Feeling fearful and cowardly, they can only stand in a stalemate from a distance to avoid any confrontation.
Once there is a personal battle with Ying Changge’s army, the nobles will lose their status and their reputation will be ruined.
The famous Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so powerful. He led the army to fight north and south, and he was also very brave.
If it wasn’t for killing these Korean troops, Ying Changge wouldn’t be aggressive, and no 5.0 would fight quickly.
This is a rare opportunity, no matter what, they must all be wiped out, leaving no one behind.
Ying Changge started the attack, and came to this small town with his own army, and started a fierce attack.
The mighty army came from far and near, surrounded in front, back, left, and right.
Under the darkness of night, Ying Changge launched his own attack, directly attacking and entering the town.
1163 Complete deprivation!
When Ying Changge’s army started to attack, of course it was like a rainbow, and it took out all the offensive.
However, after the nobles heard about this incident, they immediately sent soldiers to ask for help and dispatched troops.
Because the illegitimate son of one of his nobles was in that small town, he had to be rescued first.
Soon, the nobles began to mobilize and concentrated a lot of troops in the small town.
Starting to attack and entering the small town, Ying Changge continued to expand his territory, step by step.
He knew that the Goryeo army was on alert now, and it was not so easy to block him.
Step by step, a lot of troops are slowly deployed, hoping that they will be destroyed one by one.
The menacing attack entered the small town, and Ying Changge was about to cause the Korean army to gradually suffer casualties.
If you can’t become a fat man with one bite, even if Ying Changge wants to break through Goguryeo, it won’t be in an instant.
The only thing he can do is to weaken Goguryeo’s troops step by step.
Otherwise, Ying Changge staying here will only allow Goguryeo to mobilize its troops quickly.
Once the troops of Goguryeo are fully filled, of course Ying Changge will be dealt a heavy blow.
Leading his own army to go deep, Ying Changge wants to attack directly to the depths and completely deprive the Goryeo army.
During the chaotic World War I, Ying Changge was paving the way for his plan to conquer Goguryeo.
Otherwise, it would not be easy for Ying Changge to conquer Goguryeo without killing those rebellious nobles.
Every attack is prepared, he is just fighting with the extravagant Goguryeo nobles.
For their own lives, the nobles drove many common people to the battlefield to participate in the battle.
Of course Ying Changge didn’t know these things, he just saw a lot of enemy troops.
Wearing armor, the Korean army in groups guards this small town and will not retreat at all.
Following the attack of Ying Changge’s army, they were still approaching fiercely, and started fighting.
Goguryeo’s army never expected to be charged by Ying Changge’s army today.
A fierce battle broke out inside and outside the town, and they couldn’t wait to fight, fighting vigorously.
The First World War was inevitable, and Ying Changge’s army quickly took control of the situation here.
To prevent accidents and avoid danger, many Korean troops charged directly and did not stop.
The mighty army is all moving forward, occupying this place with a murderous look, and started killing.
The situation fell into a deadlock. Under the stalemate, only Ying Changge’s Qin army continued to approach.
Feeling the shock of Ying Changge’s army, the Korean army was very panicked, just hoping to retreat.
Otherwise, if you die here, Goguryeo’s troops will suffer more injuries and even worse losses.
Under such a fight, Ying Changge’s army spared no effort and always moved forward as usual.
With a large number of troops, the situation in the town has been controlled by Ying Changge.hands.
Coming here, Ying Changge’s military strength is indomitable, after all, they are well-trained elite soldiers!
So many armies came here showing off their might, and I can’t wait to eradicate all the Koryo army.
The obsessed aristocrats, for the sake of their lofty status, of course, are still quickly blocking Ying Changge.
No matter where Ying Changge’s army marches, as long as it doesn’t affect the nobles.
1164 Fight and Resist!
The nobles knew well that even if Ying Changge continued to attack, it would not take a day or two to win Goguryeo.
If Ying Changge didn’t attack Goguryeo for a day, the nobles would still be the face of Goguryeo for a day.
The army marched mightily, constantly devouring small pieces of Goguryeo’s territory.
Even if they knew that Ying Changge was coming to attack, the elite soldiers sent out would not be hostile to them.
There are soldiers sent by the nobles, he just wants to protect the kid who flows with his own blood.
Even if he knew that Ying Changge’s army was coming aggressively, he would not rush to attack.
They just wandered here patiently, letting the common people act as soldiers to intercept Ying Changge’s army.
There was no delay in the troops. After they found the illegitimate child, they left immediately.
The rest of the army is still here, they don’t give up, they continue to fight one by one.
As expected by the nobles of Goguryeo, the illegitimate child was taken back smoothly.
It was only a few miles away from Ying Changge’s army, but they didn’t go to the battle at all.
Escorting the illegitimate son of the nobleman, they left quickly without any preparation for war.
There are many unsuspecting militiamen left, and they are still forced to fight Ying Changge.
They were all fighting quickly, outside the small village, began to fight and resist.
With swords and swords and horseshoes roaring, many soldiers were fighting with all their might.
In order to be able to kill these Ying Changge’s army, the Korean army is fighting in unity.
As in the past, rampant and fast fighting, outside the small town, the Korean army was in a panic.
At a loss, they don’t know what to do, and their death is full of unusual embarrassment and danger.
Ying Changge came here, his expression was calm, and he would not feel wronged by these troops at all.
“Even if there are thousands of troops, I can save the day and defeat you all.”
With a calm mind, Ying Changge waved his hand, “You might as well just grab your hands! I won’t hurt civilians.”
“These civilians are innocent people, I will not kill them!”
Not far in front of Ying Changge is the village, of course there are many people in the village.
However, the kind-hearted Ying Changge wanted to let everyone in the town go, just for the enemy.
It is also a relatively good thing to subdue the Goryeo army and let so many armies surrender to themselves.
Strengthen your own troops, let them all submit to your command, and Ying Changge will be able to severely damage the nobles.
Otherwise, the nobles of Goguryeo will always live in their own boundaries, and they don’t understand benefits at all.
Unable to see through the overall situation, the nobles one by one are still impatiently commanding the soldiers to fight.
Let many people fill up their troops, and let them all be forced to resist Ying Changge’s army helplessly.
As long as the offensive of Ying Changge’s army is delayed, the aristocrats (with Qian Zhao) will be able to continue with ease.
If they continue to be chased and killed by Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses, Goguryeo will be broken into pieces.
Protecting the territory is very important. Ying Changge must know how powerful Goguryeo is before they will fight back.
Let Ying Changge’s army continue to come unimpeded, how can the Goguryeo nobles have any majesty!
Don’t want your reputation to be ruined, and you don’t want your status to be destroyed, the nobles must fight back.
1165 Ways to Live!
To kill these guys and let them know the consequences of offending him, Ying Changge is upright.
Otherwise, if these guys continue to attack themselves, it will be difficult for Goguryeo to appease such anger.
As always, he came here and quickly sent troops to attack. He just wanted to kill this land.
“It’s still too late to surrender! You must be guaranteed the last life!”
With a loud shout, he showed a calm look, in order to calm the anger of the Korean army.
If these large armies came to assassinate him with willful will, it would only be more dangerous and their lives would be ruined.
In such a battle, the Korean army was very embarrassed, and they couldn’t stop it.
The united army came forward mighty and mighty, and everywhere they went, there was dust flying. 287
With the noise of horseshoes, Ying Changge’s army quickly penetrated into the depths of this small town, deterring the enemy.
Just as Ying Changge said, he just wanted to take the Goryeo army into custody, not to kill civilians.
How can such a Korean army attack itself? It’s simply not possible, it’s just a complete failure.
Because they are not a well-trained army, and the truly useful soldiers stay with the nobles.
The soldiers released today are all formed by ordinary people, and they cannot be resisted.
Moving forward as always, many soldiers died in the hands of Ying Changge’s army, directly in battle.
Trying to control the situation here, they are still quickly charging into the battle, killing the enemy and breaking through.

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