He was still attacking as usual, eager to fight, trying to take down Kim Ki-moon.
As long as Kim Ki-moon is killed, King Goguryeo will not be in any danger and can escape directly.
This is a rare opportunity. We must escort the King of Goguryeo and escape from this place safely.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Fleeing quickly, going away quickly, soon, Jin Jiwen saw a lot of people scattered here and there.
Those were his own soldiers, arranged in the villa, in order to protect King Goguryeo and prevent him from escaping.
However, now under Meng Tian’s collision, Jin Jiwen’s soldiers are in disarray, very embarrassed.
… .. 0
Countless people died, and every one of them died in this battle, and there was no longer any chance of winning.
Watching his soldiers die one by one, he knew that he was powerless to fight back.
Instead of dying in battle here, it is better to give it a go and escape from this place as soon as possible.
Immediately, Jin Jiwen turned his head and fled without looking back.
Escape as quickly as possible, move quickly, and soon, Jin Jiwen has already fled directly.
Seeing Jin Jiwen’s figure helplessly, Meng Tian showed a satisfied smile, “Very good!”
Those who know current affairs are Junjie. Now that Jin Jiwen has made a choice, he made way for Meng Tian.
Following the mountain villa, Meng Tian immediately escorted the King of Goguryeo, and left this place and the
1187 File out!
Sparing no effort to attack for a while, Jin Jiwen still lost to Meng Tian in the end, and retreated directly.
When Jin Jiwen retreated in fear, he gave Meng Tian a way out.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian grabbed Jin Jiwen and fled quickly, and the figures of the two disappeared immediately.
Pushing open the gate of the villa, he went quickly, and soon, Meng Tian left with King Goguryeo.
Under such a fight, it is not easy for them to survive “March 20” intact.
They were all leaving patiently and assembled quickly, Meng Tian left the villa very quickly.
The place where King Goguryeo was imprisoned may not be able to imprison him forever, because Meng Tian has come.
He acted according to orders and cooperated with Ying Changge’s plan, and then Meng Tian fled away with King Goguryeo.
Fleeing so quickly and disappearing in a blink of an eye, such a battle is naturally brave and fearless.
Not only did the King of Goguryeo not suffer any damage, they even survived.
Soldiers one by one took advantage of this opportunity to retreat immediately, fighting and struggling needlessly.
Filed out from the villa, a group of people fled quickly and disappeared without a trace.
Accompanied by the killing intent, Goguryeo fell into an embarrassing situation, and the Goguryeo king fled easily.
Soon, Ying Changge knew the news, he was very satisfied, and even went to meet directly.
You know, the former King of Goguryeo was a majestic existence, but it is different now.
The nobles of Goguryeo oppressed the king, which directly caused the king’s status to plummet, and there was no chance of survival.
Fortunately, Ying Changge acted in time, and immediately cured the crisis with ease.
Life is better than death, and the King of Goguryeo, who was put under house arrest in the villa, can now see Ying Changge alive.
The mood was surging, the eyes were moved, and then King Goguryeo grabbed Ying Changge’s hand at once.
“Thank you! Thank you very much! If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would be a dead body now!”
The King of Goguryeo, who looked sad, couldn’t help choking up when he spoke, very sad.
However, Ying Changge nodded calmly, “Life is full of changes, which is reasonable.”
“Since you are the king of Goguryeo, of course you have to travel with your own obligations and accusations!”
“You’re right! I’m very moved!” Jin Jiwen nodded solemnly, “I’m convinced!”
“I have heard the name of Ying Changge for a long time, and I always thought it was a false name, but now I know that I have both ability and political integrity 0…”
“My admiration for you is like a river, endless and enduring!”
Of course, Ying Changge didn’t take these polite words seriously, “These are just false names.”
“The size of my Qin army has already spread here, of course it is to do justice for the heavens.”
Ying Changge, who punishes evil and promotes good, will not simply let go of these Goguryeo troops.
The king of Goguryeo can be regarded as reining in the precipice, and the prodigal son turns back, so he doesn’t care about the thoughts of the king of Goguryeo.
The most important thing today is the nobles of Goguryeo, they are impossible to surrender 5.0.
Not only did he not want to surrender, but he even wanted to repel Ying Changge’s army in one go?
Isn’t that ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, hitting a stone with an egg! Therefore, it is impossible for Ying Changge to give up.
The only thing he has to do is very simple, and that is to kill those Goguryeo nobles directly.
Everything must return to the distance, and Ying Changge wants to restore the King of Goguryeo to his own power and status.
1188 Return to Power!
“Don’t worry.” Ying Changge faced the King of Goguryeo, speaking in a serious and upright manner.
“As long as my army continues to advance continuouslyIf you attack, you will be able to intercept all of you. ”
“When the time comes, kill those disobedient nobles and let your king sit on the throne again!”
Ying Changge’s words said that the King of Goguryeo was full of enthusiasm, and he was very excited, “Okay!”
“If I can get Goguryeo back, then I will completely surrender to you and let you send me around!”
“This is my sincerity!” King Goguryeo stared at Ying Changge with wide eyes.
The excited King of Goguryeo showed all 05’s demeanor on the surface, looking very impulsive.
After hearing these words of loyalty, he waved his hands indifferently, and Ying Changge was indifferent.
Speaking calmly, Ying Changge said slowly, “There is no need to do this, you are just a mess now.”
“When I take back Goguryeo, you only need to be your king’s essence!”
It’s not the greedy Ying Changge, there is no need to annex Goguryeo directly, it is useless.
One bite can’t make you fat, Ying Changge just needs a stable relationship with Goguryeo.
“Being a king is not so easy.” In Ying Changge’s tone, there were indescribable vicissitudes.
“When you return to power, just promise not to offend my border, and that’s it!”
Before, the King of Goguryeo almost handed over his life to Ying Changge.
Now, when he heard that Ying Changge’s request was so simple, he was very moved, “Okay!”
“It’s just right! Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I’m very happy!”
“Now I have escaped from birth and saved my life in your hands, then I will repay you well!”
“But whenever there is any danger coming, I will be the first to stand up and refuse!”
The King of Goguryeo vowed, “From now on, we are allies and confidants!”
His words were very weighty, and Ying Changge nodded in satisfaction.
“That’s great!” Ying Changge said, “I will directly lead the army and attack aggressively!”
“As long as the nobles of Goguryeo who do not surrender, they will be beaten into submission!”
The high-spirited Ying Changge’s words directly moved the King of Goguryeo very much.
“Okay! It’s a deal, from today onwards, we are good friends!” He was impassioned.
At this moment, the two agreed on everything, and the situation finally eased.
Even if the fight continues, the relationship between Ying Changge and King Goguryeo is clearly laid out here.
When Ying Changge began to settle the Goguryeo king, the nobles of Goguryeo quickly knew the news of 320.
King Goguryeo has escaped! Escaped so easily from the guarded villa?
After the nobleman heard about it, he was furious, and the official had a furious look on his face, full of resentment.
You know, it is impossible for others to block the guards of General Goguryeo, and King Goguryeo is safe.
Being under house arrest in that place, King Goguryeo has no chance of escape, but will be imprisoned for life.
Now, one of the Goguryeo nobles, the Jin family, was of course very angry when they found out about this.
“How could King Goguryeo escape? Why is Ying Changge’s army helping him now?”.
1189 No reason!
All of a sudden, the king of Goguryeo was making a fuss, and everyone knew about it.
It is a shame that the generals under Ying Changge went to the villa and directly rescued the King of Goguryeo!
Everyone resented, everyone yelled, and the nobles of Goguryeo became angry because of this, and they jumped the wall in a hurry!
“No matter what, we must attack Ying Changge.” “That’s right, the king actually colluded with foreign enemies to rebel!”
“We can’t save their lives, we must eradicate them all, not one left!”
This incident made the nobles of Goguryeo lose face, and of course they were very resentful.

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