Jin Xidong was already bruised and covered in bruises from beating Jin Xidong, he was really overwhelmed.
Chapter 982: Swinging like a tiger!
At this moment, Jin Xidong got up and quickly blocked Ying Changge’s blow.
Even if he blocked Ying Changge’s attack once, how could Jin Xidong block the second sword?
When Ying Changge stabbed his sword continuously, he had already broken Jin Xidong’s defense.
Their figures were entangled, they came and went, and they fought fiercely, which can be described as unscrupulous and mighty.
Knowing that Ying Changge is difficult to deal with, now, Jin Xidong can already “117” see that Ying Changge’s sword is amazing.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is the best in the dynasty, no one can stop Ying Changge’s swordsmanship from stabbing.
Especially Jin Xidong, when he and Ying Changge fought continuously, he knew how powerful Ying Changge was.
Jin Xidong was already invincible when walking on the battlefield, he could be said to be able to overcome obstacles, how tough he was.
Now facing Ying Changge’s army, Jin Xidong felt that he would definitely be able to kill him.
It’s just such a confrontation, but Jin Xidong still failed to successfully assassinate Ying Changge with his own sword.
In the back-and-forth battle, Jin Xidong showed his murderous intent as several swords swayed back and forth.
However, such murderous attacks on Ying Changge’s head could not take his life.
Ying Changge was completely intact, so calm, he guarded Jin Xidong’s ultimate move without any scruples.
Jin Xidong’s killing moves came one after another, always stabbing at Ying Changge’s vital points in one go.
Wanting to kill Ying Changge, Jin Xidong is naturally vicious, always wanting to kill Ying Changge.
Can’t wait to come, the big sword is mighty, and Jin Xidong wields his weapon like a tiger.
Right now, the other soldiers are fighting quickly, amidst the chaotic army, they are killing each other.
Many people are still fighting with all their strength, but they may not be able to intercept Ying Changge.
Taking one as ten, Jin Xidong also suffered a lot under Ying Changge’s hands, and couldn’t turn the crisis into safety.
He and his own army are already chattering and fighting here, so Jin Xidong is naturally bound to win.
In order to wipe out Ying Changge’s army, they raided the camp in the middle of the night.
But even so, Jin Xidong didn’t take much advantage, and his army secretly suffered.
Especially in the camp, seven in and seven out of fighting with Ying Changge’s army, but they were still powerless to fight against it.
This made Jin Xidong very strange, even more surprised, he didn’t know what to do…
Before, it was obvious that Ying Changge’s camp was weak and full of flaws.
Such a camp full of loopholes could easily be attacked by Jin Xidong’s army and killed one by one.
As long as you die here, there is no other chance to survive.
Such a battle is fierce, and there is no way to survive at all, just a dead end.
Jin Xidong came through as usual, he avoided other soldiers, and fought Ying Changge.
The edge of the sword in his hand was extraordinarily fierce, and when the sword was broken, Ying Changge’s sword edge would jingle.
If Jin Xidong couldn’t be stopped, Ying Changge and his soldiers would both die here at 5.0.
But who is Ying Changge! The sword in his hand is always moving bravely, and he can’t wait to fight back.
It has already blocked Jin Xidong’s series of offensives, and such offensives cannot kill Ying Changge at all.
Especially Jin Xidong himself was sweating profusely from waving, he was already exhausted and weak.
Gritting his teeth and not taking his eyes off, Jin Xidong stared straight at Ying Changge, “You are really amazing!”.
Chapter 983 You must do your best!
“Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so strong, you are really steady!” Jin Xidong had to admire.
In Korea, up and down, Jin Xidong has never seen a guy who is invincible.
But Ying Changge is different. Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so superb, and it is powerful and domineering.
Once it was a big fight, Jin Xidong had no chance of winning under Ying Changge’s sword.
How could there be such a worldly expert! Jin Xidong admires it, but he won’t let it go.
He still raised his sword, always eager to assassinate, 05 tried to kill him.
If Ying Changge’s army is allowed to continue to offend the border areas of Goryeo, then Goryeo will be very dangerous.
Not only that, but the King of Koryo may even blame Jin Xidong! It is really wrong.
Ever since, Jin Xidong had to do his best to defeat Ying Changge’s army.
Jin Xidong was able to stop Ying Changge’s army without any chance of bringing them back to life.
If you continue to shuttle here and enter the border, General Jin Xidong will completely fail his duty.
For his own sake and for the safety of the army behind him, Jin Xidong must continue to attack.
Among the rebellious army, Jin Xidong refused to give up as he continued to confront Ying Changge in the chaos.
With the edge of his sword in the fight, every step he takes is vigorous.
with great fanfareRampantly, his blow possesses an unusual killing intent, which can be described as swift and resolute.
Jin Xidong came here to bully with his own strength, to bully the few with more, just to kill Ying Changge!
As long as Ying Changge is killed, the army under his command will be leaderless, and they will naturally be defeated.
Otherwise, with Ying Changge’s few troops and negligent defense, how could he fight the enemy?
Showing a contemptuous smile, Jin Xidong looked back at his own people, the soldiers were densely packed.
The menacing Goryeo army has already tried its best to fight back here, recklessly fighting back.
There was trouble in Ying Changge’s camp, and Jin Xidong’s army sneaked in, and the claws triggered a murderous intent in the middle of the night.
Jin Xidong’s men and horses were all approaching the city, and Ying Changge’s camp was harassed by so many troops.
Especially the Korean army is always chattering seven in and seven out, wishing to eradicate Ying Changge.
Ying Changge would not be beheaded so easily, especially his soldiers, who were all strong and strong.
Excellent soldiers and good generals, in this battle, Ying Changge’s men always have the momentum to attack aggressively.
He has his own way to deal with Ying Changge’s army, Jin Xidong feels that he still has the chance to win, so he can do whatever he wants.
Can’t wait to come, Jin Xidong and his men fought in Ying Changge’s camp.
Fresh 117 blood was sprayed, and the blood spattered five steps. Jin Xidong’s soldiers fought with Ying Changge in a really dark and dark world.
Soldiers unite, who will fight! With the order of the King of Korea, all Jin Xidong has to do is to fight.
Fighting heartily, attacking unscrupulously, his offensive is extremely powerful.
Otherwise, with only Ying Changge alone, Jin Xidong felt that he would be able to kill him sooner or later.
Coming prepared, Jin Xidong’s sword is so flamboyant, always assassinating Ying Changge’s weak point.
Throat, eyes, and even the pit of the heart, there are Jin Xidong’s sword’s mighty killing array.
Chapter 984 Ability is not in vain!
Ying Changge set up a net of heaven and earth, and already trapped Jin Xidong’s men and horses in his trap.
When the time was right, Ying Changge showed a bright smile, and immediately raised his arms and shouted, “The wind is blowing!”
“A strong man will do it!” After a few words, Ying Changge’s order had spread in all directions.
The voice was loud and loud like a bell. In such a battle, many soldiers were shouted out.
When Jin Xidong heard Ying Changge’s yelling, he was surprised and didn’t know what happened.
But when he came back to his senses, he found that there were thousands of troops coming out of nowhere from the darkness.
These are all Ying Changge’s soldiers, they are all arranged, and they are all silent.
When Jin Xidong’s army came all without any scruples, they entrenched in Ying Changge’s camp.
This is an excellent opportunity to fight back, so Ying Changge copied all the backhands he arranged.
With the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind, Ying Changge’s preparations are really unexpected!
Jin Xidong was really flustered seeing so many troops coming in such a hurry.
His face was pale and bloodless, Jin Xidong’s body trembled, and his whole body was about to fall to the ground.
“How is it possible! How is it possible〃`!” Jin Xidong said to himself, flustered, really terrified.
However, under such predicament, how could Jin Xidong escape! He is already at his wits end.
With no way out, Jin Xidong has already tried his best under Ying Changge’s entanglement.
But even with such an attack, Jin Xidong still gritted his teeth, and drew his sword out of its sheath angrily.
The sword edge was running rampant, stabbing down continuously, it could be called a menacing sword, it was really arrogant.
Even so, Jin Xidong will not die, and his ability is not in vain.
Leading the Goryeo army to fight north and south, Jin Xidong has experienced many fights!
Even with Ying Changge’s own strength, he might not be able to kill him easily.
Continuing to attack bravely with the blade in hand, Jin Xidong has already approached Ying Changge.
If you can’t kill Ying Changge, you can’t destroy the Qin army. This is not Jin Xidong’s wish.

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