But Jin Jiwen’s swordsmanship is mediocre, he is just a lieutenant general, not as powerful as Meng Tian.
While escorting the King of Goguryeo, Meng Tian himself had no skills at all, and he had two purposes, which delayed his attack.
But fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, he still held his sword, and continued to attack fiercely, striking out.
This kind of sword is very fierce, and ordinary people can hardly stop Meng Tian from retreating.
Meng Tian, ​​who insisted on going his own way, raised his sword to fight, and already eliminated several people at once.
All of them died, and all fell to the side one by one, and Jin Jiwen’s soldiers suffered heavy losses.
After seeing this scene with his own eyes, Jin Jiwen was also very panicked, he was very uneasy and was in a hurry.
If Meng Tian was allowed to escape directly, the King of Goguryeo would never be in control again.
This is Jin Jiwen’s task. In any case, he must intercept the Goguryeo king and kill Meng Tian.
Insisting on going his own way, gnashing his teeth, Jin Jiwen’s sword moves hit Meng Tian densely.
Taking into account the Goguryeo king behind him, Meng Tian counterattacked with his sword, blocking every move of Jin Jiwen.
Meng Tian, ​​who couldn’t wait to come, would not stay at all, but continued to fight, training bravely to kill the enemy.
hold yourselfWith the sword, Jin Jiwen’s figure was always on Meng Tian’s side when he attacked bravely.
They didn’t need any chance to rest when they fought hard, and the battle in the middle of the night was very fierce.
Meng Tian’s sword was perfectly prepared and he easily blocked Jin Jiwen’s attack.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Coming with fangs and claws, every attack of Jin Jiwen has an unusual posture.
Sweeping with a sword, chasing one after another, the blades are all staggered, with a menacing might.
It is very simple to kill him, but it may not be possible to directly injure Meng Tian with this opportunity.
Conscious that martial arts are very important, Jin Jimoon did not underestimate the enemy, but is full of self-confidence.
… 0 …
Still impatiently chasing and killing, each of his swords hit the opponent’s body with force.
Such a sword is really powerful, almost breaking through Jin Jiwen’s armor, Meng Tian’s sword marks are dexterous.
After seeing this scene with his own eyes, Jin Jiwen was naturally very frightened, and he quickly took precautions.
The two swords struck together, and the figure collided, and Jin Jiwen took several steps back helplessly.
Never expected that Meng Tian’s ability is so superb, such a sword is really unexpected.
Spitting at the mouth and clenching the edge of the sword, Jin Jiwen’s eyes were filled with a fierce gesture.
Killing him is a must, at the very least, Kim Ki-moon cannot let the King of Goguryeo slip away from under his nose and…
1182 Stand still!
With a cold snort indifferently, Jin Jiwen ignored his slightly trembling arms and tiger’s mouth.
Because after the sword’s edge struck repeatedly, Jin Jiwen’s arm couldn’t help but ache.
If the stalemate continues, Kim Ki-moon may suffer some other injuries! But he won’t stop.
The military order is like a mountain, for the sake of the mission, but also for himself, Kim Ki-moon will not stop his posture of resistance.
Always attacking quickly with “Three Zero Three”, eager to fight together, the sword in his hand is very cold and stern.
They came with great fanfare, and in the frantic battle, the figures of several people intertwined together, with great fanfare.
It is useless to fight like this, at least, Jin Jiwen’s own strength is of course not comparable to Meng Tian.
While escorting the King of Goguryeo, Meng Tian continued to move forward, and was able to forcefully get out of the villa.
He clenched his fist and attacked as usual, and soon came to Meng Tian’s side.
Jin Jiwen continued to attack, punching and kicking, and the sword edge was rampant, it was simply unscrupulous and used everything.
In order to intercept King Goguryeo and kill Meng Tian, ​​Jin Jiwen’s attack became more chaotic.
The quick fight came impatiently, and Kim Ki-moon’s sword stabbed at King Goguryeo.
Since King Goguryeo’s escape could not be prevented, killing him might be the only benefit.
Forced to be helpless, he wanted to shoot as much as he wanted, and the sword in his hand pierced the head of King Goguryeo accurately.
After seeing this scene, Meng Tian secretly ridiculed Jin Jiwen’s treason, which was really ridiculous.
In order to block their attack, Meng Tian followed Jin Jiwen all the time and continued to attack.
The sword edge in his hand was raised quickly, and then hit Jin Jiwen’s sword edge.
Blocking Jin Jiwen’s sword and protecting the life of King Goguryeo, Meng Tian’s body stood still.
Just like a city wall, the eight winds can’t move it. At this moment, Meng Tian is majestic and vigorous.
“Back off!” Meng Tian scolded, and then vigorously moved the blade forward in his hand.
Jin Jiwen, who was repelled, staggered and retreated to this place again and again, feeling very angry.
It was originally a sword that could successfully assassinate King Goguryeo, but now it was directly blocked.
A few steps away from King Goguryeo, he immediately clenched the sword in his hand, ready to 0…
It only takes one sword to kill Jin Jiwen, and it only takes one sword for Jin Jiwen to kill Meng Tian.
The most important thing now is to see who can easily stab this sword.
Is it Meng Tian or Kim Ki-moon? Everything is unknown, they can only wait patiently.
The chatter continued to shoot, and the attack came up quickly. Kim Ki-moon never stopped his attack.
His figure came very quickly, and with a swift blow, he stabbed King Goguryeo’s body.
But even so, will Kim Ki-moon be able to kill the King of Goguryeo smoothly? Of course it is impossible.
With Mengtian standing beside King Goguryeo, he will always concentrate on guarding this goal,
Ying Changge’s order is for 5.0 to take the King of Goguryeo away from here alive, and he must complete the task.
It is very close to the gate of the villa, and the only thing blocking Meng Tian is Jin Jiwen.
This mediocre general was always acting recklessly, wanting to kill the two of them.
With Kim Ki-moon’s ability, it is of course impossible for him to stab Meng Tian and King Goguryeo to death.
1183 Raise the Sword Immediately!
With Meng Tian here, he continued to attack patiently, chattering endlessly to block Jin Jiwen’s sword moves.
Jin Jiwen’s every move is under Meng Tian’s nose, and it is not easy to kill King Goguryeo.
Exhausted and exhausted, Jin Jiwen held his sword with an angry expression on his face.
Out of breath, he raised his sword and pointed at Meng Tian and King Goguryeo from a distance, “Catch them with your hands free!”
“You continue to struggle needlessly, and you don’t have any ability to kill me!”
The menacing Jin Jiwen seems to have the chance of winning, and he is not afraid of dying in Meng Tian’s hands like this.
After hearing what Jin Jiwen 05 said, Meng Tian just laughed it off and ignored it.
I don’t bother to pay attention to this Yelang arrogant guy, the only thing he has to do is to protect GaoKing Juli.
Because Meng Tian didn’t forget his goal, he just wanted to escort them out of the villa instead of killing them.
There is no need for Meng Tian to kill all the guys in the villa, it is meaningless.
Therefore, after hearing Jin Jiwen’s provocation, Meng Tian didn’t say a word, just thinking silently.
How can I leave here successfully! This is a rare and good opportunity, which must be carefully considered.
After carefully thinking out the way to escape, Meng Tian was able to grab the King of Goguryeo and leave here immediately.
Otherwise, under Jin Jiwen’s siege, many Goguryeo soldiers would emerge one after another to surround them.
It is not a good thing for him to continue the stalemate battle, of course Meng Tian understands.
He persevered and waited patiently, but Jin Jiwen was still approaching Meng Tian continuously.
Holding the sword on guard, Meng Tian didn’t change his face, his expression was calm and calm, “So what!”
“You might as well surrender first! In this way, you won’t die!” Meng Tian’s words were sharp.
“Being a street rat, fleeing from here, maybe you can save your own life.”
After hearing his words, Jin Jiwen was of course very angry, with an angry look on his face.
“Nonsense, talk nonsense, see if I don’t just tear your mouth apart!”
The attack came swaggeringly, and soon after, he raised his sword and chased Meng Tian.
Of course he wanted to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Jin Jiwen didn’t have such a chance.
He could only fight back in embarrassment, holding his sword, fighting with all his strength, and fighting.
King Goguryeo was hiding behind Mengtian, and Jin Jiwen could stab him to death with a single sword.
Jin Jiwen, who made a vow, was full of vigor, and he couldn’t wait to come to him with his sword in hand.
Don’t look at Kim Ki-moon’s seemingly invincible appearance, but in fact it’s just a show and a false name.
While holding on to King Gaojuli and continuing to retreat, Meng Tian raised his sword and immediately fought back.
Constantly attacking, constantly counter-killing, the clanging sound of the sword in his hand was very crisp.
Under this continuous collision, Jin Jiwen felt Meng Tian’s full strength.
The quick collision with Meng Tian, ​​and the continued fierce fight, can be called a powerful opponent, very violent.
Even if these punches and kicks are very brave, they are actually nothing more than that, nothing special.

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