1261 Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals!
He continued to flee vigorously, and then Prime Minister Park finally left here and escaped successfully.
Frightened and very worried, Prime Minister Park was afraid that his head would fall off like this.
Pretending to be calm, he fled quickly, without any pause along the way, and just fled and disappeared.
Li Xin was trapped in this war, and many Goguryeo soldiers came to surround and assassinate Li Xin.
Holding his weapon tightly, Li Xin, who was not in a hurry, had a calm face, but he was still yelling, “You’re looking for your own death!”
“Your prime minister has already escaped, why are you still insisting on sending yourself to death now!”
“What a bunch of stupid people!” Li Xin scolded, “Put down the butcher’s knife and turn around!”
It’s just a pity that these Goguryeo soldiers didn’t listen to Li Xin’s words at all, they would not agree.
Coming as usual, the soldiers were approaching with all their teeth and claws, just to kill Li Xin.
The strength of the whole army is under Li Xin’s control, the general is majestic, and the soldiers are of course like wolves and tigers.
Goguryeo’s soldiers couldn’t stop Li Xin’s fight at all, because he was really too strong.
As they approached continuously, the soldiers came one after another, wishing to kill Li Xin.
Ying Changge’s troops are all powerful, and people like them can be said to be invincible.
Even if a small number of troops blocked Li Xin, he still wanted to continue chasing and killing him.
His target is not these soldiers and crab generals, but Prime Minister Park. This is what Ying Changge hopes most.
Leading so many elite soldiers here, of course Li Xin is going to complete the tasks entrusted by Ying Changge.
Soldiers who cannot stop Goguryeo will let Prime Minister Park escape. Of course Li Xin understands this.
Unfortunately, no matter how he pursued and killed him, there were still many Goguryeo soldiers standing in front of him.
Coming aggressively, Goguryeo’s soldiers surrounded Li Xin with all their forces.
Li Xin, who takes the lead and stands out from the crowd, is very tough with his sword, and always entangles and fights quickly.
A steady stream of soldiers came here in one go, they were in groups, and they didn’t know how to work hard at all.
Tireless, they always do everything possible to fight, just to stop Li Xin’s army.
So many people moved forward vigorously, surrounded by chattering around Li Xin.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Goguryeo’s enemy troops are everywhere. These people are really stubborn, and they always come as usual.
Many troops have been attacked, but their figures are extraordinarily calm, and there is always a steady stream.
The bustling soldiers came here in one go, and they did everything they could to kill Li Xin.
… … … … …
He took out all his strength, and his troops were extremely powerful, and they still came to assassinate quickly.
If the task cannot be completed, it will be difficult for Li Xin himself to face Ying Changge, and he is very anxious.
There is no need to delay, from far to near, Li Xin is constantly assassinating, wielding a sword very quickly.
Ping ping pong pong, the sword edge knocked, and killed several Goguryeo soldiers, leaving no one behind.
After they died, there were more corpses piled up in front of Li Xin, like a stumbling block.
High-spirited, he continued to chatter and assassinate, swinging the sword in his hand very fiercely.
The extremely domineering approach, Goguryeo’s soldiers are not dead or alive, or continue to die and die.
1262 Chasing!
Leading his own elite cavalry, so many people obeyed Li Xin’s orders.
It is the easiest task for Li Xin to injure the soldiers of Goguryeo and capture Prime Minister Park!
He couldn’t stay here, Li Xin came out just to catch Prime Minister Park and bring him to Ying Changge.
If Prime Minister Park cannot be handed over to Ying Changge, I’m afraid Li Xin, the leader this time, will not be able to catch up with Prime Minister Park.
Under the helpless “397” and He’s stalemate, everything is ready, everything is ready and only owes the east wind.
Li Xin’s soldiers and horses continued to charge forward, and they came continuously, killing many Goguryeo soldiers.
The corpses fell to the ground, blood flowed into rivers, the death of the soldiers was really unexpected, Li Xin was very indignant.
He knew that his troops would suffer damage, but in this battle, he must use all his strength.
Overwhelmed by water, Li Xin had no choice but to launch his troops. Once he dispatched troops, he would succeed immediately.
Otherwise, it would be ridiculous for Prime Minister Park to escape under Li Xin’s pursuit.
Even if it is difficult and dangerous, no matter how dangerous the situation is, he will continue to persevere.
After killing Goguryeo’s soldiers and eradicating them one by one, Li Xin still moved forward quickly.
Around Li Xin, he could no longer see Prime Minister Park. He was very sad, but he would not despair.
All thoughts are hopeless and unstoppable, he must continue to attack and kill these people completely.
Holding his weapon and quickly holding the reins, Li Xin continued to chase Prime Minister Park’s whereabouts.
In the chase between you and me, Goguryeo’s soldiers couldn’t catch up and couldn’t take Li Xin.There was no chance to stop them, and after losing the best opportunity, they were already in a mess.
It was impossible to chase and kill Li Xin like a loose sand, and Goguryeo’s soldiers immediately fell behind.
Without a foothold, Goguryeo’s soldiers were scattered in a group, defeated and retreated directly.
Many people died because of this, and their deaths and accumulation of corpses were all trampled by Li Xin.
Riding on the horse, he continued to move forward. Li Xin, who did not give up, still persisted in chasing and killing Prime Minister Park.
Prime Minister Park ran away, he came directly to the beach, and boarded the boat in a panic, ready to leave here 0…
On the way to escape, there was not much effort, and Prime Minister Park didn’t have many opportunities, so of course he did it all at once.
Panting forward, he came to the coast, and there was already a boat waiting for him.
This is the ship that Prime Minister Park ordered in advance, and now he has been patiently waiting for Prime Minister Park to board the ship.
As long as they waited for Prime Minister Park to board the ship, they could directly start the ship and set sail for a long voyage.
Showing a happy smile, Prime Minister Park yelled, “Quick! Send me to the boat!”
In a hurry, Prime Minister Park boarded the ship immediately. Looking back, he saw that there were not many Li Xin’s pursuers.
Now, even Ying Changge couldn’t easily capture Prime Minister Park. He was very happy. 5.0
Immediately got up, stood on the deck, with the breeze blowing, Prime Minister Park was very comfortable, “Good!”
Without the chasing soldiers, he will be very safe, and will never worry about being killed by Ying Changge again.
“Let’s go!” Constantly urged, Prime Minister Park waved his hand immediately, “Let’s set sail immediately!”
The supplies brought by Prime Minister Park are still being carried hard, most of which are gold and silver.
1263 Stand together!
With so much money, it was a huge harvest. Of course, it was impossible for Prime Minister Park to stay in Goguryeo.
He must take it away, no matter what, so much rich money must be taken away directly.
Staying on the boat and carrying away so much money, Prime Minister Park is still rich.
The boat started to move across the waves, Prime Minister Park showed a very happy smile.
Finally, he was satisfied, and finally escaped from the pursuit of Ying Changge’s army.
Immediately turned around and left, comfortably staying on the deck of the ship, they were leaving this place quickly.
Many people have already gone away, they are all loyal soldiers, and the guards are around Prime Minister Park 05.
Everyone knows that this battle is not easy to stop, and it will be over only when Prime Minister Park is captured.
Now, he fled to the sea, sailed on a ship, and got rid of the pursuers for a while.
Ying Changge’s men and horses were all behind, and they couldn’t catch up with such a ship and escape.
So, for a while, only Prime Minister Park and his group were left, and they left here safely.
Standing with so many soldiers led by him, Prime Minister Park finally managed to escape.
Feeling very comfortable and triumphant, Prime Minister Park looked out from the boat and only saw Ying Changge’s army.
Running continuously on the coast, Ying Changge’s army came quickly from far to near.
So many troops are chasing quickly, in order to capture Prime Minister Park.
However, Prime Minister Park has already boarded the ship, so why is he afraid? He just laughed.
“Let’s chase and kill as much as you want! Run as much as you want!” Standing on the deck, Prime Minister Park gloated.
Quickly chasing and galloping on the shore, Li Xin still couldn’t catch up with Prime Minister Park’s boat.
They have completely gone away, sailing away, and there is no longer any worries.
With a bright smile on his face and a cheerful expression, Prime Minister Park stayed comfortably on his boat.
He deviated from the coast and went as far away as he wanted. Now he has left Goguryeo and avoided murder.
Even in the aggressive pursuit, Li Xin still couldn’t catch Prime Minister Park, he was already sweating profusely.
Riding on the horse, although he looked so embarrassed, Li Xin still wanted to take the lead in chasing and killing Prime Minister Park.
However, Prime Minister Park, who was on the boat, waited comfortably and let his group leave.

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