This is really strange! But Ying Changge was not worried, he just walked step by step with his soldiers.
In the barren mountains and wild mountains, Ying Changge and his army set up camp so that they could rest temporarily.
After all, even if Ying Changge wasn’t tired after traveling a long distance, the soldiers under him were all tired too.
They repaired here one by one, and spent a few days in the tent.
Surrounded by water sources and rocks, it is a good place for both offense and defense, and you will not be afraid of being attacked.
Just after dusk, Ying Changge had enough to eat and drink, and immediately let one of his cavalry go out first.
The cavalry is mighty, and it is easy to attract people’s eyes and ears. It really stands out from the crowd, and it shouldn’t be.
Therefore, a small group of soldiers should be sent first, and it would be great to explore the road ahead.
Being cautious and acting according to his ability, Ying Changge immediately selected a cavalry of more than a dozen people.
There are not many soldiers, and the mountains are not high. Ying Changge wanted to let the cavalry go first to find out what was true in Korea.
Ying Changge understands that the sooner he intervenes in the territory of Korea, the more dangerous and turbulent it will be.
Therefore, Ying Changge must have eyes and ears, and be the first to bury his contacts.
Within the territory, there are quite a few soldiers who can protect the frontier, and they must have come to guard against Ying Changge’s army.
With a stern and stern face, Ying Changge was in the camp here, protecting his army.
There can’t be any loopholes in the army, Ying Changge doesn’t want his army to be attacked because of this.
Marching and fighting is the most important thing. Ying Changge must conquer Korea and occupy the country.
In the borderlands, many cities were taken away by the Goryeo army, which is a shame for Ying Changge.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Therefore, he acted with resentment, and couldn’t wait to make a move, wanting to fight this place and repel the Goryeo army.
Ying Changge’s name is really prestige, if it is said, it can deter Jin Xidong’s army.
Without much research on the Goryeo army, Ying Changge didn’t even know who they sent here.
. 0 0
If it was just a mediocre fight, it would be fine to kill them, but this is about the Far Lands.
It is easy to reverse the situation in a land war. After all, a land war has always been fierce.
They are easy to die. On the battlefield, the soldiers will die together. When they are desperate, they die well.
Loyal soldiers are easily injured, Ying Changge loves the people like a son, and likes his soldiers even more.
Once it is a loyal counterattack, no one is likely to be able to stop Ying Changge’s offensive.
The army camped here, and they took turns to stand guard day and night, just to have a good rest.
Otherwise, he would have the energy to fight against the enemy! This is the advantage of Ying Changge’s prudence and.
Chapter 972 Peace is the most important thing, and virtue is the most important thing!
Especially knowing that the Goryeo army is already eyeing them, they will definitely come to attack Ying Changge.
At that time, if Ying Changge’s army is wiped out with poison, many soldiers will be killed or killed!
With such a delicate situation, Ying Changge’s army was already doomed to be exposed.
Like a giant sword, horizontally Goryeo, it is easy to kill them allThe chaos was turned upside down.
Showing his murderous intentions, “One Zero Zero” Ying Changge’s army always approached them aggressively.
All of a sudden, people in Gaoli were in panic, they were all afraid that Ying Changge’s people would attack directly.
Conquering the country, fighting a big fight, this beheading, but there is an unusual chill, the big war is just around the corner.
Staying in the camp, Ying Changge and his soldiers stayed here carefully.
The frontier is in trouble, and Ying Changge has Ying Zheng’s order, so he just wants to show off his army.
Conquering Goryeo is not that simple, but Ying Changge is very confident in order to break through Goryeo.
Such a thing is very simple, that is, kill without mercy, leave no one behind, and let Goryeo die completely.
In the borderlands, Ying Changge’s army was already menacing, showing his sharpness.
Staying here, the border land still hasn’t seen the Goryeo army, Ying Changge is really strange.
If you want to make the country prosperous, peace must be the most important thing, and talents must be subdued by virtue.
But I never expected that Goryeo would take the initiative to provoke a fight, and even violated her own border.
Having lost many cities, such a battle already made Ying Changge very resentful.
Walking quickly, he and his own army crawled forward, while Jin Xidong’s soldiers were silent.
He clearly knew that Ying Changge’s army was approaching, so Jin Xidong had to take precautions.
Not only to avoid Ying Changge, but also to surround Ying Changge’s army quietly.
This was the most important thing, Jin Xidong didn’t dare to be careless, he was already gathering his own strength.
With the order of the King of Korea, Jin Xidong, as a general, has a simple purpose, which is to kill Ying Changge.
Up to now, Ying Changge is Jin Xidong’s most important enemy.
I already knew that the Goryeo army would be waiting for me, but Ying Changge didn’t know where they were…  
On the contrary, the closer it is to the territory of Korea, the more General Jin Xidong understands Ying Changge’s group.
Only by knowing their whereabouts can we be victorious in every battle! Jin Xidong waited patiently, ready to go.
Stay on the sidelines and wait for the changes. Jin Xidong and his soldiers are already ready for everything, and the only thing they owe is Dongfeng.
And what about Ying Changge? It is also facing the difficulties, and it is absolutely impossible to be frightened by the Korean army.
A mere Goryeo, who coveted his own territory, attacked several cities at once.
With the fall of the cities, Ying Changge naturally couldn’t make these cities all belong to Goryeo.
It is amazing that the Goryeo army came here in one go. They are always attacking in one go and domineering.
This kind of power has no future, at least 5.0, it is impossible for the enemy to retreat completely.
Since Ying Changge had a heavy responsibility, he came to attack Goryeo just to wipe them all out.
Fighting on the battlefield, Ying Changge will definitely make the opponent never return, and let them die completely.
But it is a pity that until now, there is still no trace of the Goryeo army, and it is silent.
Chapter 973 The whole journey was calm!
Curious in his heart, Ying Changge didn’t dare to come because he felt that Gao Li’s army was in the top of his heart.
The army continued on its way, stopping and going along the way, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, maintaining its posture.
The speed at which soldiers march is very important, and Ying Changge doesn’t want his soldiers to work too hard.
Once it damages one’s own strength, there is no way to deal with it when the time comes to face a sneak attack.
If he knew that the Goryeo army was so cowardly and cowardly, Ying Changge should go straight to Huanglong and replace Goryeo.
The army was mighty and mighty, coming in rampantly, it was already unable to stop Ying Changge’s murderous intent, it was really heavy.
Even in a short distance, Jin Xidong felt the inexplicable killing spirit of Ying Changge 05.
It’s really amazing that Jin Xidong didn’t even see Ying Changge’s army, and couldn’t see the enemy’s position.
But even so, the Korean general Kim Hee-dong was ready to attack.
Not far away! Ying Changge’s army is not far away! Jin Xidong thought over and over again, and was preparing a good method.
How can they catch Ying Changge with a surprise attack and annihilate their entire army?
After pondering over and over again, Jin Xidong already planned to sneak attack Ying Changge’s army.
He didn’t dare to face the enemy head-on, for fear that his army would die under Ying Changge’s counterattack.
Therefore, the insidious and despicable Jin Xidong can only plan to sneak attack Ying Changge, making him hard to guard against.
“Thousands of troops attack!” Jin Xidong yelled, and then continued on with his soldiers.
Fortunately, Jin Xidong’s men have not been discovered yet, and they can continue to lurk.
Ever since, Jin Xidong and his own staff moved forward cautiously, and Jin Xidong was ready to catch the turtle in the urn.
Separated from his soldiers, Jin Xidong set up an ambush on the only way to Goryeo.
There are many soldiers, many people, and they are on both sides of the road, ready to assassinate the enemy.
Ying Changge was calm all the way, without any twists and turns, he was about to laugh.
Such a strategy is too simple, what is it trying to do? It’s nothing more than waiting for a rabbit!
The more safe the journey, the more it means that the Goryeo army will definitely set up traps and wait for him!
The clever Ying Changge is really clever, and easily solved the conspiracy of the Goryeo army.
At this moment, more or less of the cavalry sent out by Ying Changge came back to inquire about the news.
It turned out that the King of Korea had already sent a general named Jin Xidong to fight against it.
However, Jin Xidong did not show the figure of his army. What does this mean?
Insidious and cunningJin Xidong seems to be ready to catch a turtle in the urn, waiting for Ying Changge to hit the road!
Taking defense as offense, Ying Changge would not be foolish enough to let his army fall into his trap.
100 General Jin Xidong didn’t know much about this, so Ying Changge must deal with the enemy cautiously.
For several days in a row, Jin Xidong did not show up, so he must have made preparations to show a perfect plan.
Jin Xidong will wait for Ying Changge to take the bait, and then wipe out Ying Changge’s army.

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