Deviated from the ship, left the shore, far away from Ying Changge’s pursuers, very safe.
Showing a comfortable and relaxed smile, Prime Minister Park closed his eyes and rested his mind, patiently waiting for the ship to dock.
And at this moment, Ying Changge soon heard a new thing, that is, Prime Minister Park had escaped.
They never expected him to escape in such a way, and there was no chance to hunt him down again, which was a failure.
With Li Xin leading the army back, Ying Changge didn’t take it seriously, “It’s okay, if you escape, just escape!”
“The most important thing now is to guard Goguryeo and prevent these people from making more troubles!”
With Ying Changge’s order, they were of course very loyal, and immediately deployed their troops.
Many soldiers are in Koguryo, and they are all dedicated to guarding the city.
By preventing other troops from being here, Ying Changge can avoid more troubles in the city.
But when Prime Minister Park escaped, he soon heard that there was another poisonous death in the city.
1264 High-spirited!
Why is this! Could it be that the remnants of Prime Minister Park continued to poison here?
Ying Changge was very angry. Filled with righteous indignation, he immediately ordered people to investigate the matter carefully.
And when Prime Minister Park fled, he did not rush to shore, but continued toContinue HNA, continue on your way.
After drifting for a few days, his ship finally stopped and arrived at the Japanese pirate country.
This was Prime Minister Park’s intention, and he had already had this idea on the way of his escape.
As long as he can reach the Japanese pirate country, wouldn’t Prime Minister Park be treated very seriously.
Their men and horses are constantly moving forward, and many people disembark and start to carry things.
Soon, the news of Prime Minister Park’s arrival here spread, and everyone knew about it.
Once in Goguryeo, he was the high-ranking prime minister, and he would not give up his position.
After entering the territory of the Wa Kingdom, Prime Minister Park immediately announced his identity, feeling confident.
After all, they were far away from the pursuit of Ying Changge’s army. Now that the two countries are facing each other, even Ying Changge has nothing to do.
“Send someone quickly! I am Prime Minister Park of Goguryeo, let your officials come to see me〃`!”
The high-spirited Prime Minister Park is very calm and unhurried, always coming here as usual, very arrogant.
A domineering face is really rare, and Prime Minister Park’s reputation spread quickly.
Even if Ying Changge’s army is watching, it is impossible to cross the river and take Prime Minister Park down.
With such a long distance, Ying Changge stayed in Goguryeo wholeheartedly.
So many soldiers were poisoned and died again, Ying Changge had to carefully investigate the surrounding things.
No matter what kind of risk there is, he must protect his army and innocent people.
Knowing that Ying Changge has no time to pay attention to him at this moment, Prime Minister Park’s face is full of joy.
In the Japanese kingdom, everyone should respect themselves very much, this is the treatment that Prime Minister Park should receive.
It is precisely because of this that they are not to be outdone. Prime Minister Park and his party are so arrogant.
Wherever he went, he was in high spirits, especially since Prime Minister Park was in a high position, he was already aloof.
Lifting his neck and looking at people with his nostrils, Prime Minister Park soon heard some wind that the king was going to welcome him.
He expressed a very heartfelt welcome to Park Prime Minister’s arrival, and the king sent ministers to come.
In just a few days, without Ying Changge’s pursuit, Prime Minister Park was very happy to arrive.
They are very eager to eat and drink, enjoying their escape life to the fullest.
Being a stranger in a foreign land, Prime Minister Park is not unfamiliar at all, he is still very proud Zhu.
Although he avoided Ying Changge’s army and the fight, Prime Minister Park also left Goguryeo.
Goguryeo is the hometown of Prime Minister Park, the place where he grew up (Hao Nuo Zhao), but it was captured by Ying Changge.
Such a thing, of course, is very resentful to Ying Changge, he is very angry, and becomes angry from embarrassment.
Prime Minister Park, who was in a hurry to jump over the wall, made a plan early, so he moved his family’s property to the Wa country.
After the king of the Wa Kingdom learned about this matter, he naturally treated it seriously and did not dare to underestimate it.
Soon, some ministers were ordered to come and must bring Prime Minister Park before the king of Wa.
1265 No delay!
After waiting for a few days, Prime Minister Park boasted about his greatness during this time.
For example, how to defeat Ying Changge, how to suppress Ying Changge’s army, and how to easily come by boat.
A series of glorious deeds, Prime Minister Park has built himself to be invincible and invincible.
Although the city is extremely deep, Prime Minister Park may not be such an upright person, he is ordinary.
Constantly bragging about everything about himself, Prime Minister Park left an indelible impression on the people of Japan.
Soon, ministers came to welcome Prime Minister Park, and under the leadership of the ministers of the Wa Kingdom, he set foot on the road.
Sitting in a sedan chair, it was a long journey and chattering all the way, it was really tiring.
Fortunately, there is no need for 397 to ask Prime Minister Park to eat and sleep in the open, and the ministers of the Japanese country are very kind to him.
Eating well, sleeping well, just running around all the way, finally it is a bit hard and tiring, and it is unbearable.
In just a few days, Prime Minister Park lost a lot of weight, from a big belly to a small belly.
Earth-shaking changes have also taken place in Goguryeo. More and more people died, and the poison spread around.
Ying Changge thought it was a problem with the water well before, but now he checked one by one, but found that it was not.
He was very anxious and could not wait any longer. He immediately sent someone to investigate, and everything was cleared up (affa).
There are many troops dispatched, and people are running in the streets and alleys, wandering in the depths of the streets and alleys.
They were poisoned continuously, died continuously, without any warning, they died of poisoning just like that suddenly.
From Ying Changge’s point of view, this scene was obviously poisoned deliberately by someone with a heart, and it must be the remnants of Prime Minister Park.
After careful investigation and careful investigation, Ying Changge did not want them to continue to survive.
In any case, the situation in Goguryeo must be considered, and he does not want to continue to die.
It is also very important to maintain peace in Goguryeo and let the people live and work in peace and contentment.
Otherwise, the surroundings will be turbulent, and it will not be easy for Ying Changge to control everything in Goguryeo.
After finally leading his own army into this place, Ying Changge just wanted to fill him into the country.
Bigger and stronger, full of troops, this kind of Daqin can be invincible and invincible.
With Ying Changge’s order, the soldiers of the Qin army all defended conscientiously to prevent accidents.
The hearts of the people are flustered and the hearts of the people are unstable. Maybe that day there will be riots among the people of Goguryeo!
No wonder Prime Minister Park wanted to poison him before he left. He was so vicious just to disturb the common people!
The people are in dire straits, in fact there is noCountless, this kind of poison quietly spread around.
The streets and alleys of Goguryeo know this, and they all know the intensity and viciousness of the poison.
If it is allowed to continue to develop, I am afraid that it will easily die and poison more people.
The soldiers who obeyed Ying Changge’s order were all in a hurry to dispatch the poisoning.
Otherwise, if the poison is rampant, many people will die, and Ying Changge’s troops will also be damaged.
When Ying Changge started to be busy, he had no skills to spare, and even more so, he was busy day and night.
Prime Minister Park, who escaped from Goguryeo, was ruthless and ungrateful, while he was completely indifferent, very calm and at ease.
Very comfortably welcomed by the ministers of the Wa Kingdom, they continued to go to the royal capital.
Along the way, Prime Minister Park should eat and drink, and even saw a lot of scenery.
1266 Dispatch Minister!
Wa country is nothing more than that, it seems that it is not as good as Goguryeo! Prime Minister Park is very proud.
The self-righteous Prime Minister Park stayed in the sedan chair, resting and eating day and night.
After a few days of delay, he soon heard the news that he was about to arrive at the capital of King Wa.
Excited by this, Prime Minister Park immediately got up, and immediately stepped out of the sedan chair, “It’s finally here!”
It is a good thing to imagine him being able to come to the country of Wa with such an identity!
Fortunately, the king of the Japanese country knows heroes with his eyesight, so he personally sent ministers to meet Prime Minister Park.
After packing his bags and changing into clean and tidy clothes, Prime Minister Park entered the main hall.
He saw the king of the Wa Kingdom, and saw many ministers lined up next to him, and Prime Minister Park was very pleased with himself.
After all, he is the prime minister of Goguryeo. He has never seen such a big storm. He is already used to it.
Such a meeting is really unexpected, and Prime Minister Park never thought of it before.
Being forced by Ying Changge’s army with nowhere to go, Prime Minister Park had no choice but to come to this place.
He stared at the crowd intently, and then smiled brightly, “I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time!”
“I came here from a long distance just to see the demeanor of your country, so it’s worth it!”
Prime Minister Park’s words seemed so sincere, even more so, the king smiled.

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