Even though Meng Tian was still chasing after him, he continued to dodge without any hesitation.
The road of escape is always endless, but Jin Xidong is not escaping, but killing the enemy.
Meng Tian and his men came aggressively, but they didn’t have a chance to get close to Jin Xidong.
There are already quite a few soldiers fighting together anxiously, and they all look menacing.
Fighting unscrupulously, surviving in the shadow of swords and swords, their people are also very weak.
It is impossible to block such a mighty gesture, especially Meng Tian, ​​who is still chasing desperately.
In Ying Changge’s camp, they were caught in such a fight, which was extremely dangerous.
With the cold attack and the rapid collision, many soldiers died here in embarrassment.
How can Jin Xidong be reconciled after seeing the damage of his soldiers! He just wanted a quick fix.
Ying Changge hid and disappeared in the camp, especially Meng Tian was still chasing and killing Jin Xidong.
Jin Xidong’s goal from beginning to end was Ying Changge, not the deputy general beside Ying Changge.
So when seeing so many people coming here in one go, Jin Xidong was extremely flustered.
Haste makes waste, marching and fighting must be slow.
The flustered Jin Xidong was very frightened, and he kept running around with his sword and killing him.
Impatiently raising his sword and slashing, Jin Xidong was already striding forward from the encirclement.
Wherever he went, blood was sprayed, and for a while, Jin Xidong actually killed many soldiers.
Filled with righteous indignation, Jin Xidong, who is doing justice for the sky, is chasing bravely, and can’t wait to raise his sword to frighten him.
It’s just a pity that the figures of Jin Xidong and Meng Tian are still far away, and it’s not so simple to catch Qi.
For the safety of Ying Changge, it is impossible for Meng Tian to stop, he is always chasing and fighting quickly.
You come and go, you chase each other, the army has already shown a lot of gestures in this chaos.
The more powerful and domineering he marched, the more intense the fighting (Dede Zhao) was, with blood spraying and flowing all over the place.
Many people died of injuries like this, and their deaths only made Ying Changge’s camp more chaotic.
In just a short moment, Jin Xidong had entered the deepest part of the camp, and he was invincible.
The continued pursuit came impatiently, but no trace of Jin Xidong had disappeared.
Unable to know the whereabouts of Jin Xidong and his party, Meng Tian has been surrounded by many enemy troops.
Chapter 980: The Killing Spirit Erupts!
Caught under the charge of the soldiers, Meng Tian had no choice but to protect Ying Changge.
He can only continue to fight, Meng Tian wants to kill Jin Xidong’s army without leaving a single one.
With vigilance in his heart and cold eyes, Jin Xidong looked around and listened in all directions, and he was looking for Ying Changge.
Soon, Jin Xidong saw a figure standing quietly and calmly.
who is that! Jin Xidong took a closer look and saw the armor on Ying Changge’s body.
With an unusual posture and imposing manner, such a character is probably the legendary Ying Changge!
After making up his mind, Jin Xidong snorted coldly, and immediately rode his horseQuickly 117 crashed up.
Fighting back quickly, holding his sword, Jin Xidong ran up to Ying Changge.
Swinging his sword vigorously, Jin Xidong tried to chop off the head of Ying Changge’s neck with one sword.
Acting bravely and fighting fiercely, many people were defeated in this way and died under Ying Changge’s sword.
Now, Jin Xidong, who knows how to live or die and is overconfident, even ran in front of Ying Changge.
Finally seeing the general of the Goryeo army, Ying Changge shot without hesitation.
He was just a sword, and even though he drew his sword out of its sheath in an ordinary way, he was full of killing spirit.
Seeing Ying Changge’s sword drawn, Jin Xidong’s expression changed, and he naturally felt strange.
Ying Changge was standing on the ground, and Jin Xidong was riding on the horse. They were condescending and superior to others.
When approaching Ying Changge, Jin Xidong’s sword hit him hard.
There was a sound of ping-pong, and the blades crisscrossed. Such a cold and stern look was really unexpectedly powerful.
The murderous intent revealed that Jin Xidong was staggered and staggered after being struck by Ying Changge’s sword.
Reluctantly riding on the horse, Jin Xidong held the rein tightly so that he did not fall off the horse.
This is a very important matter, so Jin Xidong stabilized his figure and stood upright.
Riding on horseback, Jin Xidong (affa) stared at Ying Changge condescendingly, already full of murderous intent, “Who are you!”
“You are Ying Changge, right!” Jin Xidong snorted coldly, “It looks really ordinary!”
“You don’t seem to have any abilities. If that’s the case, you’d better catch him as soon as possible, disarm and don’t kill!”
“If I kill you directly, I’m afraid your head will fall to the ground, and your body will be separated!”
Jin Xidong’s words were extremely arrogant, and he was even more arrogant than expected.
What a self righteous general! Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “You’re half right!”
“I am Ying Changge, but I am also your Jin Xidong’s invincible general. I am invincible!”
“If you fight to the death with me, I’m afraid you will die completely within a few rounds.”
“Nonsense!” Jin Xidong snorted coldly, his army was already fighting in every possible way.
Came here by any means, shuttled around the camp as always, Jin Xidong just wanted to eradicate Ying Changge.
Today, Ying Changge’s army is still chattering around, and they have already laid a net.
When Jin Xidong’s men are still impatient to arrive, they may not be able to break free from the shackles of Ying Changge’s army.
Hearing Ying Changge’s rebuttal, Jin Xidong sneered, “It’s really ridiculous!”.
Chapter 981 As a self-defense weapon!
“It’s just relying on your troops! Your people are already surrounded by my army!”
“At the claws of your camp, all my soldiers continue to fight bravely and wisely, and we will eradicate them together!”
“It won’t take long, and none of you will stay, and you will become lonely ghosts in the wasteland.”
Jin Xidong felt that he had the chance to win, so he continued to attack very fiercely~.
Riding on the horse, fighting with all his strength, Jin Xidong’s every sword is extraordinarily hard-.
With a stab of a sword, Jin Xidong hit Ying Changge’s throat, trying to directly seal his throat with blood.
However, Jin Xidong was not afraid, he still thrust out hastily, quite showing his murderous intent.
Ying Changge, who was motionless, stood where he was, holding his sword, and ping-pong-pong against the enemy.
After blocking Jin Xidong’s sword, Ying Changge stood still in place.
Jin Xidong who is on a horse has the advantage, he can use his sword more lightly and dexterously.
With the sword’s edge beating, and the tiger and tiger blowing the wind, Jin Xidong and Ying Changge began to entangle and confront each other closely.
This kind of criss-crossing of swords looks majestic, but in fact it is nothing more than that.
Whenever there is such a momentum to attack it, it can be blocked with a sword. Ying Changge’s ability is fearless.
Even if Jin Xidong stabs fiercely, it may not be able to seriously injure Ying Changge!
How indifferent and calm Ying Changge is, he always confronts the enemy with his own sword when he has the chance to win.
Knocking, knocking, sword strikes, Jin Xidong’s eyes continued to stare at Ying Changge without blinking.
Capture the thief first and capture the king. Now that Jin Xidong has finally captured Ying Changge, it is naturally impossible to let him live.
Still stabbing out the edge of the sword quickly, Ying Changge’s sword was extremely sharp and had a light posture.
Snapped! With a loud noise, Jin Xidong staggered from his horse and nearly fell.
If it wasn’t for Jin Xidong’s tight grip on the reins, he would have already been a dog eating shit.
With an angry look on his face, Jin Xidong barely blocked Ying Changge’s sword when he was in such a mess.
Sitting on the horse’s back in a daze, Jin Xidong was dizzy and dizzy, so there was no wound.
Staggering and clamping the horse’s belly tightly, Jin Xidong blocked Ying Changge’s sword with great strength.
He uses his sword as a weapon of defense.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
However, since Ying Changge has encountered a strong enemy, how can he rest assured! Must go all out.
Such a big country does not allow a little Goryeo to be bullied on its own head! Ying Changge was filled with righteous indignation.
After careful consideration and planning, Ying Changge let Jin Xidong fall into his trap step by step.
Colliding with so many armies in unity, such an offensive showed Ying Changge’s invincibility.
. . . .
He approached quickly, and Ying Changge raised the sword in his hand, which had already stabbed him in the chest.
Jin Xidong saw the big sword attacking with his own eyes, his expression was even more frightened, and he retreated in a panic.
plopIn the end, Jin Xidong was thrown off the horse in embarrassment, unable to resist.
Falling on the dirt, Jin Xidong had no way to fight back, he could only stand up quickly and raise his sword to defend.
With a sword in front of him, Jin Xidong stared intently at Ying Changge’s every move with his eyes wide open.
After hitting Jin Xidong on the ground, Ying Changge launched an offensive. The mighty sword’s edge is really unpredictable.

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