With thorough consideration and precautions, Ying Changge controlled his army with precision and accuracy.
Even if they were attacked by Jin Xidong in the middle of the night, Ying Changge’s soldiers looked like they were going all out.
Noisy, fighting and killing, Ying Changge’s army in the camp had already seized the opportunity.
On the contrary, Jin Xidong’s soldiers all fled in panic, wishing to leave this place as soon as possible.
As long as it can disappear, there will be no danger, Jin Xidong forced his way out.
After repelling several Ying Changge’s soldiers, Jin Xidong got on his horse and escaped quickly.
Don’t dig a well when you’re thirsty, if Jin Xidong didn’t make preparations early, I’m afraid he would have died by his hands.
This kind of offensive is very strong, especially when Ying Changge’s soldiers attacked, chasing after him with all their faces.
Fortunately, there are still remnants of troops in his hands, which is a good thing for Jin Xidong.
Can’t wait to move forward, riding on the horse, galloping the horse, Jin Xidong is mighty along the way.
Moving forward smoothly, riding on the horse, Jin Xidong’s figure swayed, and he couldn’t wait.
now thatIt was Ying Changge’s army that was chasing after him, which meant that there was no way out ahead.
As the saying goes, don’t chase after the poor, since it is Ying Changge who is chasing and killing him, it means there is still a glimmer of life.
He and his own people tried their best to rampage, and Jin Xidong let the soldiers fight a way.
Under the cover of the soldiers, Jin Xidong didn’t stop at all, and continued to sprint quickly on his horse.
The whole journey was full of ups and downs, Jin Xidong didn’t dare to stop, always trying his best to rush.
Killing an enemy is one, but Jin Xidong is the majestic general of Goryeo!
If it weren’t for the fact that he would be beheaded, Jin Xidong would have continued to fight Ying Changge for 300 rounds.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s martial arts is so strong that he can’t kill him at all, which is really abominable.
With resentment in his heart, Jin Xidong jumped over the wall in a hurry, and then hurriedly avoided Ying Changge’s pursuit.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Such a situation made Jin Xidong very terrified, he was very worried, for fear that he would die.
If it was only because of a group of Ying Changge’s soldiers, then he must be able to fight back one by one.
However, Ying Changge’s soldiers came in groups, densely packed like waves.
Such an army was sure of victory, and Jin Xidong panicked without any stance to fight back.
If it weren’t for the lack of troops in his hands, Jin Xidong would definitely have killed him.
He and his own staff tried their best to escape, and every time they chased and killed, they were full of lingering fear.
. . . .
If he can escape smoothly, Jin Xidong must return to his own Korea.
Otherwise, Jin Xidong would be the one who would die after fighting Ying Changge’s army for three hundred rounds.
The troops were not sufficient and the situation was not clear enough. Jin Xidong already knew his danger.
If Ying Changge can be caught, Jin Xidong can also bring him back to Koryo to receive a reward for his meritorious service.
Today’s battle is of great importance. Jin Xidong thought he could win a big victory by sneaking in in the middle of the night.
However, after he competed closely with Ying Changge, Jin Xidong knew his own shortcomings.
A series of Ying Changge’s army fought side by side, overwhelming the attack here.
Trapped in Ying Changge’s camp, Jin Xidong was in a very miserable situation and had no chance of winning at all.
Since Ying Changge could not be easily taken down, Jin Xidong chose another way, that is to escape!
Fleeing desperately, dodging in a panic, Jin Xidong escaped from Ying Changge’s camp in the blink of an eye.
Seeing Ying Changge’s pursuers being thrown off by him, Jin Xidong laughed happily and said:
Chapter 992: Hurry up, hurry up!
He really underestimated Ying Changge, so Jin Xidong felt that he had no chance of surviving now.
Without any chance to stop Ying Changge, Jin Xidong and his soldiers scrambled to escape.
Panting, Jin Xidong, who was riding on a horse and sweating profusely, really didn’t know what to do.
Are you going to escape back to Goryeo just like that? Although Jin Xidong was unwilling to show weakness, there was no other way.
It was better than “117” to wipe out his entire army, so Jin Xidong made up his mind.
That is to escape! As long as you escape quickly, there will be no danger and you can protect your life.
Can’t wait to leave, the strength of one’s own strength can be said to be invincible. Ying Changge’s morale was high.
If you continue to shoot, you will be able to catch Jin Xidong, and Ying Changge is bound to win, and he will not give in.
Already riding on the horse, Ying Changge and his party were also chattering forward, chasing and killing the enemy.
“Go straight for the kill, and leave no one behind!” Ying Changge scolded, he pulled the rein, and his figure chattered endlessly.
After chasing and killing from far and near, in the blink of an eye, he approached Jin Xidong from the outside.
The cavalry, who were as fast as the wind, all moved forward quickly under Ying Changge’s call.
Coming in one go, the soldiers are very dense, always chasing and killing them unscrupulously.
It would be nothing if he chased and attacked casually, but it’s a pity that Jin Xidong tried his best.
He thought he could kill Ying Changge and destroy Ying Changge’s army, so he went all out.
But what about the result? As a result, Jin Xidong’s men were killed and wounded, and not a single soldier was left behind.
Jin Xidong’s men and horses are already in dire straits, and it is impossible to stop Ying Changge’s pursuit.
In particular, Ying Changge’s army had the upper hand and took the initiative to control the situation, which could be said to be foolproof.
Full of confidence, confident and calm, Ying Changge is always surrounded from all directions, blocking Jin Xidong’s way.
Especially with Jin Xidong’s team, he couldn’t block Ying Changge skillfully at all, he was like a mouse.
And Ying Changge’s army behind him was like wolves and tigers, and Jin Xidong was very anxious when he saw it.
You can prepare and evacuate at any time, Jin Xidong’s every whereabouts are rushed and rushed.
Already under control of Jin Xidong’s men, Ying Changge guarantees that they will not be able to escape.  …
He and his people are doing their best, and Jin Xidong has already found a way.
There are quite a few guards in Ying Changge’s camp, and the soldiers are all mighty, and they can be said to be like a rainbow.
But I’m afraid that they have no way to kill Ying Changge at all, because Ying Changge has a certain chance of winning.
Leading his men calmly, Ying Changge was already chasing him every step of the way.
Without any nonsense, Jin Xidong was just moving forward recklessly, eager to escape.
He is a general, it is very simple to kill whoever he says he wants to kill.
It’s a pity that Jin Xidong didn’t have the final say on these matters, he was hunted down.
Respect your past, underestimate Ying Changge’s name, but nowJin Xidong suffered a loss.
He and his own army came mightily, but they failed to kill Ying Changge.
The army of Ying Changge and Ying Changge continued to fight fiercely, which can be called a bloody battle.
However, under such a collision attack, no one can stop Ying Changge.
Chapter 993 In the chaos of the army, life and death are uncertain!
Even Jin Xidong’s soldiers were smashed to pieces by Ying Changge’s army.
The soldiers died in battle, and died in one go. Jin Xidong’s soldiers fell in a pool of blood, powerless to fight back.
It was precisely because of this that Jin Xidong’s men were still impatiently moving forward, fighting one by one.
In a great war, there must be a crisis, and their death will only make Jin Xidong more terrified and fearful.
Continuing to fight non-stop, Jin Xidong formed many people into a human wall to block Ying Changge.
As long as it can stop 05 Ying Changge’s army, Jin Xidong can continue to survive and escape.
It’s a pity that this kind of manpower is really unimportant, and he can’t stop himself at all, and it must be a dead end.
Panicked and frightened, Jin Xidong had already formed an army posture with quite a few soldiers.
It was a close call, and it was inevitable. Jin Xidong’s people had already been slaughtered by Ying Changge.
Being directly attacked by Ying Changge’s army and going deep into the enemy’s rear, Jin Xidong had no chance of winning.
He knew that he would die, but he didn’t want to die so quickly, Jin Xidong was still running away quickly.
The people who were with him were rushing away, and for a while, there were not many people who could stop him.
Among the chaos army, life and death were uncertain, Jin Xidong’s figure completely dissipated and disappeared without a trace.
Could Ying Changge really be able to let Jin Xidong escape! impossible! He is determined to go his own way, and he is bound to win.
Ever since, they and their own men have tried their best to hunt them down, and they can be said to be full of confidence.
The army rushed, and a large group of soldiers all fought to the front, so as to eradicate Jin Xidong.
The Goryeo army came from far and near, and they were bound to win, and they were determined to capture General Goryeo.
If the entire army of Goryeo is wiped out, Ying Changge will win the first battle and bully Goryeo!
With the fighting of the Korean army, the borderlands fell all the way, and Ying Changge damaged many cities.
All these cities are like treasures, so they fell into the hands of the Goryeo army in a daze.

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