On weekdays, Jin Xidong was invincible and invincible. He seemed to be a famous general in Goryeo.
But if he met Ying Changge, Jin Xidong himself really didn’t have any confidence, and even felt terrified.
After waiting anxiously for a few days, Jin Xidong found it strange that Ying Changge’s army still hadn’t come.
Chapter 974: They Are Extraordinarily Loud!
Why is this! The speed of Ying Changge’s army was so slow that it was surprising.
Jin Xidong secretly dispatched his soldiers just to find out the whereabouts of Ying Changge’s army.
Soon, Jin Xidong received his reward. It turned out that Ying Changge’s army was stagnant more than ten miles away.
Such a pause has lasted for four or five days, and Ying Changge has no reason to continue to move forward.
Puzzled, Jin Xidong and his lieutenant got together and chatted for a long time.
What is Ying Changge’s intention? It is obvious that they are here to attack Goryeo, but there is no murderous gesture.
why is that! Could it be that Ying Changge was afraid, afraid of the mighty aptitude of the Korean army?
Thinking of this, Jin Xidong nodded with certainty, “That’s right, it must be because of this reason.”
Since Ying Changge was afraid, he would definitely not dare to move forward and continue to attack.
Jin Xidong had an idea, made up his mind, he must go to attack, and behead all Ying Changge’s army.
Can’t wait to make military exploits, so Jin Xidong rushed forward to attack.
Even though a net has been set up here, Jin Xidong still wants to give up the ambush here.
He and his own soldiers all left in groups, and he must surround and kill Ying Changge’s army.
The Goryeo army was approaching rapidly, mighty and mighty, and the horseshoes of thousands of troops were exceptionally loud.
He had already dispatched his own cavalry to pay attention to the movement on the road ahead, and Ying Changge collected all the information.
Therefore, when Jin Xidong’s army started to move out, Ying Changge just laughed it off, as expected.
Not surprisingly, Ying Changge knew that Jin Xidong’s army must be impatient, so he marched first.
If possible, they must be wiped out in one go, so that the Goryeo army will know how powerful they are.
The reason why Ying Changge’s army is here is to seduce Jin Xidong to himself.
Whenever the Goryeo army has any countermeasures, Ying Changge will ambush his own army to attack.
Unaware of Jin Xidong’s existence, Ying Changge pretended to avoid the Korean army.
Even if the Goryeo army came here mighty and mighty, it’s just a superficial appearance, that’s all.
Ying Changge watched the changes quietly and allowed his barracks to be stationed here, but there was no sign of any change.
When Jin Xidong’s army came here, Ying Changge would take control of the situation and let Jin Xidong fall into siege by himself.
The arrogant and self-righteous Jin Xidong always couldn’t wait to attack Ying Changgebi.
It must be because of Ying Changge’s reputation that they are all very panicked.
If you feel uneasy, your mind will naturally fluster, and Jin Xidong, as the general of the Korean army, is the same.
In marching and fighting, the most important thing is not the strength of the troops. This is just a (obtained) strategy, which is really ordinary.
If you really want to attack the opponent, then you must disrupt the opponent’s morale, or stir up the enemy’s generals.
Jin Xidong is now impetuous, and wants to kill Ying Changge to make meritorious service in a hurry. This is a big taboo.
To kill an enemy on the battlefield, the most important thing is the state of mind to solve it. Unfortunately, Jin Xidong waited too long.
This was Ying Changge’s deliberate delay, just to hone Jin Xidong’s character.
Chapter 975 Not a Reckless Person!
Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows. Ying Changge and his army stayed here, waiting for the rabbit.
A net was laid in the barracks, and Ying Changge waited patiently for the rest.
If the wisher takes the bait, as long as Jin Xidong dares to show up, he will definitely be defeated by Ying Changge’s scheme.
Sure enough, Ying Changge deliberately delayed for a while, and after ten days, Jin Xidong couldn’t wait any longer.
In order to kill Ying Changge as soon as possible, Jin Xidong and his army came forward in a mighty manner.
As long as Jin Xidong messed up, it would be very easy to take him down, everything was under Jin Xidong’s control.
Jin Xidong sent his own characters, each of them rushed to find out the news about Ying Changge.
In his free time, Jin Xidong had already found out the traces and barracks of Ying Changge’s army.
100 Knowing the location of Ying Changge’s barracks, Jin Xidong prepared to send troops without any hesitation.
Ready to go, he and his own troops quietly surrounded him, ready to attack Ying Changge at any time.
As long as Ying Changge can be captured, it will be a great thing to bring him back to Korea at that time!
As usual, Jin Xidong’s dispatch of troops was very reckless, and he always liked to go straight.
When he is ready, he mustThey must fight with all their strength, deal with them together, and capture Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s name is very grand, and everyone wants to defeat Ying Changge, the general (affa) victorious.
Especially knowing that Ying Changge’s army was close at hand, Jin Xidong couldn’t hold back his passion.
As long as Ying Changge can be killed, Jin Xidong will directly become the biggest general in Korea.
Controlling real power and military strength is really exciting, it is Jin Xidong’s dream.
Ambitious and greedy, Jin Xidong has already seen the day when he will make a fortune.
He and his own soldiers swept together in groups, and their figures were quite scattered.
A dense, black shadow quietly approached Ying Changge’s barracks.
In fact, Ying Changge is in control of all this, and knows everything.
It’s just that Ying Changge is pretending not to know now, and patiently waiting for Jin Xidong’s army to approach.
It is a good thing to find out where Ying Changge’s barracks are and where they are.
Ying Changge’s army was in the open, and Jin Xidong was in the dark, so he went to sneak attack Ying Changge’s army and he could easily capture it.
Seeing the figures of Ying Changge’s army from a distance, Jin Xidong estimated that they were all here.
As long as they can be taken down, it will be a good thing, and it is easy to catch them all.
The situation was inevitable, and the wind and fire were in full swing, so Jin Xidong and his men were approaching Ying Changge’s barracks.
The road to Goryeo is wilderness and empty on all sides, it is easy for Ying Changge to escape.
In order to prevent Ying Changge from escaping in the chaos, Jin Xidong must surround him in all directions.
Deploying his own troops, Jin Xidong surrounded them in one go, without making a sound.
The secret whistle that Ying Changge left in the dark also knew about these things, but Jin Xidong ignored them.
His face was calm, indifferent and composed, and he was resting casually in the barracks with his soldiers.
All of this was seen by Jin Xidong. He knew that Ying Changge’s army had no morale.
He is not a reckless person, Jin Xidong will not let his soldiers go out immediately.
Chapter 976: No piece of armor left behind!
The most important thing is to find out the reality of Ying Changge’s army first, so as to avoid crisis.
At this moment, Jin Xidong’s soldiers were looking around to see the number of Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Sure enough, Ying Changge’s army was really lazy. Although the defense was continuous day and night, it was full of loopholes.
This huge barracks was full of flaws, and could easily be wiped out by Jin Xidong’s army in one fell swoop.
What Ying Changge, even though it was so powerful in the rumors, now it seems that it is nothing more than that!
It’s really not as good as being famous, Ying Changge is just laughing and generous! Jin Xidong became confident.
Full of confidence and sure of victory, Jin Xidong felt that the initiative on the battlefield was in his own hands.
On this day, Meng Tian came to Ying Changge’s camp, he was very worried because the army was coming.
“This Goryeo army doesn’t come to attack, they have already surrounded us!” Meng Tian was worried~.
You know, with so many people, each one of them is looking at each other, and they look like they are in a hurry.
Their appearance cannot be deceived by Ying Changge’s eyes and ears, and it is impossible to deceive Meng Tian either.
When Jin Xidong’s army appeared here, Meng Tian was ready to attack first and wipe them all out.
It’s just that Ying Changge gave the order, and it was naturally impossible for Meng Tian to do it, he was very serious.
“How about, let’s play by ear, act first, surround them and fight back!” Meng Tian was serious.
As a general, Meng Tian’s blood boiled with enthusiasm, wishing he could directly kill the enemy without leaving a piece of armor behind.
But Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he shook his head calmly, “Wrong, big mistake!”
“Don’t be in a hurry now. As the saying goes, if the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy moves, I will fight first!”
Ying Changge needs to let Jin Xidong’s army go deep into his ambush before he can catch them all.
Wanting to kill Ying Changge wholeheartedly, Jin Xidong must behead him, and let them all be wiped out.
But if Jin Xidong doesn’t take the bait, then Ying Changge’s arrangement will be futile and ostentatious.
After listening to Meng Tian’s words, Ying Changge resolutely refused, “Don’t worry, play with them again!”
Too early to be worth mentioning.

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