As they continued to fight in the villa, they came to attack continuously, showing all their aura.
A large group of people were in the villa, and they couldn’t wait to assassinate Meng Tian and King Goguryeo.
Seriously, without changing his face, the King of Goguryeo could clearly see the direction of many people.
The cowardly King Goguryeo hid behind Meng Tian, ​​but was still chattering to remind him.
“Be careful of the person in front! Four people on the right! Two people behind!” King Goguryeo’s voice was noisy.
But Meng Tian saw all the situation in his eyes, raised his sword and counterattacked unhurriedly, hitting him.
Ping pong pong, clear and loud, Meng Tian killed several soldiers all at once.
They are all enemy soldiers, they are from Goguryeo, so Meng Tian does not need to show mercy.
The sword in his hand slashed down vigorously, and then chopped off the heads of several soldiers.
Escorting the King of Goguryeo to meet Ying Changge outside the villa, of course, safety first.
Impatiently approaching, a sword was swung full of afterimages, easily defeating them all.
Seeing everything in his eyes, King Goguryeo was very satisfied and felt that Meng Tian’s ability was really strong.
After killing several soldiers together, Meng Tian went on to the outside of the villa.
The king of Goguryeo, who had won a great victory, was almost in no danger and was still able to continue on his way.
Obediently following behind Meng Tian, ​​his face showed a look of rejoicing, “As expected of Meng Tian!”
“I never expected that the soldiers under Ying Changge’s army are all alive and well, it’s an eye-opener!”
With a happy smile, King Goguryeo grabbed Meng Tian’s arm, “Let’s go quickly! There are not many people now!”
“Otherwise, when more people surround us, we won’t be able to fly!”
“Of course I know.” Meng Tian scolded unceremoniously, “Follow me!”
“Don’t show any timidity, just follow me safely!”
Meng Tian’s head is very bright, and his abilities are also superb, very powerful.
Attacking quickly, the sword edge was rampant, slashing at the bodies of several soldiers, wanting to see people alive and dead.
Escorting the King of Goguryeo, he quickly charged and assassinated. Meng Tian was full of skills, full of murderous aura, and the hungry tiger rushed to eat.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
The fighting in the villa is already very fierce, and most people can’t guard against it at all.
It was a very embarrassing battle, many people died, and they died directly after the first battle.
so many people becauseDie like this, the death is very miserable, it is impossible to defeat Meng Tian, ​​and he is completely defeated.
Many soldiers came to stop the Goguryeo king, but they were unable to kill Meng Tian.
… 0 …
Meng Tian, ​​determined to go his own way, continued to move forward, and quickly eradicated them all together, leaving no one left.
The Goguryeo soldiers who came to assassinate Meng Tian were all dead, and the Goguryeo King was of course safe and sound.
Since he came to the villa, no matter what, Meng Tian must protect the life of King Goguryeo.
He was ordered to come here and sneaked into the villa. After Meng Tian found King Goguryeo, he escaped immediately.
They came in groups, back and forth, and soon found a way.
There is no danger on the way out of the villa, Meng Tian killed all the soldiers on the way.
It is impossible for every Goguryeo soldier to block Meng Tian, ​​because his swordsmanship is really powerful and powerful.
1177 Run away!
Coming aggressively, impatient to fight, Meng Tian soon fell into a new battle.
Soldiers who were overwhelmed with their own strength blocked Meng Tian and King Goguryeo’s way of escaping.
Such a battle was very fierce, and soldiers trying to kill Meng Tian emerged in endlessly.
However, Meng Tian didn’t stop at all, he held his sword and walked down with a murderous look.
Step by step, escorting Goguryeo king “Three Zero Three” was very careful, Meng Tian was afraid of any accidents and dangers.
Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person. He walked with his sword and killed several guys.
The Goguryeo king behind him is not in any danger, they are about to leave the villa.
As long as they leave the villa, the crisis can be avoided. Such a battle is full of murderous intent.
A lot of people are approaching one after another, and there are indeed a lot of people here!
The nobles of Goguryeo did not want the king of Goguryeo to escape, so they sent people to watch and stand guard.
The soldiers couldn’t wait to move forward, they couldn’t wait to cut Meng Tian into pieces.
Moving forward as always, still approaching rapidly, every sword in his hand is fierce.
After repelling several soldiers with ease, Meng Tian grabbed the Goguryeo King with one hand and continued to move forward.
Going forward along the road, King Goguryeo accompanied Meng Tian, ​​and soon came to the gate of the villa.
Finally able to escape! With a happy look on his face, he immediately prepared to leave.
But never expected that at this moment, another small group of soldiers appeared in front of Meng Tian.
They are all soldiers of Goguryeo. They are merciless in the face of the enemy and attack directly.
Quickly fighting, eager to attack, his fists and feet are very brave, and he is invincible.
With a big fight, the sword in Meng Tian’s hand cut several people to the ground quickly.
In order to save King Goguryeo, Meng Tian led all these elite soldiers, and it is absolutely impossible to take it lightly.
Continuing to attack quickly, approaching at top speed, Meng Tian is still pressing towards the gate of the courtyard.
Those who blocked the Goguryeo king were all Goguryeo people, but Meng Tian wanted to ensure the safety of the Goguryeo king.
How funny! No matter what, Meng Tian has to complete his task.
He is still moving forward quickly, a group of people are fighting patiently, they are going all out, constantly fighting 0  …
Meng Tian has two purposes, not only protecting the Goguryeo king, but also fighting foreign enemies, which is very important.
Otherwise, not only would it be impossible to kill these people, I’m afraid Meng Tian himself would have to confess to it!
Escorting the Goguryeo king, Meng Tian raised his sword and quickly chopped off the heads of several soldiers with great fanfare.
But anyone who stopped in front of Meng Tian would be hacked to death by him with a single sword, and the lives would be burnt and scarred.
Moving forward with concentration, they soon arrived outside the villa and stepped over the threshold, which is really a good thing.
With a satisfied smile, Meng Tian carried King Goguryeo, ready to leave here as soon as possible and run away.
But soon after 5.0, a Goguryeo soldier stood in front of Meng Tian aggressively.
He has a pair of small eyes, a long face, indescribably gloomy, and even more sinister and cunning. Who is that?
Meng Tian didn’t know him, but he knew that he must be a powerful figure in Goguryeo, not ordinary.
Without taking his eyes off, Meng Tian pulled the King of Goguryeo behind him and waited patiently.
1178 Personal order!
I will be able to see Ying Changge soon, so he will not stop at this time, but will fight hard.
“Anyone who stands in my way will die!” Meng Tian said with a calm face, “You! Report your name, I will not kill anyone without a name!”
The cautious King Goguryeo hid behind Meng Tian, ​​and whispered, “He’s a lieutenant general!”
“Such a lieutenant general was directly drawn in front of me by the nobles of Goguryeo to take care of me.”
“So it’s the lieutenant general!” Meng Tian nodded in a sudden realization, there is no rush, he must be killed!
Can a mere lieutenant general show off his might in front of him? Of course he has no such ability.
Standing with the sword in hand, Meng 05 Tian scolded, “If this is the case, then I will kill you!”
“With me here, it is impossible for you to leave this villa, and I am bound to win!”
With a loud reprimand, the lieutenant of Goguryeo, Kim Ki-moon, charged forward aggressively.
In order to intercept all these guys, it is impossible for him to give up, let alone ignore them.
You know, he is a lieutenant general, and now he is in charge of guarding the king of Goguryeo, and he has been promoted step by step.
If he can successfully guard him, Jin Jiwen will soar into the sky after his meritorious service.
Otherwise, it will be even more culpable to lose the King of Goguryeo just because of guarding this place.
He didn’t want to die like this, because Kim Ki-moon hadWith a very serious task!
This is an order from the nobles of Goguryeo. It is impossible for Kim Ki-moon to let the king of Goguryeo escape.
Gritting his teeth with a cold snort, Jin Jiwen immediately raised his sword and closed the gate of the villa.
One man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not open, Jin Jimoon stared at the Goguryeo king intently, “Back off!”
“As long as you can go back, then everything will be safe!”
“Otherwise, if you continue to persist in your obsession, then I will directly kill you!”
Kim Ki-moon, who has done it in one go, seems not to be afraid of hardships, nor does he put King Goguryeo in his eyes.
“You are all bound to die, stay in the villa, on the contrary, there is no danger at all.”
Accompanied by Jin Jiwen’s warning and scolding, Meng Tian’s expression remained unchanged.
“Really! It’s just a pity that you can’t stop me!” “I’m following orders!”

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