After blocking the attacks again and again, he turned around easily, and immediately stabbed out with a sword.
Jianfeng always brushed shoulders with the Goguryeo king, and such an attack failed to kill the opponent.
1184 Accurate!
The indomitable Kim Ki-moon always has the potential to assassinate Meng Tian and King Goguryeo as always.
But with average skills, he was always unable to accurately block Meng Tian’s sword.
Jin Jiwen is the first to strike first, and Meng Tian is only a counterattack from behind.
Even so, Kim Ki-moon did not take the advantage and take the initiative, but was extremely embarrassed.
The blade of a sword has no rules, and it always slashes at Meng Tian’s body fiercely, which is really embarrassing.
With such a sword, it is impossible to gain an advantage, because he cannot overcome the suppression in front of Meng Tian.
Gritting his teeth and holding his sword, Jin Jiwen saw that his wound was bleeding profusely, and his flesh was mutilated.
With a cold snort, he quickly followed up, and then, his sword continued to stab.
Chattering, not to be outdone, Jin Jiwen will not give up the attack, he must kill Meng Tian.
It is Kim Ki-moon’s task to keep King Goguryeo here, and it is impossible for him to sit idly by.
Quickly chasing him up, holding the sword, Jin Jiwen became the only obstacle to leaving the villa.
Killing him is better than anything else, at least in this way, Jin Jiwen can continue to live.
Otherwise, under the big fight with Meng Tian, ​​he may not be able to intercept the Goguryeo king, and he will undoubtedly die.
Trying his best to assassinate, Jin Jiwen released all his abilities, but there was no chance of winning.
The soldiers came to block the water and cover it with earth, every move of Meng Tian was accurate and unmistakable to resolve Jin Jiwen.
The sword move was fierce, but he was easily dodged. Meng Tian protected King Goguryeo.
The cowardly and cowardly King Goguryeo stared wide-eyed, with a terrified expression on his face, always giving in constantly.
He finally escaped under Meng Tian’s hand, and so far, King Goguryeo has not been injured.
Showing a satisfied smile, the King of Goguryeo hid behind Meng Tian and yelled, “Incompetent people〃`!”
“You can’t stop Qin Jun’s bravery! Hurry up and get out of this place!”
“Otherwise, what awaits you is a dead end, and you will surely die!” King Goguryeo provoked.
Now the king of Goguryeo just wants to leave, and it is best to escape here safe and sound.
Otherwise, if the stalemate continues, I’m afraid it will be easy to die, and the corpse will be in a different place.
Clenching his fists tightly, he attacked bravely, trying his best in every move.
Jin Jiwen, who was in a state of desperation, used all his strength to kill Ying Changge.
Continue to fight, attack as always, this murderous intention directly came to King Goguryeo.
Being provoked by King Goguryeo, of course Kim Ki-moon couldn’t sit idly by, and he directly fought with his sword.
Under the impact of the big sword, it quickly came to King Goguryeo’s neck, trying to stab him to death.
After seeing this change, the King of Goguryeo was of course very panicked, and he quickly dodged.
Hiding in Meng Tian’s bodyAfter that, he let Meng Tian (good good) deal with Jin Jiwen himself, and the two fought.
Swords, swords, and swords collided with each other, and under the murderous intent of you coming and going, there was almost no defense.
The menacing Jin Jiwen seemed to be powerless, and there was no other way.
The only thing he can do is to continuously suppress Mengtian and prevent him from taking the King of Goguryeo away.
After letting King Goguryeo leave, Kim Ki-moon’s mission failed and he would only be punished by military orders.
1185 Hiding in the distance!
Of course, Kim Ki-moon will not let the King of Goguryeo affect his official career, he still wants to get promoted and make a fortune!
It was certain to win, and when the menacing attack came, his sword hit Meng Tian’s body.
Capture the thief first and capture the king. As long as Jin Jiwen kills Meng Tian, ​​then the Goguryeo king will have no chance to leave.
This is the battle he is best at. It is impossible for him to stop here, but he must work hard to attack.
The sword edge in his hand was hitting out continuously, wishing to directly stab Meng Tian to death.
However, Meng Tian was always able to accurately resist Jin Jiwen’s every move.
Beheaded the opponent and let him die directly, then there would be no crisis.
Chattering continued to shoot, rampant as always, and soon Jin Jiwen approached Meng Tian.
Don’t look at him as aggressive, but actually such a sword move may not be able to kill Meng Tian.
He was always attacking forward continuously, but Jin Jiwen ignored the defense, and his swordsmanship was extraordinarily messy.
The king of Goguryeo, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, continued to stay behind Meng Tian, ​​avoiding Jin Jiwen’s repeated attacks.
If Kim Ki-moon wanted to kill someone, he had to kill Meng Tian first before he could kill King Goguryeo.
The figures of the two overlapped like this. Under the fighting between you and me, Jianfeng was very domineering and fierce.
Every attack was (affa) blocked by Meng Tian, ​​such a sword really didn’t have any advantage.
Showing a bright and happy smile, King Goguryeo soon found himself unscathed.
When being chased and beaten fiercely by Jin Jiwen, he was not injured at all, and he was very proud.
Hiding in the distance, King Goguryeo watched the fight between Meng Tian and Jin Jimoon intently.
The sword edge strikes, and under the impact, almost everyone can’t resist, and can only continue to stalemate.
Of course Meng Tian also wanted to kill Jin Jiwen, but Jin Jiwen’s offensive was too crazy.
A sword was swung full of afterimages, and every attack of Jin Jiwen was very fierce.
Unwilling to stop, attacking as usual, Kim Ki-moon quickly approached the King of Goguryeo.
He just wanted to detain the King of Goguryeo, and he didn’t want this guy to escape directly from the villa.
Otherwise, once this guy is allowed to leave, Jin Jiwen may not have any qualifications to explain to the nobles.
Fighting desperately to defend this place, Jin Jiwen spared no effort just to kill Meng Tian.
At this moment, the only reliance of King Goguryeo is Meng Tian, ​​because Meng Tian’s swordsmanship is very strong.
Without Meng Tian, ​​no one else would be able to take the King of Goguryeo away from here.
Attacking tirelessly, Jin Jiwen’s figure always moves forward quickly, pressing Meng Tian all the time.
Such an offensive was already in full swing, and Jin Jimoon’s ultimate move was very obvious, even more aboveboard.
In order to be able to kill Meng Tian, ​​every sword of Jin Jiwen pierced Meng Tian’s vital points.
He wished he could cut off Meng Tian’s head directly to make an example to others, but such a battle was really mediocre.
Few people can stop Meng Tian, ​​which is why Ying Changge assured Meng Tian to come.
The elite soldiers are all around, and so many people are leaving this place to protect the King of Goguryeo.
Jin Jiwen doesn’t have too strong skills, he can’t be like Meng Tian, ​​and he can’t be separated from others.
So under such a fight, he could only counterattack with his sword incessantly, blocking Jin Jiwen.
1186 Under cover!
As long as the king of Goguryeo is trapped here, Kim Ki-moon will apply for assistance from the Goguryeo army at that time.
Still attacking quickly, the unremitting Jin Jiwen took out his momentum to resist Meng Tian.
However, it is a pity that no matter how much Jin Jiwen resisted, he was unable to kill and block Meng Tian’s progress.
Escorting the King of Goguryeo, their figures are still condensing one after another, continuing to move forward.
Quickly following up, counterattacking as always, the sword in his hand buzzed.
After being hit by Meng Tian’s sword, Jin Jiwen retreated one after another, Jin Jiwen’s arm was numb, and there was a slight soreness for a while.
Since it is impossible to kill King Goguryeo, he must kill Meng Tian.
Only by blocking Jin Jiwen, Meng Tian was able to take the Goguryeo King out of this empty villa smoothly.
Otherwise, let Jin Jiwen block his way, when will Meng Tian be able to leave~here.
Holding the sword vigorously and continuing to approach, Jin Jiwen’s attacking pace did not stop.
Still attacking from far to near, every sword in his hand pierced Meng Tian’s body accurately.
Such a sword looks murderous, but in fact it is impossible to stop the counterattack.
Jin Jiwen was full of murderous intent, but he was ostentatious, and he couldn’t hack Meng Tian to death in a fair and honest manner.
Now the King of Koguryo is under the cover of Meng Tian, ​​and continues to go towards the gate of the villa.
Leaving here, escaping from the villa, the King of Goguryeo will be able to regain his freedom.
Even if the nobles of Goguryeo came to threaten him, they could not simply kill him.
Satisfied, seeing Meng Tian constantly forcing Kim Ki-moon back, King Goguryeo felt admiration in his heart.
As expected of Ying Changge’s subordinate! Only Kim Ki-moon canThere will be such a skill, so powerful!
Patiently continuing to confront, the sword hit Jin Jiwen’s body one after another.
The one who was hit retreated again and again, and the helpless Jin Jiwen already had a look of sincerity and fear on his face.
Either kill Jin Jiwen, or die here, there is no doubt that Meng Tian of course chooses the former.

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