Even if they have not been trained, rushing to the battlefield will definitely play a certain role.
It’s all just cannon fodder. The nobles of Goguryeo completely regarded their own people as abandoned sons.
Such a scene made the nobles very vigilant, they did not want to be killed by Ying Changge’s army.
Before Ying Changge’s army approached the city, the nobles of Goguryeo wanted to protect all of them.
Even though the army was gathering rapidly, they began to force many people to join the conscription.
After hearing this incident, they were all very astonished, and Goguryeo began to move up and down287.
Everyone knew about the war, but they didn’t expect such a horrible scene.
Regardless of the safety of ordinary people, the nobles began to forcibly conquer these common people together.
The people panicked, and even couldn’t wait to run away to avoid being contested.
But where can these ordinary people escape to! There is simply nowhere for them to escape.
A group of people are fleeing quickly, they are in groups, in order to denounce the nobles and avoid joining the battle.
However, the nobles will not let them go, this is their last battle for Goguryeo!
For their own rights, for their own land, the nobles will of course do whatever it takes to make the best use of them.
It is enough to stop Ying Changge’s army and keep their troops trapped outside Goguryeo.
The only thing they hope for is to make final protection and preparations with their subjects.
As long as Ying Changge dared to invade, they must be killed and none of them would be left behind.
This kind of thing quickly spread around, and everyone knew the news of the conscription, and they were very panicked.
In order to protect their lives, the arbitrary nobles will sacrifice everything to resist Ying Changge.
The lives of the people are not a problem. The nobles of Goguryeo only regard themselves as very important.
Even being abused by so many people, the (affa) noble doesn’t care, he doesn’t care about these things.
Once an order is issued, it mustTo carry out, this is the order of the high nobles.
They understood that they could not control Ying Changge’s army, and he had to stop the enemy’s invasion.
The lonely people have no power to resist, they are all trapped in this whirlpool.
In the quagmire of this battle, both armies have fallen into the abyss, unable to determine the outcome of the war.
It is the last chance to keep hoarding troops and keep soldiers united.
Resisting Ying Changge’s army, the nobles continued to cast their own schemes, cruel and ruthless.
To be free, to protect one’s lofty status, nobles will insist on fighting.
Their orders are the only means, and they guard this place in a very embarrassing and even hasty manner.
Protecting the last pure land of Goguryeo, the nobles stayed behind closed doors, like a turtle with its head shrunk.
Far from the battlefield, the nobles of Goguryeo drove the rest of the people onto the battlefield.
The people who were forced to do nothing did not take any measures, and were directly drawn into the soldiers and became dead soldiers.
Calling these common people ants, the nobles certainly do not want these common people to come back alive.
1161 Forced conscription!
More and more soldiers died, so the nobles can protect their land.
With the charge of many troops, it will definitely be able to stop the pace of Ying Changge’s army.
Many nobles believe that this is a rare opportunity and must be carried through to the end.
This kind of fighting will cause soldiers to die continuously, and not one will be directly destroyed.
Ying Changge’s army came from far and near, wishing to wipe out Gaoju Lidu.
As long as Goguryeo can stop Ying Changge’s army from killing, it will definitely be able to stop this kind of murder.
The nobles who are greedy for life and afraid of death will not stay here for a long time. They are all patiently prepared.
Knowing that it is not easy to stop Ying Changge’s army, that’s why they anxiously called on the people to recruit soldiers.
So many people are very reluctant, but so what!
They still had such an order, and they were forcibly brought into the barracks by the soldiers in one go.
Fearing Ying Changge, the nobles knew that it would not take long to stop Ying Changge’s offensive.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge’s army continues to fight, Goguryeo will be in danger in all directions.
The nobles, who are bound to win, let the common people forcibly conscription, and entered this step of control.
The people who want to cry but have no tears have any chance, so they become soldiers inexplicably.
Drowsy, eating, drinking and having fun, the noble didn’t worry at all, he felt that these things didn’t matter.
Even if Ying Changge’s army continued to attack, it was only a flash in the pan and would not last long.
It is impossible to annihilate Ying Changge, and the nobles of Goguryeo know that there is nothing they can do.
Delaying Ying Changge and allowing Goguryeo a short period of peace is what the nobles want to see most.
He had heard of Ying Changge’s fame for a long time, and knew that he was invincible, so the nobleman gave up.
A battle with Ying Changge will only cause more serious damage to the troops, making it impossible to start.
If it weren’t for the gathering of so many troops in a short period of time, the nobles knew that they would not be able to stop Ying Changge.
Without leaving too many opportunities for Goguryeo, Ying Changge’s army quickly began to attack.
A series of people were mighty, and then they quickly approached the territory of Goguryeo.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Because Ying Changge has already destroyed most of Goguryeo’s armaments, so there is no need to worry about the future.
Taking advantage of Goguryeo’s weak momentum, they started a fierce battle and quickly attacked.
Intimidating and impatient, Ying Changge’s army came to the depths in groups.
After the grain and grass were burned, there were not many reserves, and the Goguryeo army fell into a stalemate.
.. .. . . . . . .
If Ying Changge’s army continues to attack, they will die and be injured.
Thinking of a very good strategy, the nobleman quickly deployed his troops around.
Many troops have strong reserves, and their number seems to be very large.
Ying Changge knew that they were just pretending to be numbers, they were just mobs, not worth mentioning.
Therefore, Ying Changge led his soldiers to one of the small towns quickly.
His offense is full of determination, and he will never give up because of this, he must start attacking.
Only by a quick battle can we have a chance to win Goguryeo. Ying Changge doesn’t want to let his soldiers delay.
1162 Stand still!
The nobles are all patiently confronting each other, and the personnel of the Goryeo army are guarding here dutifully.
Once the attack starts, it must be damaged and completely repel Ying Changge’s army.
Killing Ying Changge and causing their army to suffer casualties will allow the nobles to survive together with Goguryeo.
Such a thing is of course what everyone is looking forward to, but they may not be able to stop Ying Changge!
Many Koryo troops “287” heard the order, and they stayed in this place in solidarity.
There are military guards inside and outside the town, and they guard here wholeheartedly.
For a moment, Ying Changge felt very strange why there was a Korean army guarding here.
You must know that any large army is a useful person, and they will not send troops to guard casually.
In this small town, there is actually a Koryo army guarding it, so there must be something interesting.
So, waiting patiently, Ying Changge is ready to attack this place first, to see what happens.
He doesn’t kill the people, he just fights against the enemy soldiers, so Ying Changge just wants to attack these soldiers.
The army was left here mighty and mighty, and many people did not have any movement.
The common people were recruited by the nobles of Goguryeo, and they were all forced to put on armor and take up weapons.
There are many people guarding this small town, and it is said that they are protecting a Goguryeo nobleman.
Here, a group of people are dedicated guards, and the Goryeo army has not moved at all.
Standing still and not giving in at all, the Goryeo army guarded the nobles in this small town and prepared to evacuate.
However, Ying Changge will not let them succeed, and will go up to figure out their plan no matter what.
No matter what conspiracies Goguryeo has, Ying Changge will wipe out all their conspiracies.
Keeping their heads will not ease the situation in Goguryeo.
Therefore, Ying Changge immediately led the army and began to aggressively attack their place.
However, the nobles of Goguryeo will not panic, they just want to protect their own safety is enough.
He noticed Ying Changge’s movements, but the nobleman knew that his target was just an ordinary town.
Even if such a small town is breached, it will be harmless to the nobles.  …
They were not in a hurry at all, and a group of guys continued to huddle in their fief, eating, drinking and having fun.
If he continues to be harassed by Ying Changge’s army, he may not have any chance of surviving.
On the battlefield, life is not a child’s play, and it is easy to be attacked without leaving any armor and fragments.

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