Meng Tian raised the sword in his hand, “If you want to fight, I will kill you directly!”
“Cut off your head, and you will be able to leave the villa smoothly along here!”
“Wishful thinking, overreaching!” Jin Jiwen smiled contemptuously, “I’m the lieutenant general!”
“I also have a lot of experience in fighting against your Qin army. You Qin army are not worth mentioning!”
“If you continue to want to leave here, I will directly greet you with my sword!”
Walking with his sword in hand, Jin 303 Jiwen approached Meng Tian and King Goguryeo step by step.
Before, he was worried that he would not be able to leave with the King of Goguryeo, but now, Meng Tian had the chance to win.
Because all he met were frogs in the bottom of the well, and the lieutenant who didn’t know the heights of the sky and the earth was also arrogant.
Do you really think Kim Ki-moon can kill himself? Meng Tian immediately pushed the Goguryeo king a few steps away.
“Then I’ll come and meet you for a while, and see how you can block my attack!” Meng Tian said in high spirits.
After killing Jin Jiwen, Meng Tian will be able to take King Goguryeo to Ying Changge’s side.
The road to leave the villa is just short of this threshold.
1179 Extraordinarily ferocious!
With Ying Changge’s expectations, Meng Tian will not disappoint Ying Changge, and must take the King of Goguryeo away.
He killed many people and wiped them out one by one. Meng Tian will not let Jin Jiwen go.
Now, Jin Jiwen appeared in front of him, fighting fiercely, wishing to kill Meng Tian directly
However, Meng Tian will not be afraid, he just holds his own sword, still looking majestic.
Gritting his teeth, he rushed up quickly, and the house in Jin Jiwen’s hand smashed hard on Meng Tian’s body.
A sword was coming down forcefully, wishing to cut off all the heads on Meng Tian’s neck.
But never expected that Meng Tian’s ability is also very powerful, so he avoided it directly.
He easily blocked Jin Jiwen’s sword, and then he quickly turned his head to avoid it.
The figures crisscrossed each other, and when he struck out recklessly, he had already blocked Jin Jimoon’s blow.
The blades collided quickly, clanging and stern, and they continued to fight.
Sparing no effort to kill the killer, Jin Jiwen is working hard together in order to kill Meng Tian.
If Meng Tian could not be killed, then the King of Goguryeo would definitely run away, making it impossible to chase.
The king of Goguryeo must be captured, and the uninvited Meng Tian must be killed.
Therefore, Jin Jiwen spared no effort and continued to attack with his sword, falling on Meng Tian.
Each of these swords is extraordinarily ferocious and menacing, wishing to cut off Meng Tian’s head.
But even so, Jin Jiwen was still unhurried, he knew that Meng Tian was not so easy to kill.
Holding the sword and attacking quickly, Jin Jiwen was about to stab Meng Tian in the neck.
Taking precautions easily, Meng Tian’s sword blocked Jin Jiwen’s offensive, making it impossible for him to break through himself.
Smiling contemptuously, Meng Tian stared at him intently and asked, “Why, your ability is only so good!”
“You know, as a lieutenant general, it is impossible for you to kill me!” He was very confident.
“I can kill you in just ten rounds, let your head fall to the ground, and be buried in it!”
But even so, Jin Jiwen’s words did not deter Meng Tian in any way.
Standing in front of King Goguryeo, Meng Tian stared at Jin Jimoon without blinking, “Really!”
“You Goguryeo already don’t have any advantage, sooner or later it will be a dead end!”
Holding the edge of his sword, he stared at Meng Tian intently, “` 〃You Qin army is really mediocre!”
“Even if we attack in one go, we can’t take down our Goguryeo, what do you think!”
“You Qin army is just a mob, disappear from our Goguryeo territory as soon as possible and retreat!”
Faced with Jin Jiwen’s scolding, Meng Tian certainly didn’t hear it, and he showed a contemptuous smile.
“Really! Perhaps the sneak attack of you Goguryeo people is the most important thing!”
“Otherwise, after our army crushes you in Goguryeo (okay, ok), you’ll just be ruined!”
Naturally, Meng Tian didn’t just talk about it, but told the truth that wherever Ying Changge’s army went, it was strong.
Even Goguryeo resisted vigorously, but couldn’t kill Ying Changge’s army.
Now in the villa, Meng Tian’s task is very simple, which is to rescue the imprisoned King Goguryeo.
As long as the Goguryeo King is rescued, there will be no other accidents, which is a matter of course.
1180 Don’t care!
Otherwise, under such a situation, both Meng Tian and King Goguryeo would be trapped by Jin Jiwen’s people.
Following the orders of the Goguryeo nobles, Kim Ki-moon of course wanted to guard this place and take good care of the Goguryeo king.
As long as King Goguryeo is still alive, Kim Ki-moon will firmly serve as his lieutenant general.
Being in a high position, one must seek one’s own interests. Kim Ki-moon’s dream is to get promoted and make a fortune.
Otherwise, if the cunning Goguryeo king escapes directly, Kim Ki-moon will be blamed.
Jin Jiwen with a stern look did not leave any chance for Meng Tian, ​​and continued to attack endlessly.
The figure deftly approached, and the sword in Jin Jiwen’s hand fell on Meng Tian’s head.
This kind of sword is aggressive, wishing to cut Meng Tian into pieces, it can be seen that Jin Jiwen was in a state of desperation.
Resisting calmly, Meng Tian raised his sword and must protect the safety of King Goguryeo.
Even if the flashes of swords, lights and swords continue to flicker, for Meng Tian, ​​there is no way to resist.
The figures of the two of them are fiercely together, always attacking vigorously.
Holding the edge of the sword and quickly counterattacked, Meng Tian’s sword hit Jin Jiwen’s head.
There was a slap, bleeding from the head, Jin Jiwen was in unbearable pain, he gnashed his teeth and hurriedly backed away.
Staring at Meng Tian with wide eyes, not to be outdone, Jin Ji was so angry that his palms were trembling.
With a cold snort, Jin Jiwen touched his forehead and wiped away the blood.
It’s just that the wound is on the forehead, so Jin Jiwen will only bleed more and more.
Since it was a wound that couldn’t stop the bleeding, don’t worry about it, Jin Jiwen gritted his teeth and looked up.
Like a mad dog, he couldn’t wait to move forward, and then attacked Meng Tian.
A sword flickered coldly, with extraordinary power, it seemed to be able to kill Meng Tian.
But even so, Meng Tian still accurately blocked Meng Tian’s ultimate move.
Every move was blocked by Meng Tian, ​​and their figures were closely entangled together.
Inseparable, the fierce battle was fierce, and Jin Jiwen used all the sword moves by any means.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian will not be killed so easily, his sword (affa) can always counterattack and block.
After intercepting all such attacks, Meng Tian counterattacked and frightened them back.
Ping ping pong pong, sword strikes, Jin Jiwen was attacked by Meng Tian and retreated again and again, his figure staggered.
A Goguryeo king who was carefully hiding behind Meng Tian showed a bright smile.
“It’s really wonderful! I never expected that there would be such a powerful general under Ying Changge’s command!”
Although Meng Tian and Jin Jiwen fought back and forth, it was actually Meng Tian who had the upper hand!
During the fighting and fighting between the two, Meng Tian’s sword moves all rushed to Jin Jiwen.
In just a few moments, within a few rounds of fighting with Meng Tian, ​​Jin Jiwen was already injured and scarred.
The bloody wound continued to bleed, and Jin Jiwen gritted his teeth in a frenzy, very irritable.
He is a lieutenant general, if he doesn’t kill Meng Tian and intercept the King of Goguryeo, he won’t be able to take the blame and make meritorious service!
If you want to flourish, you must guard the villa to avoid all crises.
With the instructions and expectations of the Goguryeo nobles, they must guard this guy to avoid a crisis.
Many soldiers continued to fight in the villa, but Jin Jiwen mainly went to fight against Meng Tian.
The King of Goguryeo must not be allowed to escape! .
1181 Direct hit!
With Ying Changge’s orders and Ying Changge’s elite soldiers here, Meng Tian is just like a tiger with wings added.
Escorting the King of Goguryeo, constantly attacking and leaving towards the outside of the villa, Meng Tian wanted to kill.
Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, gods block and kill gods. Meng Tian must successfully escort King Goguryeo out.
Otherwise, in such a situation, Meng Tian would just be surrounded by more Goguryeo soldiers.
Many people wanted to kill Meng Tian and stop the King of Goguryeo, but they didn’t have this chance.
General Jin Jiwen’s soldiers are fighting with Meng Tian’s elite soldiers, and it is even more inseparable.
At this moment, he was already going all out to attack Meng Tian and stop this guy.
As long as Meng Tian is killed, King Goguryeo will not be able to escape, but will continue to be imprisoned in this place.

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