Up to now, Jin Xidong has been lying in ambush outside Ying Changge’s barracks for two days.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
But during these two days, Jin Xidong still didn’t make any move, he besieged and didn’t attack, what was his intention?
Ying Changge knew that Jin Xidong was also a smart person, but compared to himself, he was nothing more than that.
The light of fireflies is comparable to the sun and the moon? Ying Changge wanted to attack in an upright manner and defeat the Goryeo army.
However, Jin Xidong didn’t have any doubts, he probed the surroundings clearly.
. 0 0
Knowing that Ying Changge’s army was so negligent in guarding against such negligence, it can be said to be full of flaws, which is really ridiculous.
Jin Xidong couldn’t wait any longer. He made preparations and started the sneak attack plan tonight.
“Get ready, we will all attack tonight, we must kill him and take Ying Changge!”
Feeling that he is very capable, Jin Xidong is even more powerful, and he is already going to attack tonight.
Every charge is very important. If you win Jin Xidong, you will be able to take the lead.machine.
Ying Changge used defense as offense, and there was still no movement in his barracks.
Jin Xidong, who was about to make a move, showed his aura, and he and his team made perfect plans and plans.
Chapter 977 Already Falling into Weakness!
Charged into the battle and fought, his fight was unexpectedly powerful, as fast as a gust of wind.
In the dead of night, there was no sound, and the barracks under the night only had the look of silent killing.
In the fast-paced charge, Jin Xidong’s men came quickly, attacking in droves.
“Come on!” Shouting, Jin Xidong let his cavalry charge first.
A large group of cavalry all killed “One Zero” and entered Ying Changge’s camp, attacking desperately.
Seeing his troops entering and exiting Ying Changge’s barracks seven times, Jin Xidong smiled brightly.
Attacking first and sneak attacking the army, Jin Xidong felt that his strategy was very accurate.
Without any delay, the seamless army was already circling in the camp aggressively.
The soldiers are all fighting back and forth, they started hostile, and fought back bravely.
In the originally silent night, it was full of swords, lights, swords and chills, and the soldiers all attacked.
Under Jin Xidong’s call, many enemy troops rushed forward impatiently.
The sudden appearance of the Goryeo army made the camp of Ying Changge into a riot.
“Catch the thief first and capture the king!” Jin Xidong yelled, “Ying Changge, come out and die!”
His voice was loud, like letting out a loud fart, which was even more ridiculous to Ying Changge’s ears.
“Fight against the enemy!” Ying Changge waved his hand lightly, making his own people and him quickly confront the enemy.
Slashing quickly, the soldiers charged one after another, so brave and fearless, full of murderous aura.
The imposing Koryo army looked mighty, but they couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
In his own barracks, Ying Changge looked indifferent, even more calm, planning strategies.
Thinking that he had seized the secret, Jin Xidong felt that he would definitely be able to kill Ying Changge this time.
The so-called name of Ying Changge is nothing more than deceiving the world and stealing his name, and he can’t resist his own army at all!
Taking himself as the center, Jin Xidong dispatched all the soldiers out in one go, with the cavalry going first.
Afterwards, Jin Xidong asked a large group of knife and axemen to fight vigorously with their own weapons.
Wave after wave of people came impatiently, attacking and killing them.
Such a powerful person is really hard to guard against, and it is impossible for ordinary people to block Jin Xidong’s army.
It seems that Ying Changge’s army has fallen into a weak position, and Jin Xidong can easily kill it.
In particular, the Korean army came in groups, wave after wave, and occupied the Ying Changge barracks.
The camp was full of these mediocre soldiers, and it seemed that they couldn’t fight back against Jin Xidong’s fight.
Many people died under the shadow of this murderous sword, but not Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Especially Jin Xidong’s soldiers rushed forward aggressively, but died at the hands of Ying Changge.
It seems that Ying Changge’s army is flustered, but in fact they are already ready.
When Jin Xidong’s sword and ax 5.0 hands were fighting here, many soldiers had already encountered difficulties.
It was difficult to move an inch, and the soldiers couldn’t get out. Jin Xidong saw that his army was evenly matched and evenly divided.
This kind of sneak attack is really powerful, but it can’t stop Ying Changge’s army from fighting back.
Especially in Ying Changge’s camp, many soldiers suffered heavy injuries and were unable to turn over.
Chapter 978 The situation cannot be reversed!
This kind of thing was beyond Jin Xidong’s expectation, and he felt that he really fell short of success.
Even after studying so many things, it may not be able to stop Ying Changge’s army.
Under the fighting, blood was sprayed, and Jin Xidong’s soldiers did not have much advantage in the sneak attack.
This is not a good thing, in his eyes, Jin Xidong is anxious, he doesn’t know what to do.
To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside. The people of Ying Changge don’t have any worries, they are always fighting against Jin Xidong’s army.
Those who killed them were all without a piece of armor, and their death was destined to fall into the claws of the trap.
Seeing the death of his own army, there is no one who can beat Ying Changge hard.
This scene naturally made Jin Xidong very anxious, whether he could let his army die like this.
No one dared to try, if there was a little delay, the whole army would be wiped out, and no one would be left behind.
Ready to go, Jin Xidong personally performed the knife, immediately rode on the horse, and rushed to the barracks quickly.
Jin Xidong saw that Ying Changge’s troops were not many, and he would be easily injured in this fight.
The situation cannot be reversed, he must be killed with all his strength, so he will pursue and kill the enemy bravely.
Leading his own team personally, Jin Xidong entered Ying Changge’s camp.
His men and horses are very abundant, there are so many people, and there is a huge crowd of people, all shuttling in the camp.
You don’t have to be polite to Ying Changge, Jin Xidong and him are sworn enemies, and they won’t show mercy.
Let his people fight the enemy desperately, while Jin Xidong went to look for Ying Changge.
Having known his name for a long time, he knew that Ying Changge’s leadership was outstanding, so Jin Xidong wanted to decide the outcome with him.
Today’s battle is very important, either Ying Changge will die or Jin Xidong will die.
On the border of Goryeo, Jin Xidong vowed to protect the city behind him to the death!
However, Jin Xidong really couldn’t find Ying Changge in the hands of the rebellious army, so he couldn’t do anything to him!
“Ying Changge!Could it be that you are as cowardly as a mouse and dare not fight me at all! “Jin Xidong scolded.
Here he is, like a tiger out of the cage.
Yelling here, Jin Xidong shuttled around Ying Changge’s camp, but still didn’t see him.
“Things that don’t know how to live or die! How dare you bark here!” Meng Tian led the army out!
They have quite a few men and horses, all of them followed behind Meng Tian, ​​with a menacing, imposing manner like a rainbow.
“Come here! Kill them all!” Jin Xidong’s goal was only Ying Changge, not Meng Tian.
Therefore, under the attack of Meng Tian’s army, Jin Xidong still went to look for Ying Changge.
Facing Meng Tian’s scolding, Jin Xidong didn’t take it seriously, “A mere general wants to fight me!”
Impatiently waving his hand, Jin Xidong sent his cavalry to confront Meng Tian, ​​trying to stop him.
Meng Tian is also a loyal general, what he wants to do most is to kill Ying Changge and make a military contribution.
It’s just that the current plan is not up to Meng Tian at all, he will definitely protect Ying Changge.
However, Jin Xidong didn’t pay attention to Meng Tian at all, he turned around and galloped away.
“Where are we going!” With a loud shout, Meng Tian immediately raised his sword to kill him, wanting to eradicate Jin Xidong as well.
However, Jin Xidong will never let it go, he is always withdrawing his troops quickly, avoiding Meng Tian as much as he can.
Chapter 979: Always Endless!
When Meng Tian’s men came aggressively, they didn’t stop Jin Xidong and let him escape.
Swimming quickly and escaping non-stop, many soldiers were already surrounded by Jin Xidong.
But so what! This kind of fighting is very mediocre, it is absolutely impossible to stop Jin Xidong.
Especially after knowing Ying Changge and knowing that the other party is not a vegetarian, Jin Xidong felt that he was in danger.
It was obviously a pre-emptive attack, let alone a sneak attack in the middle of the night, but Jin Xidong always felt that something was wrong.
Even so, Jin Xidong was still trying his best to find Ying Changge so that he could be killed.
Coming here from a long distance, Ying Changge’s army is a threat to Goryeo.
It is impossible for him to sit idly by, and his people are quickly gathering together and attacking quickly.
The person who charged into the battle had unexpected strength, and his offensive made a bloody path.

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