Ying Changge is willing to lead the attack, so the other soldiers are naturally ready to move, looking forward to it very much.
If there is a word from Ying Changge, then there will be echoes from all directions, and everyone wants to assist Ying Changge in attacking.
Under the great battle, there were hardly many people who were able to stop the Goryeo army, so the cities missed one after another.
Hearing that the Korean army is raging, it must be wiped out in one fell swoop to eliminate Yingzheng’s confidant.
Ying Changge, who is capable of both civil and military skills, is an outstanding talent. Of course, he does his part when it comes to war, and is ready to move.
Such a fight is inevitable, and Ying Changge will lead the army, of course they will all be wiped out.
Patiently preparing, and his own people are ready to go on the road, Ying Changge is picking enough good generals.
Since he wanted to destroy the country of Korea, he had to use all means to do it.
It is easy to kill a few enemies, but if it is to destroy the country, it will be a serious matter.
Such major events require a long-term plan. Of course, Ying Changge has to select the most elite people.
Ying Changge was preparing to go on an expedition, and the news spread directly to the ears of many soldiers.
Everyone knows that the mission assigned by Ying Zheng to Ying Changge, so the soldiers are scrambling to come here.
They turned to Ying Changge one after another, hoping to kill the Goryeo army on the battlefield.
The far-sighted Ying Changge is not in a hurry.
Staying in the army and gathering forces, Ying Changge’s goal is to show off his ambitions, so that he can force Korea to retreat.
Controlling the army and using the force for his own use, Ying Changge must teach Lang Gu’s mad enemy some lessons!
For many years, the well water did not interfere with the river water. Goryeo seemed to be honest and seemed to be in no danger.
But now, Goryeo has finally revealed her wolfish ambitions in order to snatch the territory.
Once it was a fight for the country, it would leave no way out for Ying Zheng, and he was naturally very furious.
Therefore, it was only appropriate to hand over this important matter to Ying Changge, and Ying Zheng was very satisfied.
Under such a fight, no one could stop Ying Changge’s first enemy, and he led the army as if he had the help of a god.
Meng Tian also heard about this, so he came here in a hurry. He came to see Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge speaks, Meng Tian will be able to lead the army to kill the enemy happily.
Let the Goryeo army continue to come, their morale is high, their emotions are high, it is 100% too much!
Arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated. If such a Korean army continues to come, they will surely die among Ying Chang singers.
Think twice, Ying Changge has already gathered several generals, just to conquer them together.
At this time, the purpose of fighting is to paralyze the opponent, and then invite them all into the urn.
Ying Changge, who was sitting on the sidelines, patiently made arrangements and took care of everything on the front line.
He has long heard the news that Ying Changge needs to lead the army to fight, MengNaturally, it is impossible for Tian to be idle.
He immediately came here, stood by Ying Changge’s side, and begged himself to go together.
Chapter 964 The Arrogant Goryeo!
If he can quickly kill the enemy army, this is also a great opportunity for Meng Tian.
After hearing Meng Tian’s request, Ying Changge naturally nodded without hesitation, “Okay!”
With a successful general like Meng Tian, ​​he believed that he would be able to leap as fast as tiger on the battlefield.
Coupled with the dispatch of many generals, they must be aggressive and able to kill the Goryeo army directly.
Be cautious in this battle and fight to the death. For Ying Changge, it will affect the entire government and the country.
The battle of a country is particularly important. The reason why Ying Changge is still preparing is to prepare for the border war.
There are already many Koryo troops fighting in front of their eyes, such a battle can be called unexpected.
In order to be able to block such an offensive, the biggest enemy is not the army of Koryo, but the country of Koryo.
Clear-headed and clear at a glance, Ying Changge knew that his path on the battlefield would not be so simple.
It would be good if it could go smoothly, but it’s a pity that he won’t be able to subdue him in one battle.
The Goryeo army is bound to win, especially impatiently, wanting to destroy all the cities one by one.
This gesture was extremely arrogant. After Ying Changge learned of their whereabouts, he started to prepare.
A great war is about to break out. In such a battlefield, many people will be lost and many dead souls will be ruined.
Ying Changge didn’t want his soldiers to die in battle, but wanted to wipe out the Goryeo army.
The arrogant and conceited Goryeo tried in vain to covet the beauty of the country with such a small force?
It is vulgar! What an audacity. Therefore, Ying Changge must punish them severely!
With Meng Tian coming, there will naturally be other people coming, and they are all famous soldiers.
Hearing the news, he came here to visit Ying Changge.
In Ying Changge’s view, the Goryeo army is exhausted and will die in his hands sooner or later.
On the battlefield, the fierce battle brought continuous news of the victory of the Goryeo army.
This kind of thing made Ying Changge really annoyed, he only owed Dongfeng for everything.
Leading the army to fight, the fights in the city are very cruel, and the borderlands have suffered a crushing defeat.
Their casualties were to be expected, and their deaths would only ruin their lives.
Blood flowed into rivers and corpses littered the fields. It seemed that the Korean army’s offensive could no longer be stopped.
But Ying Changge was exceptionally brave. He raised his fist and swore to himself that he would definitely take back the city.
Especially during the delay of just a few days, Ying Changge heard a lot of news, and the battle report was ugly.
The city was lost continuously, and the Goryeo army always broke through the city and marched with great fanfare.
Under such a fight, Ying Zheng was naturally annoyed. He was annoyed that his troops were so weak.
But fortunately, Ying Changge stepped forward, once he made a move, he would get twice the result with half the effort, and he would definitely be able to protect the territory.
The border land is especially important. Ying Changge must do his best to guard it (obtained) in order to ensure nothing goes wrong.
Intercept and kill the Goryeo army, and let their people come and go, then the war will naturally subside.
This battle, no matter whether it can be successful or not, must first show the momentum of Ying Changge’s army.
Meng Tian followed Ying Changge’s side, his eyes fixed on him, full of confidence, “‘When will we leave?’!”
“It won’t be long, but we won’t be leaving right away!” Ying Changge took a sip of tea slowly.
Chapter 965: The Right Time, Place and People!
Because the Goryeo army has already passed the test, beheaded a lot of troops, and occupied a lot of cities.
This situation is very dangerous, and if there is a slight mistake, it is easy to lose more manpower.
This is not something you can fight casually, you need to be careful to kill the enemy.
Before making any preparations, he would not attack recklessly, which would be tantamount to death.
Marching and fighting requires a certain opportunity, and the general must be thoughtful, and the soldiers must be superb.
Otherwise, relying on this kind of manpower to attack, it would be impossible to take down the mighty Goryeo army.
If the enemy attacks, some soldiers will die. Such a surprise attack must be full of high spirits.
Everything is under control, Ying Changge must explore the mysteries before starting the battle.
As the saying goes, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you will win a hundred battles. With Ying Changge, there will be no good days for the Korean army.
After Meng Tian heard about it, he let Ying Changge send him back and forth to prepare for such battles.
If you want to attack the Goryeo army, the right time, place and people are indispensable. This is the most dangerous battle.
After so many battles, the Goryeo army may not be able to continue to fight successfully.
Because Ying Changge is about to make a move (affa) immediately, if he makes a move, he will shake the world and weep ghosts and gods.
With a lot of fighting, the Goryeo army is always chattering and continuing to attack the city.
Faced with a national crisis, Ying Changge had to act bravely so that he could kill the Korean army.
A group of lawless foreigners fighting like this in their own land? What a skill!
After laughing three times, Ying Changge began to prepare to send troops. He must attack directly from Xianyang.
No matter how many Korean troops he encounters, as long as they can be killed, Ying Changge will not show mercy.
Just relying on an army is absolutely impossible, because it is impossible to destroy the entire Goryeo.
If you want to eradicate the Goryeo army, you must unite with your own people and fight side by side.
Under the war, the Koryo army was full of spirits and morale, and it was an invincible situation.
The soldiers guarding the city are all at the sourceA steady stream of backsliding, their deaths doomed the end.
Under the offensive of the Goryeo army, the cities fell one by one, and it was a crushing defeat.
If the sky is about to perish, then it has to be destroyed, but it is a pity that life is self-reliant, and all variables are under control.
Ying Changge believed that with the strength of his own army, he would definitely be able to kill the Korean army.
If you want to eradicate the grass, you must not be able to let the tiger go back to the mountain. Ying Changge knows the power of Goryeo.
Especially knowing the vigorous posture of the Goryeo army, he dared not stay for a long time.
All of a sudden, many generals rushed here to visit Ying Changge.
As long as he could seek a position from Ying Changge’s side, it would be a serious matter to kill the Goryeo army.
Why don’t the men bring Wu Gou, they are all passionate men, and their purpose is to go into battle and kill the enemy.

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