The king of Wa sat on the main hall, staring at Prime Minister Park condescendingly, “What happened to Goguryeo!”
Faced with such an inquiry, Prime Minister Park looked disappointed, and all thoughts were lost, “It’s hopeless!”
“Ying Changge’s army has penetrated into Goguryeo, controlling the most important lifeline!”
With an aggrieved expression on his face, Prime Minister Park even lowered his head, very vicissitudes, very helpless.
“So, I have heard about the wealth and wealth of the Wa country, and I, the prime minister, came to this place!”
After understanding what Prime Minister Park meant, the king of Japan nodded in satisfaction, “That’s true!”
“It’s not easy for you people. Every single one of you died among Ying Chang singers!”
“This is a very cruel battle, a ruthless battle, and you all lost your country!”
The king of the Wa Kingdom was deeply distressed, “Don’t worry, Prime Minister Park, we will accept you, you are right to come today!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
“After entering my country, you are from the Wa country! You are my friend!” The king of the Wa country celebrated.
With a sincere expression on his face, Prime Minister Park immediately knelt down in front of him, “Yes, I will always be loyal to you!”
Such a speech is really surprising, and the ministers on both sides also gave their warm applause.
… … … … …
After a lot of hard work, Prime Minister Park finally came here. From today, this is his home.
He came to the country of Wa not far away, avoided the pursuit of Ying Changge’s army, and he was able to survive.
It is suitable for unexpected things, of course he is also very happy and joyful.
With a bright smile on his face, Prime Minister Park knelt down at the feet of the King of Wa and became a native of Wa.
He doesn’t care about Prime Minister Park’s current situation at all, because Ying Changge is very busy now.
No one knew what kind of ability he had, he was just very helpless and embarrassed.
Everyone does not want this poison to continue to spread, but in Goguryeo, there are still as many people who died of poison.
1267 The Poisoned Man!
Constant death, constant poisoning, these people, no matter they are poor or rich, will surely die.
This was an unexpected thing, and it was absolutely impossible for him to wait patiently for this battle.
The only thing he has to do is to continue to stay here patiently with his own people to avoid any crisis.
When the poison occurs, many people will be affected, and they seem to be easily poisoned and die like this.
Accompanying “April 13” with such hasty events, a lot of soldiers among Ying Chang’s singers were dispatched.
There are so many soldiers, not to kill the enemy, but to carefully investigate the poisonous matter.
Now what Ying Changge knows is that Prime Minister Park must have escaped by boat.
Those who spread the poison these days must be the remnants of Prime Minister Park. They have ulterior motives and are vicious.
A lot of people came in a steady stream, and the soldiers continued to track down the streets and alleys.
To let them all know what is terrible about him, Ying Changge wants to deter Prime Minister Park’s remnants.
Therefore, Ying Changge was in the city, and many notices were posted in all directions to declare.
Ying Changge called on everyone to help track down the whereabouts of the poisoner.
He was sure that there must be a few people who followed Prime Minister Park’s instructions, so they continued to poison.
The poison wafted around, and Ying Changge could smell a very pungent smell.
Immediately disperse the surrounding soldiers, Ying Changge must let them all avoid this viciousness safely.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge came to invade Goguryeo, and the medicine he brought with him was not much.
So many people died of poisoning, Ying Changge was naturally very anxious and must stop it.
To save this very unfavorable situation, many people in Goguryeo were moved away by him first.
Leaving the underworld where the poison is bursting out and blocking the streets, Ying Changge wants to let the poison spread by itself.
Many soldiers are stationed here, they watch all directions and listen to all directions to search for suspicious persons.
But if there is any discovery, if the poisoner is caught, Wushe will be killed directly, this is Ying Changge’s order.
After the poison was poisoned, the poison invaded silently, permeating every corner of the street.
Ying Changge understands that the person who poisoned him is very vicious, he wished to kill everyone, without fear of life and death…
Such a guy, in a sense, has become a dead man, and he is just going to die.
Still investigating patiently and mobilizing everything around him carefully, he was able to avoid danger.
Not only are there the remnants of Prime Minister Park, but there are also innocent people in Goguryeo in the city.
If they died from the poison, then these poisoned people and soldiers would no longer be able to fight against them.
Prime Minister Park is vicious and cunning. Ying Changge must investigate carefully.
There must be people from Prime Minister Park in the city, that’s why they were involved in the poisonous death.
Everyone is so insidious, despicable and shameless, they have used all their skills 5.0.
Killing them is very simple, but it may not be able to catch everyone accurately.
The person who poisoned was definitely not a soldier of Ying Changge, but the people of Goguryeo.
I don’t know their real faces, but they are all hiding here, mixing with the common people.
It’s not that easy to catch them all.
1268 Stay away from the source of poison!
Now Ying Changge can’t be anxious, but can only investigate carefully.
Many things must be explored to find out the truth in order to have more value and be more confident.
Otherwise, now, Ying Changge doesn’t even know who the poisoner is, but wants to catch them all?
inappropriate! It is very inappropriate, Ying Changge will not hurt the innocent people of Goguryeo.
The poisoner deserves what he deserves, and the rest of the people should live a healthy and healthy life.
Otherwise, so many people would be poisoned to death. Ying Changge wanted to resist.
He and his own troops stayed here patiently. These 05 people always investigated as before.
The soldiers obeyed Ying Changge’s orders, and under his orders, many civilians who were safe and sound were evacuated.
These civilians and soldiers who were not poisoned were taken away in a unified way and disappeared without a trace.
After evacuating them to a safer place, of course they were grateful to Ying Changge.
All the guys are very happy, with very bright smiles on their faces.
In such a situation, there are not many things worth digging deeply, and the person who poisoned must be on tiptoe.
He secretly poisoned people, took advantage of others’ surprise, and poisoned everyone, but it was not easy to find him.
Many people died like this, and their death is destined to bring more damage.
Under Ying Changge’s meditation arrangement, they survived quickly and were no longer in danger.
Staying away from the source of poison and avoiding such toxicity, Ying Changge made the people of Goguryeo very safe.
The whole city continued to track down the poisoner, and soon, Ying Changge had new information.
It is necessary to kill chickens and take eggs, and they must be completely eradicated, and they cannot continue to survive here.
Otherwise, let them keep chattering and poisoning, and the whole city will suffer!
Now Ying Changge is still intact, and has not been directly invaded by the poison.
His health is not in any danger, and Ying Changge is still concentrating on governance.
I heard that the people of Goguryeo reported that there was a suspicious person who came to the creek in the middle of the night yesterday.
That’s why! Could it be that someone secretly poisoned the brook!
Finally, there was a new discovery, and of course Ying Changge didn’t want to stop it. He immediately sent troops to investigate.
After finding the people who reported, Ying Changge immediately knew where the suspicious person lived.
It was on this street, across a yard, that a person who didn’t go out often was very suspicious.
What kind of person can be so insane, wishing to kill everyone?
Ying Changge immediately understood from this villager that the suspicious person was actually a soldier.
It seems that it is a Goguryeo soldier who surrendered to Prime Minister Park, who went through fire and water for the mission!
It’s really too humble, such a stupid and stubborn soldier, in the end, he just seeks his own death.
Without saying a word, they led their own army, and they went to this deliberate portal.
The light trick, Ying Changge’s soldiers scolded, “Is there any water in the house! Grab a ladle of water and drink!”
The voice of life inside is very vague, and it is deep and powerful, “There is no water in my house!”
There are people in the family, and Ying Changge has full confidence in this matter, so he is very relieved.
1269 ThievesGuilty!
Ying Changge nodded immediately, and immediately ordered the soldiers to forcefully open the door.
A thin wooden door, how could it be the opponent of several soldiers, they kicked it open abruptly.

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