Not only assassinating with a sword, but also teaching Ying Changge with his fists. Jin Xidong’s offensive methods are really funny.
Carefully guard against Jin Xidong’s every move, so there is no danger.
He held the sword and used his sword edge as the final assassination, which can be called an unexpected force.
The fierce impact of the big sword damaged Jin Xidong’s armor in an instant.
Compared with Jin Xidong’s sword, Ying Changge’s sword is more powerful and sharper.
This kind of sword is really fierce, Jin Xidong watched helplessly, eager to dodge.
But even with such a dodge, he couldn’t successfully dodge Ying Changge’s straight sword thrust.
Whoosh! The sword edge immediately stabbed Jin Xidong’s arm, causing his arm to bleed profusely.
With blood flowing, Jin Xidong gave a cold snort of resentment, and hurriedly backed away with his sword in hand.
Staring at Ying Changge with wide eyes, Jin Xidong continued to fight back regardless of his injury.
Fighting back impatiently, stabbing hard, the sword in his hand was about to cut Ying Changge’s throat.
Ying Changge’s army was like a wave, advancing one after another, densely surrounding Jin Xidong…
Reinforcements are coming, and all directions support.
Jin Xidong’s army did not have any power to fight back, and it was already a dead end.
Fighting with Ying Changge’s men and horses with all their strength, Jin Xidong knew that today might be a bad day.
No matter what, Ying Changge must be killed. If he does not die, the Goryeo army will die completely.
Jin Xidong was really unwilling to fight this place and be buried under the Qin army.
If you can’t fight to create a world, I’m afraid there will be a great disaster befalling your head.
Panting, the battle between Jin Xidong and Ying Changge was already full of scars, even more so.
Regardless of the bleeding posture of his own body, 5.0 Jin Xidong stood still, gnashing his teeth, very resentful.
“As a famous general, you are nothing more than that!” Jin Xidong mocked.
Holding his weapon, he still looked deathly at home, “You fight me upright!”
“Aren’t I just dueling with you right now!” Ying Changge raised his hand and walked with his sword.
Chapter 988 Chaotic battle of thousands of troops!
He has always been fighting the enemy with one hand, and the other hand is behind his back, and he doesn’t even bother to take it out.
It was because of such a gesture that Jin Xidong was even more annoyed, he was humiliated.
Especially Ying Changge’s arrogant appearance directly made Jin Xidong angry.
Jin Xidong, who was in a hurry to jump over the wall, wanted to come directly to kill Ying Changge, hacking him to pieces.
However, in the battle with Ying Changge, this kind of fight was also fierce, and Jin Xidong made great fanfare.
It’s a pity that Jin Xidong couldn’t kill Ying Changge at all. His strength was limited and his swordsmanship was average.
Already fighting with all his strength, the sword in Jin Xidong’s hand was always stabbing fiercely.
Each sword is extraordinarily strong, such a sword possesses huge power, it can be called a powerful 05 attack.
It’s a pity that such a fight is really useless, at least it is impossible to block Ying Changge’s counterattack.
Jin Xidong’s thornsA few strikes were made, but Ying Changge’s counterattack was only one strike. This is the difference between the two.
In order to be able to kill Ying Changge, every sword of Jin Xidong was majestic and full of murderous intent.
But Ying Changge, who was full of confidence, blocked Jin Xidong with a single sword, making him retreat steadily.
This kind of fighting is useless, even if Jin Xidong tried his best, he still couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge easily dodged with his sword edge, and resolved Jin Xidong’s infinite murderous intentions.
Jin Xidong’s killing moves are very fierce, and every attack is extraordinarily murderous.
After feeling Jin Xidong’s powerful killing intent, Ying Changge remained motionless and would not back down at all.
Just combining with his own sword, Ying Changge’s every step is full of vigor, and even shows his grand plans.
He already knew how powerful Ying Changge was, but Jin Xidong just didn’t expect him to be so powerful.
After fighting hard with his own sword, Ying Changge took his time and blocked Jin Xidong’s sword again.
Arms trembled, the sword was hard to hold, and Jin Xidong staggered once again when he was hit by Ying Changge.
After taking a few steps back, Jin Xidong’s arms were sore, and he could hardly hold his weapon.
Without taking his eyes off, with a cold look on his face, Jin Xidong gritted his teeth, the resentment in his heart was overwhelming.
If possible, Jin Xidong must cut Ying Changge into pieces and eradicate Ying Changge’s army.
Good protection Goryeo.
It’s just a pity that in the chaotic battle of thousands of troops, Jin Xidong still couldn’t win Ying Changge.
He swung the sword in his hand violently, but still had no chance to kill him.
As the blades criss-crossed, Ying Changge neutralized each of Jin Xidong’s sword strikes, pacifying the killing move.
Jin Xidong’s arms were sore, his fingers were weak, and the sword in his hand fell off and stabbed the ground.
As the general of Goryeo, Jin Xidong naturally has to be loyal.
There was an order from above that Ying Changge’s army must be killed, so Jin Xidong spared no effort.
Unscrupulous beheading, and his own people fought back vigorously, coming to fight in groups.
A large group of soldiers in Wuyang had already shown such a strong posture, preferring to die rather than submit.
Can Jin Xidong kill Jin Xidong from among the thousands of troops? Nature is not easy.
In desperation, he could only fight back step by step with his own people.
With his swords intertwined, Jin Xidong opened up a path, and bravely approached Ying Changge.
The cold light of the sword’s edge flickered, and it pierced Ying Changge’s throat in an instant, trying to seal his throat with blood.
Smiling lightly and ignoring it, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer struck down with precision.
With a sound of ping-pong, the sword edge pierced his body in an instant, causing Ying Changge’s figure to retreat violently.
With the winning ticket in his hands, Jin Xidong felt that he still had a chance, so he came to assassinate without stopping.
In such a situation, the winner is already divided, Jin Xidong must be able to kill Ying Changge.
After killing Ying Changge and annihilating the entire Qin army, Jin Xidong will be able to lead his troops back to the court and make great contributions.
He was just an ordinary boy, did he really think he was the majestic general who conquered Goryeo?
Jin Xidong regained his confidence, smiled brightly, approached impatiently, and counterattacked with his sword.
The swords are staggered, you come and go, and the murderous intent is revealed, it can be said that the murderous intent is strong.
In fact, this is also a method deliberately deployed by Jin Xidong, that is, to catch a turtle in a jar.
When Jin Xidong and his army are approaching rapidly, they may not be able to escape.
However, the most important thing is that Ying Changge must give Jin Xidong a chance.
Let Jin Xidong feel that he has a chance to survive, then he will continue to go deep behind the enemy lines.
This kind of murderous intent is unremarkable, so Ying Changge made do with it, pestering him with a sword.
The figures of the two collided for many rounds, and they were still inseparable, evenly divided.
At this moment, Jin Xidong was only one step away from Ying Changge, and every sword he made was extraordinarily powerful.
Chapter 989 The color of killing, fearful at hearing the news!
In a majestic assassination, Jin Xidong’s sword almost pierced Ying Changge’s chest.
Ying Changge’s army came in mighty force, and many people approached quickly, showing off their grand plans.
Such onslaught is what Ying Changge is good at. He has already ordered his soldiers to fight for the big fight.
After surrounding Jin Xidong’s soldiers in the barracks, Ying Changge’s army rushed towards them.
Came to support with great fanfare and rampantly, Ying Changge had already cut off Jin Xidong’s retreat.
The army was already surrounding Jin Xidong, leaving him no way to escape.
This kind of fighting, sword light and sword shadow, this kind of fighting is already extremely difficult, and I feel restless.
Seeing that Ying Changge’s figure was only retreating vigorously, Jin Xidong became even more arrogant.
“What! Are you afraid of me and dare not fight me to the death!” Jin Xidong yelled loudly.
When Jin Xidong was attracted to him step by step, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer was ready.
Ready to go, only owe the east wind. Immediately Jin Xidong’s sword was blocked by Ying Changge’s.
With a click, the blades crisscrossed, and Ying Changge finally made a serious move, shocking Jin Xidong.
Involving Jin Xidong’s every move here, Ying Changge’s expression was cold and stern, “Catch him with your arms loose!”
“It is impossible for you and your army to kill me! You are already surrounded.”
“Under my army, you will all be annihilated and become lonely ghosts, no one cares about you〃`.”
“If you don’t let go, I’m afraid you will easily die in the shadow of my sword.Down. ”
The confident Ying Changge persuaded patiently, hoping to make this kid give up his struggle.
However, after hearing Ying Changge’s words, Jin Xidong laughed arrogantly three times.
“Impossible! I must kill you! You are just a bluff!”
“I am the master of the Goryeo army. My purpose is to kill you and let you die under my sword!”

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