There are quite a few soldiers behind his buttocks, Prime Minister Park was rescued, and he is now in a very safe situation.
A steady stream of people came as usual, wishing to kill Li Xin directly.
As a general, Li Xin did not rush, and he immediately ordered the cavalry around him to dispatch.
If it is just a blind attack, then more troops will be lost, which is really not worth it.
The quick-step operation allowed so many cavalry to protect their left and right, and they formed a formation.
The cavalry charged, and Li Xin led his troops, all patiently resisting and counterattacking together.
Otherwise, if Prime Minister Park escapes under the cover of Goguryeo soldiers, the loss outweighs the gain.
Li Xin, who was full of energy, raised his military power, and was still chasing quickly, slashing vigorously.
Riding on a war horse, Li Xin brandished his weapon so fiercely that the group of people could hardly stop it.
Goguryeo’s soldiers and Li Xin’s troops are almost evenly matched, which shows how afraid Prime Minister Park is of death.
Even if it is such a crisis, it can’t stop this kind of fighting. Goguryeo soldiers are numerous and powerful.
With so many people, they surrounded Li Xin’s soldiers aggressively.
Although Li Xin can’t wait to kill Prime Minister Park now, he still lacks something.
Many enemy troops blocked in front of him aggressively, making it impossible for Li Xin to pass through.
With the cover of Goguryeo soldiers, Prime Minister Park was able to take a breather, and he was very lucky.
Fortunately, I was resourceful enough to bring many soldiers with me when I ran away.
This is my own rainy day! The aloof Prime Minister Park has a lot of scheming and palace.
397 was unable to kill Ying Changge with poison, so Prime Minister Park had to escape from Ying Changge’s painful killer to survive.
Seeing Li Xin leading many cavalry in front of him, he could only escape.
In Park Prime Minister’s mind, he didn’t even intend to resist, but just wanted to escape.
After quickly escaping along the road and disappearing, of course he can survive.
Otherwise, if he was chased and killed by Li Xin, Prime Minister Park would just die directly.
Goguryeo’s soldiers rushed out in every possible way, and stopped Li Xin by any means.
There was a brief stalemate with his own cavalry, and Li Xin would not retreat at all.
1259 Capture and Kill!
Li Xin obeyed Ying Changge’s order and attacked with great fanfare, very brave and unscrupulous.
Continuous attacks, as usual, many Goguryeo soldiers were killed.
They were very embarrassed, staggered, their bodies were extremely weak, and they fell directly to the ground.
Such a death is very sad, everyone knows that Ying Changge’s army is brave and good at fighting.
Now, to hunt down Prime Minister Park, Li Xin came here to lead enough elite soldiers.
So many soldiers came continuously, took out the offensive with all their bodies, and fought together.
Big fights, swords and swords, their fighting is endless, always continuous.
Surrounding Prime Minister Park with pursuers, the most important thing is to capture him alive, that would be very importantimportant.
Otherwise, if Prime Minister Park escapes, I’m afraid Li Xin will waste all his efforts.
Many elite cavalry were charging quickly, and they fought with Goguryeo soldiers.
In this pool of blood, soldiers were constantly falling down, all of them in a state of embarrassment.
Some of them were Li Xin’s soldiers, some were Park Prime Minister’s soldiers, and they were all covered in bruises.
The Goguryeo soldiers who suffered heavy wounds did not have enough strength to protect Prime Minister Park.
Seeing this, Li Xin was even more elated, thinking that taking down Prime Minister Park was just around the corner.
But even with Li Xin’s continued pursuit, he couldn’t easily capture Prime Minister Park.
In Goguryeo, Prime Minister Park’s status is high and powerful, and many people can protect him.
This time the escape was also true. Prime Minister Park had a lot of people around him, and the troops were abundant.
Even with Li Xin’s troops, they rushed forward in one go, but they were blocked.
Goguryeo’s soldiers were in a hurry, and they formed a human wall to block Li Xin’s cavalry.
In this way, even if Li Xin wanted to kill Prime Minister Park, he could only fight against these soldiers.
Otherwise, without killing Goguryeo’s soldiers, Li Xin would not be able to capture and kill Park Prime Minister directly.
Prime Minister Park, who was terrified, fled without knowing what to do, and was even more terrified and flustered.
He fled, fled very quickly, and disappeared without a trace.
Li Xin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. Of course he wanted to lead the army to continue chasing and killing.
The menacing army was still surrounded as before, chasing behind Prime Minister Park.
However, Prime Minister Park, who has no intention of fighting, has only one thing on his mind, and that is to escape!
Leave quickly and escape from Li Xin’s pursuit. Only in this way can Prime Minister Park survive.
Otherwise, Prime Minister Park will die sooner if he entangles with so many soldiers.
Panting and walking forward along the road without looking back, Prime Minister Park didn’t care about the lives of his soldiers.
The only thing he cares about is his own life, as long as he is alive, it is better than anything else.
From far to near, chasing up (Hao Nuo Zhao) from behind, Li Xin was always chasing and killing Prime Minister Park on horseback.
It’s a pity that Prime Minister Park’s escape path was smooth sailing without any obstacles or obstacles.
Without Li Xin’s cavalry to stop him, Prime Minister Park concentrated on his escape and had already escaped a long way.
When the soldiers gathered here, they had no choice but to start fighting, punching and kicking.
Swords and swords, you come and go, so many people are beating quickly, it is very chaotic.
1260 Work Together!
On the battlefield, Li Xin couldn’t even find him, and had no idea where Prime Minister Park was.
Could it be that the mission Ying Changge entrusted to him is about to fail like this! Impossible!
Li Xin was afraid that his mission would fail, so he continued to chase after him on horseback.
Even if Li Xin concentrated on chasing and killing, there were still many Goguryeo soldiers blocking him.
A lot of troops, very dense, surrounded Li Xin with nowhere to go.
Gritting his teeth, Li Xin looked coldly, “It’s unreasonable, how could I let you run away!”
A mere Prime Minister Park, without any skills, must be captured by Li Xin.
With a sharp sword in his hand, he quickly chased after 397, and he always had to kill Prime Minister Park first.
All he knew was that he kept running away in front, Park Chengxiang persevered, and there were many soldiers behind him.
With so many troops, they kept stopping Li Xin, making it not so easy for him to kill Prime Minister Park.
He was stopped by the Goguryeo soldiers, and he took his sword and rode back and forth to fight back and forth in a calm manner.
Seven in and seven out, flexing his fists, Li Xin’s weapons, and the enemies he fought were all in a very embarrassing situation.
Buried under Li Xin’s sword, they died and were wounded, and the Goguryeo soldiers were vulnerable.
It is precisely because they know that Li Xin has such a powerful skill that the Goguryeo soldiers are united.
Working together against Li Xin, blocking his horse, will be able to protect Prime Minister Park’s safety.
These people were really not afraid of death, and the Goguryeo soldiers quickly gathered in front of Li Xin.
Such a battle was very chaotic, and there were many swords and swords, and the corpses kept falling to the ground.
Continue to fight forward as always, the only thing he has to do is to kill Prime Minister Park or capture him.
But Prime Minister Park is a very cowardly person because he is greedy for life and afraid of death, and he will not show mercy at all.
Always running forward to escape in a steady stream, he just wants to put all his troops behind him now.
More and more troops are coming by all means, and the distance is very stubborn and stupid. (affa)
A group of people who are overconfident, they are talking about stopping Li Xin for the sake of Prime Minister Park.
Li Xin’s troops were decreasing, but why didn’t Goguryeo’s soldiers die in battle?
Continuing to fight with all their strength, Li Xin’s soldiers were all very brave, while the Goguryeo soldiers retreated.
He retreated several steps in a flustered manner, and many enemy soldiers died under Li Xin’s sword.
The blade was stained with blood, and Li Xin was full of murderous aura, even chasing after Prime Minister Park like a rainbow.
It was important to escape, Prime Minister Park had already fled far away, he didn’t dare to stay at all, for fear that he would die because of it.
He let many Goguryeo soldiers protect him, and then fled away and left the battlefield.
Even if Ying Changge’s army wanted to come and kill him, Prime Minister Park would not let them succeed.
Continuing to flee all the way forward, Prime Minister Park and his own troops were always very low-key.
After fleeing quietly and quickly, only the soldiers were left fighting continuously.
caught in the war, fierce confrontation, Li Xin’s troops and Park Prime Minister’s people are very brave.
Raising the sword in his hand, Li Xin, who was sitting astride his horse, was almost invincible and very mighty.
Knowing the power of Ying Changge’s army and seeing Li Xin’s ability, Prime Minister Park dared not stay.

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