Many people and horses were moving forward, and the cavalry rode fast, approaching behind Prime Minister Park.
In order to live up to Ying Changge’s order, Li Xin hopes to make a quick decision and kill them as soon as possible.
Otherwise, if Prime Minister Park escaped, he would not have any chance to make achievements.
Li Xin, who was in the lead, took the lead in the charge, and their figures continued to move forward as usual.
A lot of soldiers gathered quickly, and the cavalry followed behind Prime Minister Park, densely packed.
Everyone was approaching bravely, and Prime Minister Park was terrified when he saw it.
They were afraid that they would die like this, and they didn’t want to be caught back like this, so he immediately fought back.
“Quick! Go up to me! Swarm up and stop Qin Jun’s pursuit!”
Prime Minister Park ordered his servants to pester them quickly, chattering endlessly to surround them.
Hearing Prime Minister Park’s order, of course they had no choice but to rush forward with their heads down.
1256 Sit and watchTube!
A group of servants were treated as abandoned sons, and each one of them stood in front of Li Xin’s horse.
How can flesh and blood stop Li Xin from being trampled by horses! Of course it is impossible!
They didn’t intend to stay at all, they continued to move forward, charging into the battle unscrupulously.
Pulling out the edge of his sword, Li Xin kept chasing, fighting with his sword, and counterattacked vigorously.
Now that they have caught up with these fleeing guys, they cannot be merciful and must be killed.
With blood on his hands and the edge of his sword running wildly, Li Xin rode on the horse, looking really majestic.
Even if many of Prime Minister Park’s servants came, they might not be able to stop Li Xin from fighting.
Continue to chase and kill one after another, and soon, Li Xin is about to approach Prime Minister Park.
Li Xin holding a sword in his hand is like a god of war, wherever he goes, he is invincible, winning every battle~every victory.
Hitting several people on the ground with ease, the sword in his hand stabbed at Prime Minister Park.
When he saw that Li Xin’s men were all around him, Prime Minister Park was of course – very scared.
He was afraid that he would be stabbed to death like this, so he could only lower his head and continue to escape, wanting to escape first.
If you leave here and avoid murder, Prime Minister Park will be able to live, but he must avoid Li Xin’s fight.
Surrounded by Prime Minister Park’s servants, he still had no intention of panic, and Li Xin was calm and calm.
Quickly attacking, stabbing bravely with a sword, Li Xin stabbed another servant to death.
He doesn’t need to be lenient, the only thing he has to do is to take down Prime Minister Park, which is very important.
Except for Prime Minister Park, other people are not important to Li Xin, they are just mediocre.
Holding a sword and riding on a horse, Li Xin entered and exited seven times, continuing to fight under their siege.
The wielding of a sword was even more vigorous. Li Xin’s sword killed many people, and his skill was vigorous.
Gritting his teeth, Prime Minister Park was very flustered, he didn’t want to be hacked to death by Li Xin like this!
He couldn’t wait, couldn’t sit idly by, he had to get out of this predicament quickly.
He was in a hurry, his face was pale, and he was frightened, so he could only run away without looking back.
Panting, he held his own weapon. Prime Minister Park would not start fighting with Li Xin.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Because he couldn’t kill Li Xin, Prime Minister Park was just a greedy person who didn’t know how to fight and kill.
Once stabbed by Li Xin’s sword, Prime Minister Park would never have a chance to escape, and he would definitely die.
Therefore, no matter how approaching Li Xin is, Prime Minister Park will continue to escape and stay away from here.
This kind of fighting is fierce, a group of people are caught in the struggle, and their figures are constantly moving.
… … … … …
You come and go, weapons hit each other, and soon, several servants of Prime Minister Park were killed.
Li Xin’s army was very satisfied, they continued to chase without any accidents.
No matter how many servants there are, they can’t stop Li Xin and his party.
In order to hunt down Prime Minister Park, Li Xin selected very elite soldiers! One counts as ten.
In the battle here, there are quite a lot of people who are in charge, and Li Xin has already controlled the situation.
To resolve it easily, and continue to chase, Li Xin must grab Prime Minister Park’s neck to prevent him from escaping.
Otherwise, wouldn’t it be useless for Li Xin to have so many troops to make Prime Minister Park disappear from his sight.
1257 Military Orders Like Mountains!
Seeing with his own eyes so many troops coming in front of him, Prime Minister Park was almost scared to pee his pants.
Fortunately, his actions are really dexterous and unpredictable, and he always assassinates as always.
The weapons in his hands buzzed, surrounded by servants, Li Xin was alone.
Patiently staying here, Li Xin’s sword continued to stab, stabbing several servants to death.
The blood was sprayed, the wounds were full of “397”, and many servants died in Li Xin’s breakout claws, completely killed in battle.
The majestic Li Xin stabbed out his sword and slashed at Prime Minister Park as usual.
Fearing that he would be hacked to death, Prime Minister Park kept shrinking, pushing and shoving his servants to protect himself.
As long as Li Xin is blocked, these Goguryeo people can live on.
Prime Minister Park, who was sweating profusely, yelled in horror, making his servants stand in front of him.
There is really no way to start such a battle. In the chaos of war, it is not so easy to quell.
Hard fighting, quick pursuit, and soon, Li Xin resisted several servants.
The servant’s expression was very fierce, with annoyed expression on his face, he couldn’t wait to draw out his sword to kill Li Xin.
But even so, Li Xin still took his time, raised his sword, and slashed down vigorously.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades criss-crossed, the figures of the two missed, and Li Xin beheaded the servant.
No matter how many servants are dying in front of him, he will fight them equally.
Ying Changge’s military order is like a mountain, and Li Xin obeys Ying Changge’s orders, always chasing and killing him tirelessly.
But Prime Minister Park was still running away, and they were all avoiding Li Xin’s fight in fear.
But even so, they were so murderous that they tried their best to delay Li Xin’s army.
The soldiers in his hands were very elite, and a group of people came chattering endlessly, so that they could take down Li Xin.
Li Xin, who had experienced many battles, remained motionless, he was just advancing, but he would not be repelled by his servants at all.
Seeing Li Xin’s strength, Prime Minister Park knew that he was in danger, and he was very helpless.
Being hunted down continuously, what is the only thing he has to do! Of course he ran away.
runCovered in sweat, Prime Minister Park did not stop in fear, and continued to move forward 0  …
He ran far along the road, but when he looked back, he saw Li Xin’s figure.
Li Xin, who came on horseback, was really majestic, and many servants couldn’t stop Li Xin’s confrontation.
Fortunately, Prime Minister Park escaped this time, not only with his servants, but also with a small amount of troops.
These Goguryeo soldiers are all dedicated to guarding Prime Minister Park’s property and supplies.
So many treasures are packed in wooden boxes, they must be taken away safe and sound.
Prime Minister Park is also a person who regards money as his life, and he is unwilling to give up all his belongings.
In any case, so many belongings must be taken away safely, so that Prime Minister Park can feel at ease.
Concentrating on moving forward, 5.0 soon, he saw that the soldiers were all on guard in the distance.
Without the order of Prime Minister Park, it is impossible to act without authorization. This is a soldier.
After escaping a few steps forward in a panic, Prime Minister Park knew that his people could not stop him.
It is necessary to fight together and intercept them all, so as to obtain a faint hope.
1258 Take it easy!
“Give it to me!” Prime Minister Park yelled very hard, his voice was very hoarse.
Angrily, he just scolded, and then many Goguryeo soldiers left immediately.
They had been preparing for a long time in order to resist Li Xin’s troops, and immediately formed a team.
Many people came to intercept Li Xin and his cavalry without saying a word.
A human wall was formed, and so many guys directly and abruptly blocked Li Xin.
Even if there are thousands of troops, Goguryeo’s soldiers are loyal and guarding by their side, and they will never leave.
Thanks to Prime Minister Park’s order, so many people killed him a way out.
Many soldiers and horses started to fight, 05 you come and go, the fighting is very fierce, blood is sprayed.
Blood splattered five steps, and the scene was bloody. Under this fight, Li Xin came chattering endlessly.
The sword in his hand was really fast, and with one quick blow, several soldiers were knocked down.
However, Li Xin was intercepted by Goguryeo soldiers, so it was not so easy to hunt down Prime Minister Park.

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