Many nobles know that Ying Changge is terrible.They are afraid, so they don’t want to start a battle with Ying Changge.
Continuing the mighty battle, there will only be constant casualties, and constant deaths here, which is heart-palpiating.
The only way to survive is to pile up soldiers like a mountain and become corpses to block them.
Intercepting Ying Changge’s army and preventing their soldiers from attacking again will allow the nobles to succeed.
Now, the army formed by the common people is staying here with difficulties and obstacles to fight against Ying Changge’s army.
In and out of the town, so many people were killed, and then the safety of the town was lost.
They were originally villagers here, but today they were forced to become fighters and began to resist Ying Changge.
If Ying Changge’s army cannot be blocked smoothly, these militiamen will surely die.
This was a very fierce war, but the nobles completely ignored the militiamen.
Even though their figures were all around, they still couldn’t wait to attack.
The militia was forced to do nothing, all because of the insidious and cunning nobles, which put them in trouble.
The situation in Goguryeo has become like a stagnant water, and it will not be broken by Ying Changge at all.
In fact, Ying Changge has no plans to continue to do it now, he is waiting patiently.
It is enough to let the Korean army know how powerful they are, and Ying Changge will not sit idly by.
Hurry up and chase the enemy. On this battlefield, Ying Changge used all his skills.
Every sword is very heroic, and every soldier is very loyal, which can be called invincible.
The large and powerful Qin army quickly surrounded the Goryeo army inside and outside, making it impossible for them to attack.
The hasty militiamen, with no combat experience, are just incomplete and will be broken by Ying Changge’s army.
When the nobleman saw that his illegitimate son was brought back safely, he showed a happy smile.
1166 The flow of figures!
As for those militiamen who were discarded, the nobles certainly didn’t care, they just worried about their children.
The child was safe and there was no danger, so the noble and his elite soldiers left here immediately.
The rest of the lonely army was fighting against Ying Changge wholeheartedly, and had no choice.
Of course, these Koryo troops wanted to escape, and they could not wait to dig three feet from this place to escape completely.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s army is already here. They fought persistently and showed their skills.
The fierce battle set off a storm, and everyone was afraid, for fear of dying like this, and blood flowing like a river.
The Qin army was brave and fearless, and they all attacked openly and closed, showing an imposing posture like a rainbow.
Not caring about the Korean army blocking in front of him, Ying Changge continued to fight from far to near.
The densely packed figures are all impenetrable, shoulder to shoulder, like a row of waves.
Like a continuous river, Ying Changge’s army quickly invaded the town.
If you want to conquer Goguryeo, of course you have to trample on every inch of land, and gradually defeat the opponent.
With the flow of so many figures, almost not many soldiers could stop Ying Changge’s battle.
The rest of the Koryo army are just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and they can’t stop the Qin army at all.
Continue to attack, come persistently, and then they spread around, defeated.
Under the confrontation of Ying Changge, the army hardly had much chance of surviving.
The Goguryeo soldiers all knew this scene, and they all knew that they would be very embarrassed.
But even so, they have no room to retreat, escape is death, and they will be killed by the general.
The army suppressed here played a supervisory role, supervising the attack of Ying Changge’s army.
As long as there is any trouble in Ying Changge’s army, Goguryeo will immediately be on guard.
Soon, they heard the news because they saw a lot of people coming.
All the guys were treated as abandoned sons, in order to stop the pace of Ying Changge’s army.
The person in charge of guarding this place is just an ordinary little general named Zhao Wu, a small man.
When he heard that he was appointed as a general, Zhao Wu was naturally very happy, he was very proud.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
I feel that I will be able to stand out one day, which is really surprising!
He came here soon, and guarded the place with his own army to avoid danger.
After a few days, Zhao Wu already understood why he was sent here!
Could it be that it was used to resist Ying Changge’s army? After thinking about it, Zhao Wusi looked solemn.
.. .. . . . . . .
After knowing his mission, Zhao Wu understood that he had become an abandoned child and cannon fodder.
Once he was attacked, Zhao Wu would be killed directly, and there would be no more chances.
This kind of war is very frightening, Zhao Wu understands the price of becoming this general.
If this is the case, he doesn’t want to be a general, and he doesn’t want to serve Goguryeo at all!
However, everything is not up to Zhao Wu, he is just an unknown general.
To be sent here by the nobles of Goguryeo is a military order, and Zhao Wu cannot disobey the military order.
Frightened in his heart, shaking his head, Zhao Wu was very conscious, hoping that Ying Changge’s army would not come here.
1167 The Earth Shakes!
After guarding the edge of this small town for a few days, Zhao Wu felt that he was lucky.
But now, being attacked by Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Wu knew that he was close to death!
If you don’t protect this place well, then ZhaoWu will die under Ying Changge’s sword.
Therefore, he, who is aggressive and determined to win, must guard the hub here.
Otherwise, if the blood of this battle “287” is allowed to flow far away, then Zhao Wu’s army will be defeated.
He couldn’t take his eyes off, watching Ying Changge’s army approaching aggressively, Zhao Wu was sure to win.
He clenched his fists tightly and shouted, “Come on! Kill them all!”
When Ying Changge was fighting with the Goryeo army, the nobles of Goguryeo also heard about it.
It was just a mere battle. Ying Changge was not the only one who won the battle between the two sides.
They are all sinister and cunning guys, of course they know that this is a very important moment.
It is necessary to weaken Ying Changge’s troops, so that there is no danger.
This kind of thing must be experienced, and Ying Changge’s soldiers must be bruised and injured.
Do the scheming Goguryeo nobles really think they can kill Ying Changge? This is their wishful thinking.
When they were all approaching quickly, they would only be damaged by Ying Changge’s troops and die.
He has a lot of troops in his hands, and every attack is full of powerful killing intent.
The earth shook and the mountains shook, Ying Changge’s army was densely packed, and thousands of troops came in front of Zhao Wu.
Fighting, eager to fight, Zhao Wu asked his soldiers to charge first and take the lead.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Wu stared at Ying Changge’s movements without blinking to see where he was.
Once he saw Ying Changge, Zhao Wu would raise his sword and behead him impatiently.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army were to attack, Zhao Wu would die miserably.
Such a battle was really fierce, and many soldiers died under Ying Changge’s sword.
After finding Ying Changge’s whereabouts, Zhao Wu was ecstatic, and he smiled very satisfied.
Without further ado, Zhao Wu immediately raised his sword and rode on the horse, and quickly moved towards Ying Changge.
“Big guy, you must unite with me and kill them!” Zhao Wu shouted 0  …
Constantly approaching, riding a horse, Zhao Wu’s figure charged up from the thousands of troops.
It would be great if Ying Changge could be killed, he would be able to prevent the crisis of Goguryeo.
If such a crisis continues to develop, it will easily completely destroy Goguryeo!
He couldn’t help but clenched his sword, and Zhao Wu was sweating profusely before he got close to Ying Changge.
In the army, Ying Changge does not need to participate in the battle in person, he is an all-powerful general!
If possible, we must break through Goguryeo step by step and break through their defenses.
How could such a narrow army block Ying Changge’s 50,000 troops in such a small area?
Leading a small group of people came quickly, Zhao Wu quickly approached the edge of Ying Changge.
The matter of conquering Goguryeo is very simple, but it is not easy, and the task will not be completed in this way.
Waiting patiently for preparations, Ying Changge remained as still as a mountain, quietly waiting for the army to fight.
He responds to all changes with the same.
1168 Keep Running!
But soon, Ying Changge heard footsteps approaching him quickly.

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