Up to now, Jin Xidong still refuses to give up, always looks like he is in a hurry, very anxious.
He couldn’t take his eyes off, and was even more cold and indignant, “I will sacrifice my life for the country, and I will do it!”
“You Qin army is our enemy. I can’t wait to kill you, and I have been thinking about it day and night!”
It could be seen that Jin Xidong was so arrogant that he didn’t listen to Ying Changge’s words.
“Isn’t it a pity for you! You and your army will die here?” Ying Changge walked with a sword.
“How about, you and your army turned against each other and surrendered to me, wouldn’t it be a great thing.”
With a bright smile, Ying Changge hoped that Jin Xidong would obey his orders and instructions.
However, after hearing Ying Changge’s words, Jin Xidong even shook his head with a firm expression, “Impossible!”
“I am originally from Korea. If you insult me ​​like this, then you are really wrong!”
“What’s the difference!” Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “You’re just a Korean!”
“A mere Goryeo is really a bag for me!” Ying Changge was full of confidence.
He and his own army are rushing forward, and Jin Xidong will not stop.
He arranged many soldiers here in order to put Ying Changge to death and let him perish.
It’s a pity that people like Ying Changge are not so easy to kill, he can be called a blood slaughter.
Fighting on the battlefield and deploying troops, Ying Changge has already wiped out many people, not to mention leaving no one behind.
If this kind of fighting is approaching, I am afraid that not many people can survive, and it must be a dead end.
If it weren’t for knowing Ying Changge’s location, Jin Xidong would have fallen here, and the attack was dizzying.
Even with a concentrated attack, Jin Xidong might not be able to kill Ying Changge.
This kind of murderous intent, among the thousands of troops, there is only the chilling look of swords, lights and swords, and they are frightened by the news.
If it weren’t for knowing that there were still many soldiers and horses behind him, he was afraid that he would die here.
Fighting alone is bound to lead to death, and Jin Xidong and his soldiers have a chance of winning in unity.
Ying Changge knew that Jin Xidong would die under the counterattack of his army, but he still wanted to tease him.
The Goryeo army should be damned. Up and down, the Goryeo people in the whole country are all despicable and shameless guys.
Only (Dede Zhao) if Ying Changge’s army continues to charge and fight, then they will definitely be wiped out.
At this moment, Ying Changge is not looking for prosperity and wealth, but to ensure that the country is safe and sound.
The country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, and the people are peaceful. This kind of World War I is the most important, and it can be called a national war.
Halfway through, after fighting Jin Xidong and facing the Korean army, Ying Changge did not retreat at all.
Always rushing to the front, a lot of people are sitting on the left and right of Ying Changge.
These are all Jin Xidong’s remnants and defeated generals. This kind of people can’t stop Ying Changge’s fight at all.
Coming in one go, many soldiers were gradually defeated, and their casualties increased.
Chapter 990 Fight me three hundred times!
Seeing the casualties of his own soldiers, Jin Xidong will not sit idly by, but will continue to attack.
Walking with a sword, Ying Changge is Jin Xidong’s only chance, it is impossible for him to block such an attack.
Non-stop, coming quickly, under the big sword, there are already many murderous intentions.
The cold light flickered, Jin Xidong’s figure approached, and the sword edge in his hand stabbed impatiently.
Seeing that he was about to pierce Ying Changge’s chest, but was intercepted by his sword.
This kind of offensive is very common, and it is even more unremarkable. It is really impossible to kill Ying Changge.
Arriving swaggeringly, every sword of Jin Xidong tried his best to attack his body.
A sword slashed across, and a cold light came leisurely, piercing Jin Xidong’s body in a blink of an eye.
This was really unexpected, Jin Xidong’s sword was clearly aimed at Ying Changge.
But when he was dazzled, Ying Changge blocked Jin Xidong’s sword and stabbed himself back.
His chest was injured, and blood sprayed out. Jin Xidong endured it forcefully, holding his sword on guard.
“It’s really a bad thing, 117!” Talking to himself, Jin Xidong himself was flustered!
Because he knew that Ying Changge was really hard to guard against, and under the sword, many soldiers were very frightened.
Under the leadership of Jin Xidong, the army is approaching aggressively, fighting side by side with him.
But even so, Jin Xidong will not back down, he will definitely fight Ying Changge to the death.
Even if his chest was scarred and sprayed with blood, it might not be able to take his life away.
He regards death as home, and always rushes forward, raising his sword edge, and fiercely fighting them.
Walking with great fanfare, from far to near, Jin Xidong still came to compete with Ying Changge without knowing his life or death.
Fighting and colliding with Ying Changge’s Jianfeng, Jin Xidong will be very strenuous every time he fights.
The sword’s edge staggered, you come and go, many people died under Ying Changge’s army.
Jin Xidong knew that Ying Changge’s army was strong and brave, It’s not something that can be guarded against simply.
Going all out and striking out, the sword in Jin Xidong’s hand was trembling and crumbling from slashing.
Gathering all his strength, Jin Xidong put his five fingers together, and only then did he firmly hold his weapon.
In a battle, there must be brave soldiers following him to fight! Jin Xidong naturally wants to do his best.
As long as Ying Changge can be killed, Jin Xidong will be able to live, which is a matter of course.
The two armies fought impatiently, in order to break through the enemy’s last defense and kill them one by one.
Otherwise, it would be very dangerous if Ying Changge’s army engulfed Jin Xidong’s soldiers.
Concentrating on the enemy, Jin Xidong’s every ultimate move is densely shrouded in Ying Changge’s body.
boom! Fist and feet have no eyes (affa), and there is no way to fight back. Jin Xidong’s sword finally lost to Ying Changge.
Panting, he bent his back and never dared to fight Ying Changge again!
He is still not to be outdone, after all, killing Ying Changge and protecting Goryeo is the only chance.
The army was in chaos, the army was facing the enemy, and the soldiers continued to fight in groups.
Raising his own sword, he stabbed vigorously, but Jin Xidong’s army was still wishful thinking to fight back.
Having stepped into Ying Changge’s net, Jin Xidong’s army will only die, not live.
He had already figured out the opponent’s offensive, and Ying Changge knew his marching routine.
Especially the two had fought for dozens of rounds under such a fight.
Jin Xidong was exhausted, and he couldn’t take advantage of Ying Changge’s sword.
Every attack is mighty, and every sword is full of murderous intent.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge showed no flaws, and couldn’t break through his sword at all.
Ying Changge, who is both offensive and defensive, is right in front of Jin Xidong, but Jin Xidong dare not kill them.
But every time a sword is drawn, it will leave a loophole, Jin Xidong is afraid that the more he attacks, the more flustered he will become.
Reluctantly stopping, and raising his sword, Jin Xidong scolded, “What skills do you have!”
All of a sudden, they actually stopped, Ying Changge didn’t move, Jin Xidong was naturally happy.
Panting, Jin Xidong stared at Ying Changge intently, “If you have the ability, fight me three hundred times!”
“You don’t deserve it!” Ying Changge calmly smiled, “Because I haven’t tried my best yet.”
“You are already exhausted, if I show my strength, you will definitely die!”
When Jin Xidong’s army came forward to assassinate, Ying Changge’s army was still flawless.
After fighting Ying Changge with his own hands for a while, Jin Xidong knew that he was invincible, and it was impossible to kill Jin Xidong.
Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy, Jin Xidong rolled his eyes, he had already thought of a better strategy!
He shouted loudly, held the sword and continued to swing it quickly, the shadow of the sword was full of ferocious murderous intent.
Chapter 991 I thought I could win a big victory!
Under the back-and-forth fight, Ying Changge remained calm and even blocked Jin Xidong’s blow.
The sword edge was shaken by the blow, Jin Xidong’s face was ugly, it was because his face was bloodless, he didn’t dare to continue to confront the enemy.
“The wind is blowing!” Jin Xidong yelled, and immediately retreated with his men and turned around quickly.
It went deep into Ying Changge’s camp, but it didn’t have any effect, and it couldn’t stop him at all~.
Therefore, since it is impossible to kill Ying Changge, Jin Xidong might as well escape as soon as possible and disappear.
He fought side by side with his own soldiers and left, so that Jin Xidong could have a chance to survive.
Panicked and in a hurry, Jin Xidong and his men quickly fled away.
He sneaked into his camp in the middle of the night, but now he wants to escape, Jin Xidong is really as cowardly as a mouse!
Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, and naturally he would not ignore it, and must do his best.
If Jin Xidong wants to escape, Ying Changge will chase after him, and the troops in his hands are very strong.
“Follow me to chase the enemy, don’t leave a single one behind, we must do our best to kill them!”
With a yell, Ying Changge immediately went up, so as to trap Jin Xidong’s men here.
Under the aggressive attack, under Ying Changge’s counterattack, Jin Xidong ran away in a panic.
In order to be able to escape, Jin Xidong simply ignored Ying Changge’s pursuers behind him, he was terrified.

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