poison!
Seizing the opportunity, Ying Changge controlled everything, which made the people of Goguryeo settle down.
All brothers in the world, Ying Changge left Daqin and came to Goguryeo, and he must treat the people kindly.
Putting aside the war, he is a generous and benevolent guy, and Ying Changge likes to be kind and charitable.
He understands that now Prime Minister Park’s poison has been brought under control, but the casualties of the common people cannot be healed.
Many people died because of “April 13”. They died like this, each of them was infected with the poison, struggling in pain.
Even if Ying Changge wanted to save them, but he had more than enough energy, he was very embarrassed.
The speed of this kind of healing is very slow, and a group of people can’t do it quickly.got healed.
I was very anxious, Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy shrouded everyone in death, and they were terrified.
Many people stay behind closed doors, but they are afraid that they will die of inexplicable poisoning.
If it is infected with the poison, then I am afraid that the poison will spread directly and more people will be implicated.
The insane Prime Minister Park used poison to make the people miserable, and the people were very embarrassed.
If you continue to stay here, you may die in some way! The people were very frightened.
Everyone was waiting patiently and obeying Ying Changge’s order to avoid the poison.
Otherwise, if more poison is emitted, who can block such toxicity!
Trying his best to control the situation, Ying Changge didn’t want his soldiers to be poisoned and die like this.
Shameful Prime Minister Park, damn it, Ying Changge hates that he didn’t catch him and let him escape.
Now, in order to get a better change, Ying Changge must put an end to these poisons.
They are far away from the troubled place, and they will never go to poison again. People like them are relatively safe.
Ying Changge ordered all the people in his army to concentrate on rescuing the poisoned people.
It’s a pity that these people are really limited in manpower, and the supplies are very scarce.
The people who were afraid in their hearts stayed in their own cities and would never show their faces again.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge ordered his soldiers to guard the surroundings strictly.
I have dispatched troops to settle down every place, so there is no danger.  …
Beware that there will be other cunning villains to poison, Ying Changge must control the clues in every place here.
Ying Changge took the lead and convinced people with virtue, so that they were all safe and secure under his protection.
After solving the crisis and toxicity, Ying Changge mobilized all his troops to treat them.
The poisoned people are very pitiful, they vomit blood directly, and then die directly, and they die with regret.
Even if many soldiers including Ying Changge are trying their best to treat them, they may not be able to save everyone.
In such chaos, they acted indiscriminately, even stealthily, wishing to throw poison into the well.
Thanks to Ying Changge, who has seen through their plot and tricks, the wells are strictly guarded.
It is impossible for anyone to poison, Ying Chang 5.0 song has already controlled the poison in a short period of time.
Many people were poisoned. Some of them were weak, and some were in unbearable pain and discomfort.
Gathering these poisoned people together, the soldiers in Ying Changge’s army are doing their best to treat them.
But whoever has any survivors must be treated in this way, human life is at stake.
1273 Can Heal!
Of course Ying Changge didn’t care about such things as merit and reputation. The so-called saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.
What he cares about is not the reputation of saving people, but the lives of these innocent people in Goguryeo.
This is the most important, so he will spare no effort to rescue these poisoned people.
Those who were poisoned, including Ying Changge’s soldiers and Goguryeo’s people, are very sad.
It was because the hateful Prime Minister Park did such a thing that he was unable to clean up all the mess.
The common people died because of this, and the military strength was damaged. What Ying Changge faced was a mess.
The soldiers in the army immediately reported that the medicine was completely insufficient because it was used to treat the sick.
Many soldiers were flustered because of this, they were very frightened and could only hide.
As long as they are not poisoned, they are not in any danger, and they are even treating the people of Goguryeo.
After treating these people, no one will continue to die. This situation is very serious.
Countless people died, countless people were poisoned, and Ying Changge was devastated by such things.
Fortunately, Ying Changge is a more patient person. He waited patiently and investigated carefully.
As long as there is any medicine that can cure them, Ying Changge will put them all out of the fire!
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be very embarrassing for all these people to be so poisoned.
Thanks to Ying Changge’s dedication to goodness, and he saved many people in Goguryeo.
The people are very safe, no longer have any worries, and admire him very much.
The people of Goguryeo are grateful and grateful, and they will never forget Ying Changge’s contribution.
The soldiers in the army are still unremittingly treating them, so that everyone can be treated.
Insufficient manpower, insufficient herbs, these are the things that give Ying Changge a headache now.
In any case, these people must be saved, and Ying Changge, who treats everyone equally, wants to keep them alive.
Immediately contacted Da Qin, Ying Changge must dispatch a large number of doctors from the court.
Otherwise, it would be too tragic for so many people to be poisoned to death for no reason.
It will take a lot of time to call back and forth to move the manpower, and it will be a long journey.
When you come and go, many people may be poisoned and die!
But even so, Ying Changge still had to go his own way, because he believed in the skills of those doctors.
But any shot will definitely be able to bring the dead back to life, so Ying Changge will be stubborn.
Immediately sent the message to Daqin, and soon, many soldiers went to mobilize the doctor.
As long as so many doctors go to Goguryeo, these people can be treated.
Otherwise, Ying Changge would be very heartbroken 413 if so many people were poisoned to death!
He mobilized people from Daqin to let these doctors come quickly to treat these suffering people.
Of course no one dared to disobey Ying Changge’s order, they were all approaching quickly,Come here immediately.
With Ying Changge’s order, many doctors came here in just a few days.
They were all in groups, and quickly joined Ying Changge’s side, and started the mission of saving lives.
Life can be full of wishes. If Ying Changge wanted to save someone, he had to lose a lot of time.
Let the doctor come, they started the treatment, and treated many poisoned people one by one.
1274 Gather the sick!
After so many hardships, so many doctors came, but the doctors were still by Ying Changge’s side, and they were at a loss.
Constantly busy, constantly treating patients, but Ying Changge heard that the number of deaths still did not decrease.
Why is this! Ying Changge was very strange, and immediately found the doctor and asked them to do their best.
There are many people lying here, most of them are poisoned people, and they are all weak.
Their eyes were dull and muddled, and many people were infected with poison and became dizzy.
What Ying Changge lacks most now is herbs and doctors, and he has mobilized many people.
So many people followed by Ying Changge’s side, devoting themselves to saving lives and healing the wounded.
The doctor is very busy, running here and there, taking care of many people one by one, preparing for treatment.
There are so many people who have been poisoned, lying here, so many that they cannot be counted with one hand.
Such a situation is very urgent, Ying Changge can’t wait, and doesn’t want more people to die.
Concentrating on the treatment, the doctor often reports today’s results to Ying Changge.
Knowing that many people had saved a life, Ying Changge was relieved.
But even so, Ying Changge heard that many people were infected with the poison and fell into a coma.
This place where patients gather seems to have never stopped, and people are always being transported in a steady stream.

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