Whose horse is this! It’s so stupid, can’t you wish to kill Ying Changge directly?
It’s really overwhelming! It is impossible for them to kill all Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses.
Still motionless, Meng Tian next to Ying Changge started to attack with a backhand!
Leading a few troops, they immediately started a counterattack to block Zhao Wu’s troops and fight.
Many troops seem to be very prosperous, but in fact they are nothing more than a mob.
The army is mighty, and it is certain to win, and Zhao Wu, who is united as one, approaches him.
Of course Meng Tian didn’t allow 05 to resist him in any way, the soldiers in their hands were all concentrated.
Watching Zhao Wu’s every move carefully, Meng Tian was going to kill this guy first.
Because these soldiers are all in groups, and the most powerful is Zhao Wu, who seems to be invincible.
After a simple deduction, Meng Tian knew that this Zhao Wu might be the general guarding here!
No matter who is the general, as long as it is the Korean army, they must be killed.
The menacing Meng Tian shouted loudly, and immediately stood in front of Zhao Wu, “Who is it!”
“Get out of the way, I’m not going to kill you!” Zhao Wu shouted, his voice was so hoarse.
Riding on the horse, he continued to run around, and then Zhao Wu went around to Ying Changge’s side, ready to continue attacking.
Zhao Wu’s goal is very simple, that is to kill Ying Changge and let him know how powerful he is.
Inside and outside the small town, there are many troops of Ying Changge, always pouring in here continuously.
Continuing to fight and charge quickly, Zhao Wu is quickly avoiding Zhao Wu’s figure.
Even in such a battle, it was still impossible to stab Ying Changge to death easily.
With Meng Tian’s obstruction, so many troops have come here, Zhao Wu is really hard to fly.
He could only stare at these guys unblinkingly, avoiding the crisis.
Holding the weapon in his hand, Zhao Wu didn’t want to fight Meng Tian, ​​and wanted to avoid him impatiently.
However, Meng Tian, ​​who was very brave, blocked Zhao Wu with his guards.
When Zhao Wu was still aggressively attacking, he immediately swung his swordHit it hard.
The figures of the two collided immediately, and such a aggressive attack was even more like swords and swords.
Under the fighting, few people can stop Meng Tian, ​​because his ability is very strong.
The quick attack, the attack as usual, every charge blocked Zhao Wu.
The wobbly Zhao Wu’s figure was unstable, he stood here, and then fell off the horse.
However, a fall is nothing to be afraid of, and Zhao Wu rode on the 287 horse again.
Riding on a war horse, with cold eyes, Zhao Wu stared at Meng Tian without blinking, “Who are you!”
“You don’t need to know who I am! I just want to kill you! Your Koryo army will definitely die!”
Meng Tian, ​​who was full of righteousness, held his sword across his body, wishing to block Zhao Wu’s soldiers.
However, Zhao Wu is fearless, he is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, “Okay! Then I will kill you first!”
“Let you die under my sword, let me become famous in one battle, and make a small contribution!”
At this moment, Zhao Wu and his soldiers are standing together in unity and working together! .
1169 Brave and Fearless!
In the small town, these guard soldiers are all pawns, worthless to Goguryeo.
Under such a situation, they will not be greedy for life and fear death, but will continue to fight.
In order to be able to block this kind of offensive, Goguryeo’s soldiers are eager to fight back.
As the defender here, Zhao Wu thought he could block Ying Changge’s attack, but he underestimated.
He underestimated Ying Changge’s fighting power, and was completely unable to defeat Ying Changge’s army.
Constantly dealing with and fighting, Zhao Wu was still disappointed, because he suffered heavy losses.
Many people died like this. Under the battle of Ying Changge’s army, death suffered a crushing defeat.
The morale of the Goryeo army was low, and after being breached, there was almost no power to fight back.
Seeing Ying Changge’s soldiers surrounded from far and near, Zhao Wu panicked.
He knew that he could not defeat them, no matter what, it would be a dead end!
But will this make Ying Changge retreat? Naturally it is also impossible!
Under the fighting between you and me, Zhao Wu knew that once he became a deserter, he would definitely die.
The only thing he can do is to continue to attack unremittingly with his own soldiers.
He and many troops charged up bravely and fearlessly, in order to kill them.
As long as these guys are killed and Ying Changge’s army is blocked, Zhao Wu will be able to survive.
This is the only chance, Zhao Wu holds the sword in his hand, keeps approaching and resisting.
Meng Tian wanted to protect Ying Changge, the sword in his hand did not stop, but continued to attack.
Ping ping pong pong, the sword’s edge collided, and for a while, Zhao Wu was knocked away by several steps by Meng Tian.
He couldn’t fight even on a horse, so Zhao Wu tugged on the reins vigorously, just to protect his own safety.
As always, he carried the sword and fought quickly, but Zhao Wu’s figure was still approaching Ying Changge.
Knowing that a general came to fight with him, Ying Changge’s expression remained unchanged, calm and calm.
“Don’t be afraid! Kill him directly, those who resist will die!” Ying Changge ordered immediately.
Following Ying Changge’s order, many soldiers came to encircle and assassinate Zhao Wu.
A little-known general, Zhao Wuke is still fighting for Goguryeo.
He wished he could kill them directly, but under such an attack, Zhao Wu would just keep retreating.
His figures were all in a stalemate in embarrassment, and he couldn’t kill Ying Changge for a while.
“‘ 〃 Back off for now!” Zhao Wu yelled, he was very ferocious and crazy.
“I came here to repel the Qin army, and I want to fight to the death with the generals of the Qin army!”
Zhao Wu, who was roaring loudly, looked really funny, but Ying Changge also looked calm.
“As expected of a general! He has a different demeanor from Goguryeo, I really appreciate it!”
Waving his hand, Ying Changge immediately asked, “Who are you! Tell me your name!”
“I am Zhao Wu, I must kill you!” Zhao Wu (Liu Qian Zhao)’s mother is Goguryeo, but his father is not.
But growing up in Goguryeo, of course he served for Goguryeo, “There are soldiers behind me!”
“With so many troops, it’s easy to crush your Qin army! What do you think!”
Zhao Wu, who justified himself, was just bragging, and Ying Changge didn’t take it seriously after hearing about it.
“Impossible! The arrow is on the string and has to be fired. My army has come here just for Goguryeo!”.
1170 Gunpowder is full of smoke!
“Conquering Goguryeo is not easy, you don’t need to be my stumbling block, and you will be like a car!”
“Impossible! My soldiers are destined to die, they can only die in battle, and it is absolutely impossible to surrender!”
He understood that his own army had such an embarrassing strength, but it couldn’t stop Ying Changge’s army at all.
These are the common people of Goguryeo, who were forced to become soldiers, but they couldn’t fight the enemy at all on the battlefield.
Confronting the enemy head-on is a dead end, Zhao Wu and his own troops are defeated, like a mess.
“I can only die! I was sent here to die!” Zhao Wu knew his situation.
He couldn’t kill Ying Changge, couldn’t repel Ying Changge’s army, he would just die completely.
Even if 287 is to die, he will die at the hands of the most famous Ying Changge, which is also a fate.
Immediately understanding Zhao Wu’s intentions, Ying Changge nodded in admiration, “Okay!”
“It’s a man. It’s a pity that people like you shouldn’t work for Goguryeo.”
Although he has great admiration for these people, Ying Changge stillCan’t stop the pace of his attack.
Constantly attacking and continuing to fight, they just want to wipe them all out.
It would be a great thing if they could surrender themselves, but unfortunately they would not be willing.
Under such an attack, every soldier is an abandoned son of Goguryeo, and they will undoubtedly die.
If he died directly, all the Korean army would die in embarrassment under his hands.
When the days of the army’s battle begin, they will not stop, but the flames of war will continue, and the smoke will fill the air.
Under the attack of Ying Changge, the Goryeo army was already in a state of embarrassment and completely invincible.
The group of people who were attacked by Ying Changge fled quickly, and the militiamen wanted to surrender.
But the elite soldiers in Goguryeo did not allow this to happen, they were all approaching quickly.
Crowds of people came quickly, but retreated in the sea of ​​flames, and were directly killed.
They died among their colleagues, and Goguryeo’s elite soldiers were constantly fighting, and no one was allowed to retreat.
But (affa) whenever deserters are found, Goguryeo soldiers will kill them first, “Who dares to flee!”
Forced and helpless, the militiamen in Goguryeo could only continue to move forward to fight against Ying Changge.
Wherever he went, blood flowed and corpses littered the fields. Many people died as a result, which was horrible.

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