After breaking through the door, they immediately came to the main hall. Their expressions were very serious, and they broke in directly.
Entering the courtyard, he went straight to the house, and the people inside immediately heard the movement, there was a burst of bang bang bang.
Immediately afterwards, people immediately surrounded them in all directions, preventing them from leaving directly.
Many people are here, their expressions are indomitable, staring at the small door of the house without blinking.
It was concluded that the poisoner was inside, Ying Changge took the lead, and he was very fast.
Quickly followed, and entered the door, he heard a burst of panicked footsteps.
The sound of footsteps soon became thunderous, and Ying Changge heard it clearly, even more clearly.
It looks like a guilty conscience, otherwise, he wouldn’t have run away so quickly!
Holding a sword and walking through the door, Ying Changge quickly stopped at the door, blocking the way.
The young man inside had nowhere to escape, he was terrified, with an anxious expression on his face, very panicked.
Immediately got up along the window, without hesitation, he directly lifted his buttocks, and got out of the window!
He survived, but Ying Changge would not show mercy, so he quickly chased after him.
Coming aggressively and ferociously, Ying Changge approached quickly, and captured him immediately.
Grabbing his arm to prevent him from escaping, Ying Changge grabbed him, “It’s you〃`!”
“You are the one who poisoned you on weekdays! Do you know how many people you have killed!”
Ying Changge, who was full of righteousness, immediately scolded him, his expression was so righteous and righteous.
The young man raised his head, stared at Ying Changge intently, and immediately burst out laughing, “You deserve it!”
“I was going to kill you! You Qin people should all die by the edge of my sword!”
“I can only live if I kill you all.” The young man was very irritable!
Grabbing Ying Changge’s arm with his backhand, the young man yelled, “I must kill you!”
“Prime Minister Park ordered you to do this!” Ying Changge didn’t take it seriously, and immediately slapped him.
Immediately, the cheeks were swollen high, but the young man spat, “That’s right, this is our mission!”
“‘ 〃 No matter what, you people will be driven out, and you will all die completely!”
What he said seemed to be very fierce, but in fact he was vulnerable, and it was really a bluff.
If it is really a person who is going to die, then what he has to do is to kill himself immediately.
Because his whereabouts were completely discovered by Ying Changge, he had no chance to delay.
Instead of escaping from this window, it is better to concentrate on cutting his own wrist and die.
But even so, he still took his time and grabbed Ying Changge’s arm with both hands.
“I want to kill you all. For Prime Minister Park’s mission, I will not show mercy!”
The young man deserves to be a soldier of Goguryeo in the past, but now he is also a strong man!
It’s just that such a guy is really stupid to fight for Prime Minister Park.
The narrow-minded Prime Minister Park had already fled. He was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he was as timid as a mouse.
1270 Turning back to the shore!
When Prime Minister Park fled, many Goguryeo soldiers were left here to die.
Isn’t this very ridiculous! Ying Changge persuaded him even more bluntly, “Let’s just get caught!”
“After killing you, I will be able to live!” The young man plucked up his courage and sneered.
“Otherwise, I will die with you!” This young man was a lunatic.
Perhaps, Ying Changge should have expected it before, because who would poison an ordinary person!
Not only was it poisoned, but even many people in Goguryeo were poisoned to death.
It is understandable and understandable for a hot-headed young man to want to kill Ying Changge and Qin Jun.
However, he also poisoned many of his compatriots, and they were all completely injured and died of poisoning.
Doing such insane things will make Goguryeo’s life miserable, and the blood will continue to flow.
Many people died because of this. When they died, they didn’t think that they were poisoned by their compatriots.
Looking at the kid who was close at hand, Ying Changge was very serious and grabbed his arm.
Showing a contemptuous smile, he asked the young man, “Is it worth it for you to do this!”
“It’s worth it!” Even though Ying Changge was aggressive, the young man still looked murderous.
Angrily raised the dagger in his sleeve, and then struck hard on Ying Changge’s arm.
Even so, he still refuses to turn his back on the shore, but insists on assassinating himself!
Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Changge was already unwilling to answer these stupid people.
Clenching the sword in his hand tightly, with a bang, Ying Changge’s sword edge blocked his dagger.
Taking a step back with ease, Ying Changge’s gaze was exceptionally calm, and he didn’t shed tears when he saw the coffin.
Then Ying Changge will fulfill him and ask Prime Minister Park to meet this kid under the Underworld.
If he is obsessed with his obsession and comes to assassinate and resist Ying Changge as always, he doesn’t need to show mercy.
Holding the weapon tightly in his hand, Ying Changge took it easy and hit it one after another.
Ying Chang SingerWhat the young man is holding is a long sword, while the young man is holding a short sword, which is only a little longer than the palm of his hand (affa).
How can such a weapon face the enemy in front of Ying Changge! It was just a useless fight.
Under the blow, Ying Changge was so powerful that he knocked the young man away.
His figure was staggering, his chest hurt even more, and the short sword in his hand was almost unsteady, and he was very embarrassed.
His face was pale and bloodless, the young man beat his chest, very annoyed, “Damn it!”
“I will never fail.” Raising his hand, holding the dagger, the young man shouted, “I should not die!”
Even though the body was full of scars, the young man who was covered in cuts and bruises still stepped forward quickly.
He had a look of resentment on his face, and the sword in his hand almost brushed Ying Changge’s throat and stabbed it down.
If possible, the young man can certainly kill Ying Changge, provided that Ying Changge remains motionless.
Facing this Goguryeo soldier, Ying Changge was as if he was on the battlefield, and he would not show mercy.
Quickly chasing him, the figure passed by, and Ying Changge easily avoided his sword.
Jianfeng looks very cold and stern, but in fact, Ying Changge can defeat him the moment the cold light flickers.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades crisscrossed, and Ying Changge directly cut off the short sword of the young man.
Divided into two, the dagger became a broken sword.
1271 Holding a Broken Sword!
Such a posture may not be able to kill Ying Changge, he has already surrendered this guy.
“You are the backhand left behind by Prime Minister Park! Tell me, where is the rest of the poison!”
Ying Changge asked, but the young man held on to the broken sword in his hand and persisted.
He immediately raised his head, and quickly stared at Ying Changge with an angry expression.
“I must kill you! The most important thing now is to get rid of you, the black sheep!-”
After hearing such movement, Ying Changge was about to laugh, it was so helpless.
He was obviously just a passerby, and he was not a big threat to Goguryeo, but he was accused by others!
The black sheep! This calm smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face, “Get ready!”
“I will take action directly to completely eradicate the evil of Prime Minister Park’s party!”
Raising his hand, Ying Changge restrained the young man’s throat, “Say! Where is the poison!”
“I’ve used up all of it!” The young man quickly resisted, “The last poison is gone!”
Completely used up? This is not a good thing, but it is not a bad thing either.
Ying Changge nodded slightly, “Okay! If that’s the case, then you can grab it without a fight!”
“I want to resist you Qin people! I will not let your army of Ying Changge enter Goguryeo!”
Shouting, he held up the broken sword, wishing he could stab Ying Changge directly in the eyes, the means were despicable.
However, Ying Changge didn’t panic, and took two steps back completely, avoiding the sword.
What a stubborn guy! Ying Changge raised his sword and immediately cut his arm.
It seemed that there was really no poison left, so Ying Changge immediately killed him with a sword.
By cutting off his head, Ying Changge can be regarded as smashing Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy.
He continued to walk patiently, stained with blood, he easily broke the crime.
As he continued to walk along this empty room, he was going to find other evidence.
After searching here patiently for a while, Ying Changge didn’t find anything else.
It was empty, there was nothing in the room, and it seemed that the poison had completely dissipated, completely clean.
Very satisfied, relax, now Prime Minister Park’s conspiracy has been directly swept up by Ying Changge to shatter.
Ying Changge and his team retreated immediately, concentrating on dealing with those poisoned.
Once it is poisoned, it seems that they must die, and they have nothing to do in such a situation.
Showing a helpless look, Ying Changge is of course very distressed to these people.

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